
New page: BlackBrookGroupBrazil090205Msgs40Thru44-Envoy-Raziel-Mary_IAM_SeeItThroughKeepYour Faith Msg 40 BlackBrookGroup,Brazil,2.09.05,MessageXL,ACosmicPlanForUrantia Riberao Preto, São Paulo,...
BlackBrookGroupBrazil090205Msgs40Thru44-Envoy-Raziel-Mary_IAM_SeeItThroughKeepYour Faith

Msg 40


Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 2 September 2005

Message XL – A Cosmic Plan for Urantia

Teacher: An Envoy from Edentia

T/R: Silvana Gonçalves

A mission within the Great Mission: enlightenment is the word of action.

Jesus’ coming completed and ended a cycle and consequently began another. Sacred knowledge has been granted to all civilizations, but its use has always been made according to free will. After this period of time, which is very small in planetary terms, there came several flashes of knowledge, always teaching the sacred truth. The Urantia Book was one of the latest to materialize, bringing one more chapter of truth about this planet and the universe you are a part of. The Magisterial Mission encompasses these previous moments and also the coming of beings ready to seed a more collective enlightenment and thus promote the harmonization of the planet. A huge task! For harmonizing the minds on Earth will take hundreds of years. This work is a long-term one, but it is real and integrates a cosmic plan for Urantia that is far greater, more extensive and older than you can imagine. Everything has its time: real facts will confirm this. Minds will awaken and the blockages of the human mind have already started to fall. Just respect and do your part. We bless you with love and peace and thank you deeply for the faith you have in Christ and in ourselves.

The Teacher

Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 14 January 2006




Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 2 September 2005

Message XLI – Exercise Your Faith

Teacher: Raziel

T/R: Silvana Gonçalves

"All those who come in the name of My Father will be accepted". Thus it is and will always be. Have this precept as right and absolute in your restless minds. This is a moment for union and harmony. All points meet in a center, so that the energy of this center can propel your Orb. Be careful with those who present themselves. What differentiates everyone is Love and Faith.

The one who loves and believes does not judge or segregate for basically ideological motives. If he so does, it will be for lack of that luminous substance, that is, for lack of understanding of the Light that emanates from your souls. This Light proceeds from the primary source of all life, the one that makes brothers all of the children of such Light.

Pay attention to your faith, exercise it. In this way you will always know the direction to choose. Your Urantia must prepare herself and you, her children, must also do so. Act in the name of Michael and he will guide you as he has always done, even when you mistakenly thought you were alone. He has never left you and now comes back to fulfill his promise. We believe in this and joyfully ally ourselves with you for this moment that glorifies this Local Universe as a whole.

I am Raziel.

Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 14 January 2006




Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 2 September 2005

Message XLII – I Pray For You

Teacher: Mary

T/R: Silvana Gonçalves

Love. Bless. Pray. Be brotherly and loyal. Raise your thoughts in order to purify your actions. The blue planet is now in a moment of majestic suffering and glory and many of her children cry, many of her children suffer, many of her children lose hope and faith. Actions of love, goodness, dedication and peace adjoin the lenitive that will soothe the suffering brought about by the planetary adjustment.

Spread smiles and words of comfort. Show your brothers and sisters how to talk to Michael, who listens to your simple words and your supplications. Dear children, how happy would we be if only we could soothe the pain in your plane; but we remain compassionate and loving spectators of your misfortunes, for we respect your choices and have the exact dimension of the evolution you are going through. We believe that there will soon be a moment of greater harmony and joy for your hearts, because the great wave will ease.

Have faith and believe that you are never alone or isolated. I pray for you and my prayers are heard. The plan is benevolent and glorious and I now beg you to believe this in your hearts. Feed on faith and on the true belief that you are valiant companions, immensely loved for the only and fundamental fact of unequaled simplicity that you are just yourselves, humans illuminated by the belief in Love.

With love and affection I greet you,


Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 14 January 2006




Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 2 September 2005

Message XLIII – Have Strength, Faith and Hope

Teacher: Unidentified

T/R: Edna Bentivoglio

May there be peace on Earth and in your hearts. All are being tested and called to work. Much has already been said and shown, but there is still much to do. You are always judging and always doubting everything that is shown to you; you are only at the beginning. Have faith and confidence in your teachers, keep your hearts turned to the Father, to your protectors and do not doubt, do not fear. Proceed, for you have never been alone and will never be.

To you were given missions in other times and you did many right things on your way. Do not fall prey to discouragement, stay with your protecting and guardian angels, and nothing shall be denied to you; but do not allow uncertainty to dominate this moment so important and serious for all humanity. The whole planet is pulsing and it will pulse further. Work for the good, for the good as a whole. This is what the Mission expects and works for.

We are always with you; have strength, faith and hope. Always blessed be these meetings; may all receive our thankfulness. May all receive the sacred blessings of those who conduct the Mission, much beyond the understanding of men.

May all receive the blessings of God and of Master Jesus. Stay in peace and may peace permeate all of your steps, your thoughts, your hopes. It will not be long until all see the wonders of this collective work, for this Mission aims at a universal whole. May all have peace. Greetings on the three sacred tips of the triangle.

Unidentified Teacher.

Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 15 January 2006




Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Session of 2 September 2005

Message XLIV, Strengthen Your Faith

Teacher: I AM

T/R: Silvana Gonçalves

Children of my heart, warned have you been about possible inconveniences and disbelief. Steady your thoughts and strengthen your hearts in the righteousness of the way to be followed. Many start the journey, some in the thought that Paradise is right there, around the corner and when they cannot see it they feel disheartened and stop. Others are those who regret the difficulties found and leave their route, unbelieving; but what must drive you is your pure and loving heart, because it will follow the Permanent Source emanating and radiating all the Unconditional Love bestowed upon this planet. In whose name do your hearts encourage you in this journey? Who do your minds look for? Who are you ready to follow? Do you work in the name of the fallible and childish man, or do you work in the name of the One who created you? Do not be discouraged or dismayed before small and illusory obstacles. Strengthen your faith and I once more invite you: follow Me.

With you,


Translated from Portuguese by Frederico Galvão in Brasília, 15 January 2006.