
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpg '''George Douyon wrote on tml: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:28 PM''' Has anyone come across the latest "fugue" that was published recently from'

'''George Douyon wrote on tml: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:28 PM'''

Has anyone come across the latest "fugue" that was published recently from

'''Rob wrote on tml cc'ing Editorial Group: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:13 PM'''

Hello George!

Yes, it seems to be part of my duty to decide what to do with Ron's missives. In this case, his confusion signifies the insanity of addiction running out of places to hide and shows in some details I list below.

1. His 'fugue' is named Flurry 18, but Flurry 18 is found here ([[2014-05-13-The Flurry 18]]) dated in May of 2014.

2. Confusion of voices - The piece opens in what sounds like Ron, but then we learn it is Michael.

a. "I am writing with a new FLURRY,…….That Proclamation allows me, Michael…."

but then proceeds to have Michael speaking of himself as another

b. "It is being sent to you at the request of The Trinity Teacher Son (Margul), Serara (The Magisterial Son), and Michael of Nebadon."

3. We then are led to believe the Creator Son wishes to forget his 7th bestowal.

"Many will wish to forget Urantia, as they toiled under extremely heavy circumstances that not even a Creator Son wishes to recall either."

4. Then we observe convolution of logic.

a. "I have requested two of these Magistrates to become BESTOWAL SONS
of GOD on Urantia, and eradicate the history of the Jesus bestowal on Urantia"

b. "Jesus will be the bestowal Son of Urantia in spite of what is said above"

5. We witness Michael and the Universal Father at odds over what to do.

"In 2008, Michael left for Salvington after visiting with the Norlatiadek Most Highs, and declared Urantia in default of its responsibilities. The Father intervened and said that Urantia should not be declared in default until it had a bestowal Son"

6. We witness a Most High Regent suggesting to his father to "get Urantia out from under the declaration (of default) by Michael himself."

"Most High Regent, who suggested to Michael that he might want to reestablish the order of divine Son bestowals on Urantia to get Urantia out from under the declaration by Michael himself"

7. We read that the Paradise Trinity recognizes no "Son of record" except Caligastia.

"the Paradise Trinity averred that the last Son of Record on Urantia, was Caligastia, and that such a record needed to be either destroyed or rectified"

8. But wait, reading on we hear that of all the "apostate planets" only Urantia had a bestowal Son of record."

"At this point I wish to state that of the thirty-seven (37) apostate planets including Urantia, only Urantia had a bestowal Son of record"

9. We read that "all who read this are likely to be transferred to Edentia" because we are "dispensational outcasts".

"I further stipulate, that all who read this are likely to be transferred to Edentia, for when I appear as Jesus, those living then and those who lived through this confusion, are dispensational outcasts"

10. Finally, we hear that "history destroyed Jesus' life"

"In conclusion,... the history that destroyed my life on Urantia,...will be renewed as Jesus returns remove the stain of sin of terror and murder and the holocaust of drug taking destroying the fabric of America and the world."

It would appear to many that a question could arise as to what drugs are not being taken by the writer of these words to forestall too many more 'fugues' occluding the real person that is our brother Ron. As such, I have decided not to present this to the public out of respect for the real Ron. If others think differently, I will be happy to consider other options.

:Fugue - in psychiatry, a state or period of loss of awareness of one's identity, often coupled with flight from one's usual environment, associated with certain forms of hysteria and epilepsy.

Looking forward,


'''Marty Greenhut wrote on tml: Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:11 PM'''

Rob, thank you for your review of this Ron Besser Flurry.
I found this Flurry hard to read because of its broken thinking and wording but attributed this to spasmodic T/Ring.

I was very interested in the messages that are reported in this transcript but never do I imbibe T/Rd messages as accurate messaging. Only do they reflect some kind of cosmic family energy that is beyond words. I find it very hard to take Ron Besser seriously because of the difficulty that he has in most of his relationships among us of the Teaching Mission. However, I repeat to myself that Father is no respecter of persons and none of us are perfect yet, so I simply read his transcripts for the messages which are often self aggrandizing but do handle topics that are of great interest to me.

I will confess my difficulty with many TRs. It seems like each TR's product is no more nor less than that personality's voice, heart and mind possessed by another entity or by their own creative soul.
It makes me think of the recent discussion about Dr. Saddler's work as a contact personality and it took over 40 years to get it put together with a questionable degree of accuracy.

I sent this Flurry out to my lists because I do not feel authorized as a judge of these topics, though I once came close to not sending out one of Daniel's which was about world politics.

This is the kind of challenge that we are given now in the correcting time. It will be helpful to remember the mercy ministry and forgiveness that is needed in this world now. We are all going through very significant and difficult changes along with the entire planetary experience at this transitional time.

Thanks again for this very interesting critique. It gives us much to think about.
In Father's love,
