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===Topic: ''Networking in Father's Will''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time together as your
children in this wonderful family of support that you provide to us to
outwork our lives in the material realm. We are here to participate in the
furtherance of the Magisterial Mission-to provide that organic environment
you need to imprint more of your divine energies into planetary
consciousness as well as into our own individual systems. Thank you for
opening this circuit and connecting us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul,
spirit-to-spirit. Thank you for the preparation here within us now as we
begin our focus and as we receive the words of our Magisterial Son. Thank
you, and may your WILL be done.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, one and all! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased
to join you once again in this form to focus for the furtherance of the
mission to implement here on the earth plane. As you know, your planetary
system of consciousness is undergoing change, and this change requires time
and focus from the human perspective for more of the divine patterns to be
in-worked into your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Planetary consciousness is a very complex interlacing of energies operating
at various frequencies. It is a network, as you call it, and there is a
relay system in place that directs certain thought forms and emotional
energies in certain directions. Your scientists are beginning to have
insight into this complex interlacing of energies, defining it in certain
ways, developing applications for its use in various ways, and your planet
will continue to grow in comprehension of these energies and how to use them
in concert with the Father's plans of creation and ascension.

You all have various forms of energies operating within your beings. Your
thoughts run in certain patterns, your emotions stimulate certain feelings
based on your perception of your environment and other factors. You live in
this complex interlacing, this networking of energies, and so we are here to
help you to learn how to use this network for higher purposes all according
to Michael's plans of correction for Urantia, including this Magisterial
Mission in which you are now participating.

It will require time and effort on your part to come into a deeper
comprehension of how to use these energies. When you are in stillness, you
may direct your thoughts toward learning about them and how to use them.
But there is no teacher better than experience. That is what we are here to
provide you today that you may practice how to engage with this complex
networking of energies, and to begin your integration into them in a way
that will connect you to others who have similar spiritual interests and
desires for planetary healing and transformation. To begin, we will help
you become more aligned in what these energies mean for you, and then you
will have some time to practice focusing this into the planetary collective
consciousness circuit.

Settle into your hearts. Take some time to quiet your thoughts. I invite
you to focus on the words NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL. If you desire,
you may place this focus over your heart center but hold your gaze steady on
this, as well as to feel your desire for this to move into your systems and
teach you what the Father wishes to disclose into your hearts and minds. Do
your best to keep your analytical thought processes out of your mental
streams. If you focus on your hearts, this will assist that and help you
imprint upon these energies so they may function in you more effectively:

Much of what attracts you to another person functions below the
consciousness of your awareness. There are many influences and factors that
draw you to certain individuals or circumstances of life, and it is part of
this networking that exists in the currents of consciousness. When you
focus on NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL, you bring yourself into alignment
with what the Father wishes to manifest through your efforts, desires and
intentions. You cooperate with divine plans and purposes. You are drawn to
those individuals with whom you can share spiritual ideals and information
and gain from a more mutually satisfactory and spiritually driven kinship.
This will over time build a new social order.

Your world is in the early stages of this now, moving away from the
separation mentality that fosters mistrust and suspicion-self-centeredness
at its core. You are moving into this social order that breeds harmony,
tolerance, cooperation and enhanced communication of ideas that you may be
better prepared to deal with conflicts which inevitably arise in human
relationships. As you imprint upon this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL,
you may begin to organically notice that you are drawn to more individuals
who are likewise spiritually inclined and socially motivated to participate
in transformation. Continue to receive. (Pause)

You are living in an era of enhanced social networking brought about by
certain technologies that foster global communication. This is one of the
forms that you can cultivate to further your own individual expansion into
being with like-hearted and like-minded individuals. And it is only one
way, and we encourage you to contain this deeper infusion of NETWORKING IN
THE FATHER'S WILL that you may employ these energies in the ways you
interact with society as a whole.

Developing loving social relationships is one of the challenging aspects of
the Correcting Time. You have spent many years learning about the practice
of stillness and how it fosters your own spiritual transformation. This
still serves as the underlying foundation upon which the new social order is
constructed, for spiritually awakened and motivated individuals will then be
drawn into social relationships with others, and it will progress and grow
and yield beautiful fruits of the spirit that will one day culminate in the
era of Light and Life upon Urantia.

