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===Topic: ''The Adventure of Human Life''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
:T'was the night before Christmas,
:And in each human breast,
:Now Michael too was stirring,
:Along with all of the rest.

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Merry Christmas! We come to you tonight on a winter evening, full of thanks and gratitude for your gifts to us, your children. We want to thank the two of you not only for . . . well, Michael, for your birth and your life here on our planet--one amongst all the millions that you have created. We also want to thank the two of you for the full extent of your life, Michael, here on earth, as given in the Urantia Book. It not only gives such great detail of Joseph and Mary, and the world around the time of your birth, but then also the whole rest of your life, year by year by year.

It tells us about when you were four years old, when you were sixteen, twenty. It depicts all the jobs you had, as a farmer, a metalworker, the CEO of a caravan coming back to Jerusalem. There were all the hundreds and hundreds of folks you met in your travels around the Roman world. Then there was your baptism by your cousin, John, when you regained your full self-consciousness as a creator Son of God--as Michael, as you come to us tonight. So we want to thank you on this Christmas Eve. We want to thank you for the Urantia Book and its full story of your life. Amen.
Michael: Good evening. This is Michael, and Mother Spirit and I warmly accept your good wishes. Yes indeed, it is our delight to give all of ourselves, without, in our own way, without holding anything back. We give all of ourselves to our children, just as you give so much of yourselves to your own. This is our generation-to-generation delight. It’s how we repay our parents for giving birth and life to us: we pass it on. This is the true essence of living, is it not, this giving and receiving
*See yourselves, as you too once were
Tonight I would like to look at that little babe in the manger that I was, once upon a time. Yet see not only myself, as you do in all your various Christmas festivities--the little babe there in a manger; and all the circumstances that Mary and Joseph were going through at that time. I would like you to see yourselves there too, as you too once were.

We are somewhat different insofar as I had a choice. My human life was something I definitely chose, but not in any foregone sense of knowing what would happen. For to me too, as you, it was a true adventure, something I would take on without knowing exactly all that would happen. For in this sense, the future has not yet happened for any of us, even my Father.

It was not demanded of me. It was a free choice on my part to have a human life. As you mentioned the Urantia Book, in it are detailed the six previous lives I had as--you might say, a sub-absolute being—an angel, a Melchizedek--all the other lives I had before my human one. But as that little babe in the manger, a gift from my father, I was totally unselfconscious of being Michael, of being a Creator Son of God. That realization would not happen for many, many years. So I was blessed, for a while, to have a purely human life.
*Each little one is a summation of all that went before
That little babe in the manger was blessed, just like you, with the full inheritance of both parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so forth, extending back into time. All this is there in each new little baby. Each is a right-up-to-date, moment-to-moment, recapitulation of the whole evolution of life on this planet. And each planet is, in turn, the epitome of the evolution of life in our whole Local Universe. For none of this is any accident. All life is passed on from a previous time, and each life carries the full weight of all that has gone before it. This is the miracle of an expanding now, a cosmos-wide evolution of all that went before; yet here is the next new moment adding to it, adding to the soul of God’s; and then, in each of our own lives, adding to our souls as well, yours and mine.

Think of all that is involved in every little human baby born into the world. There’s their mother and their father. Think of all the little babies that have to be fed and kept clean in all the places all over the earth. Even today there are those little ones kept inside a coat or a jacket, kept under the covers at night, under the robes, just for warmth, to keep the little ones warm so they can survive through the cold nights and days. There are all those weeks and months and years of these little ones being taken care of and cherished. It’s all that goes into those first few years of human life.

So I was, again, not self-conscious at that time. What a treasure it is for me now, as it is for you, to think back on those times. Spend some time in reverence and awe for your own parents, and all they went through just for you, to keep you fed and clean and alive and well: all that care.

For you mothers and fathers, this is a time to reminisce. You see that little baby in a manger and you remember your own little ones. You remember all those three-in-the-morning feedings, and changing the diapers, holding them and comforting them when they cried, teasing them with little songs and gifts and things--all those promises that you made them. Even for those of you who have not had, or even will not have children, perhaps you are blessed to have your nieces and nephews, or those other little ones around you.
*For those who will not have children…
Keep in mind what the Urantia Book offers those of you who are not blessed to have children. You too will have that opportunity in the next realm, in your next morontia life, those of you who have not raised children. This will be a possibility for you too, to have your own children, to have those tender ones, to help raise them and then have them for all eternity as your children. It’s the parent-to-child bond that is so unique and like no other.

I was blessed, as each of you are blessed, with a human life. Yes, the Urantia Book does give my own life, year by year. Perhaps, as you are privileged and delighted—hopefully delighted—to read it, so too you can recapitulate your own life. You can bring out all those treasures in your soul you may not have considered before reading the book--how you were when you were two years old, or four, or six, twelve or fourteen. These are the events of your life in your soul, co-authored by God--all of it, whether you reminisce on it or not, whether you’ve even considered it. Some folks go through so much of their life with so little reflection, they’re so very instantaneous in here and now.

