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===Topic: ''The Ungraspable Quality of Personality''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia|Mother Spirit]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, we welcome you--not so much to come and be with us, but because you are already here. You are always here. You yourselves remind us that we can have a conversation with you anytime. Yet we do appreciate how you allow us to hear you this particular way.

Your being part of us--literally being part of our mentality and our experience of life, we can be still and just enjoy your presence, enjoy feeling you being part of us. Then if we are really careful to relax and formulate our questions in our mind, sometimes the very next thought, the very next impression, the very next feeling, we recognize is coming from you. So for this ability of yours, and your encouraging us to be in contact with you, we do thank you. Amen.
Nebadonia: Good evening, my children. This is Nebadonia, your Spirit Mother. You truly are our children--Michael’s and mine, and we enjoy most of all your just being yourselves and expressing your personality that you get directly from God. Unlike some human mothers and fathers who want to control you, and dictate things to you, and tell you how to be, we enjoy you coming from your own creative spirit, discovering it and then using it. In this we like to let you be yourselves and discover ''what'' you are in your day-to-day life with each other. This is what we encourage all human mothers and fathers to do as well--really appreciate the very differences that their children begin to express.
*The ungraspable quality of personality
This can cause so much consternation and worry about, “Why aren’t my kids more like me?” Yet this is the miracle and the mystery of personality itself, coming from the enormous mystery of God himself. It’s what it is to be a parent and have children. Know that, in part anyway, they do come from each of you. Motherhood and fatherhood are transcendent realities because yes, while your children do come from you in a physical way, their having their own unique personalities means that their creative spirits are also individual and unique. It’s the part of them that all of you are using to co-create your own lives.

This is something that Michael and I also enjoy. We too are two-part in the sense that our own living reality is part discovery--in our case a whole universe that we are tuned into--and yet too, part of our own creation. This is what makes all personal life transcendent. It’s what your Urantia Book calls being ''''super-minded''''.

In your case you have not only the physical activity of your brains--all those billions of cells interacting with each other--but with your creative spirit involved in all that you do, all that you experience, this is what makes you super-minded and not just some super intelligent animal.

As much as your pet cat or dog seems to take on a personality, this is not truly a personality coming from God, as is yours. They have no real creative spirit. Even their mentality is so determined by the particular breed that people have developed over thousands of years. So of course they have no true soul, counter-parted as yours is by an individual presence of God within them. They have only, shall we say, physical brain activity and memories.
*Everything you experience is partly your co-creation
So in this sense, what Michael and I most object to is people talking about the “animal part” of people. Because as you experience life as a unique personality with a creative spirit, even your own physical-ness--and everyone else’s--is a co-creation of your own perception. Think about your life when you are busy with your work. You can lose consciousness of your body for hours on end when you are totally absorbed in something else. Even your own body awareness comes and goes.

It’s your personality that has the transcendent ability to unite all these different parts of you and make them one living being for you. In this sense, my dear ones, you are a spiritual being. You are never ''just'' physical or ''just'' mental. And as your soul provides so much of the value that you experience in things--let alone other people, even this is unique to you and like no other person’s. No other person had your unique soul-experience of life.

Michael and I rarely talk directly about human sexuality, but it is true that, like the two of us, you are projected in two very different--but complimentary--forms. It’s the loving and sharing these very differences, and finding so much delight in them, that I would like to address. Because human sexuality is also such a transcendent feature, being a living combination of ''discovery'' and ''co-creation''. The discovery part is, of course, when as a youngster you find out you are one of two physically different kinds of people. But even that is, in itself, such an enormous cultural thing. Think of the whole cultural evolution of the human race for the last million years. Even today, because Urantia has such a checkered spiritual/cultural past--to say the least, even today you have the most primitive, tribal type social organizations on the same planet as the most sophisticated and advanced.
*Sex—part discovery and part self-created
So this too is part of that ''discovery'' of who you are as a sexual being. It is so determined by the culture in which you were raised, and the importance given it in meaning and value. Yet it is also a wonderful--again transcendent--fact that, due to each individual’s ''co-creation'' of themselves and others, all through history men and women have, as loving couples, created their own unique relationship that transcended the culture in which they were raised. This is the power of love. This is the power of spiritual sharing. This is what we encourage all of our children to be able to do--to be with another person and take responsibility and glory in the fact you two can create your own universe of meaning and value through your divine aspect of sharing. This is triumph of all the trust and openness that is a prerequisite for sharing—the learning and then enjoying this trust--learning how to trust another. Then there’s the glory of doing it, the courage it takes to open yourself to your most tender being. What a triumph! What a wonder and wonderful thing it is to share your life with another.