So desire this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL, my brethren, and if you feel
so inclined, focus on your need to be engaged and connected with others, and
let the Spirit forge new relationship bonds that will delight and stimulate
you. Continue to receive for a few more moments before we direct your gaze
into planetary consciousness. (Pause)

You may now shift focus, if you desire, to the planet in your mind's eye
before you, to the words NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL in your mind's eye,
and spiral that around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise
rotation. Let your desires for this flow from your hearts into the planet.
Maintain that focus for as long as you can while we minister in these
circuits now. (Pause)

There is much beauty to be developed in this networking configuration.
Harmonious, affectionate, constructive social relationships are indeed
pleasing to the divine eye and heart. You all have been seeded with this
desire. Some individual's sense is greater than others, and over time this
desire will flow into planetary consciousness and move greater numbers into
this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL of spiritually enhanced social
relationships. So do your best to maintain this focus for a few more
moments. (Pause)

Now if you like, you may place your gaze upon those individuals or
circumstances or groups with whom you would wish to network. Be as creative
and imaginative as possible. We encourage you to think big here. Think
globally, and as you place your gaze upon those individuals or groups or
circumstances we will follow you and add more of what we can into this
NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL Take your time and let your gaze extend as
far and wide as you desire. There are no limits here and we seek your
heartfelt desires to be more interactive with others who are so spiritually
inclined. (Pause)

There is much potential good to be developed to your enhanced social
interactions. Look to this time when you are connected to those
individuals. Pay attention to how you are being guided or prompted to say
something, go somewhere to meet an individual or group. You never know
where the Spirit will lead you so it is important to stay awake and
observant. You will be much delighted how you develop these relationships.
That is all a part of connecting you in this great interplay and interlacing
of the energies of the Father's WILL. You are learning how to participate
more cooperatively, releasing your own agendas in favor of the greater good
manifesting through your effort.
So let us conclude once more by directing our thanksgiving up to the Father
in Paradise for His manifold and magnificent, divine, creative ways. Let
your hearts pour out your appreciation for how you are being guided to
participate in this massive unfolding of His LOVE throughout creation.

Father, we of the celestial realms join together with our human brethren to
raise our voices in appreciation for how the divine plan manifests
throughout our life, especially here at this material level on Urantia
during this Correcting Time. Receive our appreciation and love of your plan
and the ways in which you function in human life. Thank you for your
indwelling Spirit guiding them each day, helping your children communicate,
coordinate and cooperate with you a little more each day. May your WILL be
done through these men and women with great joy and love in their hearts.
Thank you. (Pause)

My dear brethren, what joy you give us when you participate with us in these
circuits of cooperating and developing in the Father's WILL. Stand in these
energies of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL that more energy may come into
your systems of consciousness to connect you with other groups with whom you
can share and grow. It is, after all, the way in which LOVE takes form and
shape through your interactions and experiences with others. It is the raw
material of your heart growing these dynamic relationships.

We encourage you to maintain that focus and desire. Drink deeply and draw
upon this well of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER'S WILL, and be delighted at who
comes upon your path-a new brother or sister to love, a new situation to grow in the Father's WILL. It is all available to you and you are learning
how to function as a cosmic citizen in the fields of consciousness. (Pause)

I will leave you now in this manner my brethren. However, many will attend
to you and help you absorb what we have seeded into you that you may use
this and develop more harmonious, loving, spirit-filled relationships. Let
your angels pave the way. The Father's presence within guide you as to the
words you convey or the emotions you express and learn how to consciously
participate in this great interlacing of energies that comprise the Father's
WILL out in the universe. You are learning important lessons. They are all
aiding your soul growth, spiritual comprehension, transforming the world a
little bit more each day.

Thank you on behalf of our celestial host for your continued trust and
devotion to the Magisterial Mission and the Correcting Time. Good day, my
beloved brethren.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]