But at a time like this, when you see that little babe in a manger, and Joseph and Mary there, taking care; then all the angels and the heavenly hosts aware, so they are here too, right now. You too have your own guardian angels who volunteered to take on your life and spend it with you. They are so necessary, and warm and welcoming in your rebirth on the mansion worlds. Your guardian angel carries a right-up-to-date, moment-by-moment, epiphany of your whole life.
*The adventure of human life
What an adventure this human life is. For as you grow older, as you get more and more mature and some really deeper comprehension and appreciation for what time is; what a promise tomorrow is, on into eternity forever. You get a deeper and deeper appreciation for just how open the future is, for all the good and even scary things that can happen there, all the threats that can come your way as a physical being of flesh and blood. Yet with all the delights that that brings as well.

So you get a sense of this eternal now and just how open it is to your own choices, your own free will, your own determination, right in accordance with God’s will, for he is the origin of your own freedom. He is the one that set up the adventure this way for all of us, you and me--to pay attention, to deeply revere all life in thankfulness and worship. This is the unboundedness of life itself and how it is so open to our will, right in the midst of a whole universe of not only his will, but the will of trillions of trillions of personal beings. They are not only your own community, nor even your planetary community too; but then our Local Universe and all that awaits you out here.

This is all in that technical term the Urantia Book calls the Unqualified Absolute, a real absolute reality of potential, of possibility that is as yet unqualified. It is as yet still open, still open to you and to every other personal being. Truly, only God could have imagined and created such a reality that has so much for all of us at every level; all contained in a little baby lying in a manger, or a bed, or in his or her parents’ arms, being comforted and kept warm through the cold nights. There’s the joy in a mother’s and father’s heart as they behold this sweet little creature they have created; and yet, only passed on--this thing called life.

And so we appreciate being children of a single Father, a Father we all hold in common, a Father who sees each one of us in our individuality. And what a tribute to his creativity are all of us, and how he holds us, just as you hold your little ones in such awe and reverence. Here’s another little living being with its own freedom, its own uniqueness like no other.
*Thankful for each; thankful for all
We thank you, Father. We thank you for each of us. And we thank you for all of us that we will come to know in all the years out before us. This is what makes Christmas a time of birth, a time of beginnings--so joyous and merry, so unbounded.
Student: Christ Michael?

Michael: Yes.

Student: Michael, I just want to reiterate how grateful we all are for knowing your life, for being able to have the Urantia Book as a revelation that has changed so many lives. I know it has helped me immensely to have a relationship with my Father, and with you and Mother Spirit. I’m so eternally grateful for that revelation to us, and thankful to you and all the celestial beings for the help that you give us. I just want to say, thank you so very much.

Michael: Well, you’re welcome, my daughter. If I can speak for all the authors of that marvelous book, this is their desire too--just to kind-of broaden you out and stretch you a bit, even tease you a bit with things that you can’t yet know, except in faith. There is that which you can celebrate.
*To recognize and respond
We celebrate this evening your own quality of recognition and response within you, as you read those words and they all make some kind of super-sense. It’s the way it all hangs together to reassure you that you truly are a child of God’s. You live day-to-day in his universe, surrounded by all those beings who wrote the chapters of the book, all the different orders of Paradise origin, and right on down. You’re very welcome. Thank you for your appreciation and your response. And be in my peace.

Student: Thank you. We all love you so very much.

Michael: Are there any more comments or questions this evening? (long pause)

If not, I’ll close this happy event with sending you and all of yours both my own and Mother Spirit’s blessings. We do appreciate how you tune into us and open yourselves, heart and mind and spirit and soul--your whole beings--to the world of spirit, these whole surrounding dimensions of personal value. Your life is not only the physical facts that make up part of you, and especially the whole world surrounding you. There are all the dimensions of your mind that Mother Spirit gives a little boost right inside you; and then her Holy Spirit all around you.
*The spiritual dimensions of value
But then consider the dimensions of spirit, of value, of everything that occurs and has its meaning and place. In this sense your life is all poetry: there’s nothing extraneous. And there’s no bottom to it, or sides, or top. And yet: as you tune into yourself and the world around you, and especially all these other folks whether dear friends or total stranger--this whole world of people all around you in all their thousands of different cultures that give their lives meaning and value: there is that touch of eternity in this ever-present and ever-changing now.

You do have a growing soul, co-authored by the presence of God that holds it all in an eternal suspension. Almost paradoxically, almost contradictory-seeming, but true, as you grow older, as you accumulate more soul experience, even all those previous times clear back into being a little baby yourself, once upon a time; that soulfulness too is opening more and more until some glorious day when you will become one with your own presence of God. Your conscious abilities will have expanded to embrace your own soul and all that you’ve been up to that moment. You will truly be reborn one more time. Once again you’ll be like a little newborn, once again starting out--just as you do every morning when you wake up.
*Keep a beginner’s mind
This is the miracle of birth, of having a beginner’s mind forever. At the same time you have this enormous, enormous soul of all that you’ve known--all the folks you’ve known, all the material stuff you’ve wrestled with, and built with. We thank God for this richness of life, this two-hundred-percent-ness of life that we can’t even begin to hold, but we can touch, and feel how it touches us.

So be in my peace, dear ones. Mother Spirit sends her love. We wish you all a Merry Christmas. Good evening.

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