The Urantia Book teases that the two sexes are like two different species learning how to get along with each other. Yet again this aspect is mostly cultural. In some cultures the infant boys and girls are separated at a very early age and so, later on, sometimes strictly by family arrangement, or even on a tribal level, when they are put together as a couple, they have had almost no experience of each other at all. Consider all the tragic misunderstanding that comes about, all the domination and trying to totally control another person that stems from that. It’s where the strangeness and differences of the sexes is so paramount that discovering and sharing their transcendent common humanness is lost.
*Sex and culture
So in your more advanced cultures you can glory in the fact that from a very early age, even before kindergarten, sometimes with brothers and sisters, or other times with the kids on the block, each has shared so much with the other they know each other not so much as male or female, but as individuals--this person, that person. It’s so fun to see a bunch of little first-graders being led down the sidewalk, all holding onto a clothesline so they don’t get off into the street. There you see a dozen little girls and boys and just how different and unique each one seems to be.

So much glory is potential here in basic differences, so much enjoyment, so much delight, and so much sharing. So we would suggest that you appreciate even the different pattern that you are, and realize that it is your unique personality that is involved in all of your self--physical, mental, spiritual, soulful, and social. You yourself are co-creating all of this--along with what you simply discover moment-to-moment.

This is why we suggest the particular meditation of stillness. Contrary to some kinds of good meditation where you are focusing entirely on, shall we say, a spiritual truth, or maybe some puzzle about reality, now you’re just being still and open-minded. Instead of withdrawing yourself to some pre-conceived notion of spirituality, you stay in contact with your physical self so you are all here, keeping in mind that spirit is that dimension which includes everything, the physical and mental.
*Start meditating
One way to get started and not loose awareness of your body, off in daydreaming or whatever, you keep aware of your breathing, even your heart beating, in a worshipful welcoming of appreciation. You can count your breath up to ten, then over again, so if you aren’t sure if the last breath was number seven or eight, or all of a sudden you are counting 21, 22, 23… This is a way of letting yourself know you have strayed away into some kind of daydreaming or just automatic counting. Stillness meditation is to stay here-and-now and not get lost in planning for the future, or memories, but keep them conscious. It’s to realize ''this'' moment, ''this'' day in all its uniqueness, provided by God and his whole universe all around you where everything is in motion, everything is changing.

It’s to practice simply, and therefore profoundly, being here and now. So when you get up, we suggest walking around slowly for a while, getting back into your on-going activities. Keep this hyper-conscious continuity you are choosing to create. You will find that practicing here and now becomes an ability that transforms and so connects and transcends everything else.

We call it ''establishing a home base in spirit'' that stays with you and adds a spiritual consciousness of value to your everyday life. This way you can treasure the differences of yourself and your fellow human beings. It’s the individuality you can discover in yourself and every other person you meet, the uniqueness of God’s creations. Perhaps you might even find yourself being extremely, extraordinarily joyful. This too could be your gift to all of them.

Now if you have any questions or comments, let’s continue this discovery of our creativity.
Student #1: Thank you, Mother Spirit, that was beautiful. This is ''Name'' and I just want to thank you for being such a great mother. I too am a mother, and a grandmother, and it has brought me the most delight in my life. I am grateful you are so accessible to us all.

Nebadonia: Yes, my dear, I hope you can actually feel me and realize I am part of everything you are thinking and doing and sharing with others.
*The origin of female and male
Tonight I wanted to get into the differences that Michael and I too have because we are the first beings down from the Trinity that have these differences. As you know, the trinity of God the Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit are only given male designations as a matter of convention. They actually contain both sexes as first sources. When you get down to the Master Spirits, then the Ancient of Days—the heads of the Super Universes, keep in mind that while these are all individual personal beings, they are also spirit dimensions surrounding you, as are the members of the Trinity. Most religions teach God’s omnipresence, but you are also in the space of the Ancient of Days of your particular Super Universe. These are the dimensions of their being that you will encounter as you become more and more sensitive to them in your future life.

