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*'''The Amherst Initiative'''
*July 29, 2014

We hold that [[communion]] and [[worship]] are the essential basis of civilized living and loving [[service]].

We treasure the age-long [[dialog]] of humans and our [[The Teachers|super-mortal teachers]] that arises from this communion of [[love]].

We hold dear the teachings we have [[received]] as a result of this dialog and regard them as vital to creating a new era of human [[relationships]] on the earth.

We observe that an evolving [[community]] of love is the natural result of our ongoing communion of loving relationships of [[human]] and [[divine]], and that the teachings we have received are their essential [[reflection]].

We therefore recognize the need to compile, [[archive]], publish, teach, and otherwise freely [[share]] this body of teachings according to reasonable editorial and operational [[standards]].

In addition, we recognize the [[imperative]] of protecting and preserving this [[corpus]] for [[future]] generations while also extending this body of work to include related teachings, texts, and [[revelations]].

Because we [[desire]] that these gifts of [[revelation]] become a sustainable and living [[legacy]], many of us have already created initiatives such as publishing entities and educational, spiritual, and cultural centers that [[disseminate]] these [[truths]] to the world.

We believe that the diverse community that has arisen for such tasks has now reached [[maturity]] sufficient to become a self-regulating and self-identifying network of [[entities]] or [[organizations]] who are aligned with one another, one that can be constituted by a simple and minimal set of [[agreements]].

While recognizing the [[beauty]] of the diversity of our far-flung activities, we also recognize that it is good to deliberate on our common [[objectives]] in a spirit of [[unity]] and therefore reach for suitable agreements. We believe we can govern ourselves according to such agreements and thereby honor our teachers who have many times implored us to always work for [[spiritual unity]].

We therefore call for a constructive and open [[dialog]] to be known as the '''''Amherst Initiative'''''. We declare that the Initiative, however it [[unfolds]], will work in a determined fashion toward this end of reaching lasting agreements for the sake of self-

And we now seek to actualize ourselves as an [[inclusive]] community of love that pursues common goals—for the sake of progressing together into the coming ages of [[light and life]].





[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]