As your Urantia Books says, you enjoy about thirty dimensions of reality as a human being, while the particular beings of the Central Universe, Havona, enjoy some three hundred dimensions. So this is what you have to look forward to. You will slowly be encountering and making them your own, these dimensions you might say are the free-space extensions of their personal spirits, like my Mother Spirit presence in our local universe.

So yes, your own motherhood, and then too those of you who knew a wonderful father, a spiritually generous father, experienced this is also where the two sexes are so complimentary and equally wonderful and loving. Thank you, my dear.

Student #2: I was just wondering: is stillness similar to worship, or is it something a little different in its own way?
*Worship as appreciation
Nebadonia: There again, as with my lesson tonight on both discovery and co-creation: it is a bit of both. Yet we do make a distinction. We think of worship as appreciation--appreciation for being alive, and for being all this complex being that you are. Yet meditation as a kind of stillness is not only worship, but a way of self-discovery, a way of staying here-and-now. It’s actually your becoming here and now, a way of tuning in to all that is, and you are.

In this way they are so totally linked together like a living, biological thing where all the cells are connected. Stillness is both appreciation and being open to the higher spiritual beings that are part of you--Michael and I, and God’s presence as your Thought Adjuster. In meditation you’re allowing him to adjust your thoughts. So it is part appreciation and part tuning in to the spiritual aspects of your own self, realizing that you are co-creating all this experience, inside and out.

Worship can extend to your whole life. Just think what your life would be without appreciation. There is nothing you can do or have--even a possession--of any value if you don’t appreciate it, if you don’t, in a sense, give it value. In one way meditation is taking up part of your life just to be still, to appreciate, to open yourself to spirit value. This is that appreciation.

Student #2: OK! Well, thank you very much.
*Difficulties in starting meditation
Nebadonia: For some folks when they first start meditating, you might say they are so behind in terms of their own self-reflection, for quite a while it’s the more negative aspects of their life that they’ve tried to put out of their mind and ignore, or tried to suppress. Sometimes these are the first things that pop up. So they think: Why meditate? Every time I sit down and try, it brings up all the terrible things that have happened to me, or I’ve done.

Yet you have to wade through these to develop the enormous trust in yourself and your spirit. Only by doing so can you get a new outlook on your past. Now a more mature you, a more experienced you can re-experience a lot of these terrible things and get above them by bringing them into consciousness. It is the only way to keep them from constantly badly affecting you.

Before this transmission you talked about some folks having their whole life more or less destroyed by clinging on to the terrible things that happened to them. Yet if these things remain unconscious, it means that rather than you having them consciously, and understanding them, they still have you. So meditation is a way to get beyond all this and let the past be the past.

Student: I try to look at my past as stepping-stones, as: I did what I did at that time. That was where I was. As I grow I make better choices. So I don’t feel any real regrets about the past because I didn’t know any better then. That is just part of learning.
*Seeing the past as stepping-stones to be here-and-now
Nebadonia: Well, my dear, you’ve found a way of being here and now. Let the past be the past and see it as stepping-stones. Without them you wouldn’t be where you are now. So yes, this is a wonderful way to look at it. All of a sudden you realize you’re at a higher point because of those stepping-stones. Without them, without those experiences, you would not be where you are. It is good to have that outlook on things. It’s an accomplishment.

Student #2: Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it.

Nebadonia: And I appreciate your take on things, my dear. It is almost a definition of maturity--to be all that you are. Be in my Love.

Student #2: I love you, Mother Spirit. I don’t think of you all the time, but when I do, I am so grateful and thankful knowing that you are my mother and you are always with me. It is a very comforting, secure feeling.

Nebadonia: And some day, my dear, we will meet face to face, and then we can give each other a big hug.

Student: Oh yes!--yes.
Nebadonia: Well, my dear ones, what a joy it is--this sharing our lives. As I said, Michael and I are thrilled that you have a unique personality from our Father, from God. So much of our appreciation is of his handy-work. This is what we offer you to be aware of, even beyond the profound differences of sexuality, of being projected in two complementary forms, if you will. That too was God’s idea as he gave birth to Michael and me.
*See through sexuality to the personality and soul
We invite you to see even beyond this difference to each individual personality--male or female--that you encounter. See each personhood in all their being--physical, mental, spiritual, and especially soulful—their whole lifetime of experience that is, in itself, counter-parted by God.

What a marvel. This is one proof of God, because what other kind of being could come up with a universe full of such personal beings?

Michael sends you his peace, and I bid you go forward, go forward with my love. Good Evening.

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[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
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