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===Topic: ''Networking in Father's Will''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we center ourselves in you, we open our hearts to our Magisterial Son. We give you our mind circuits to participate with our celestial brothers and sisters in the furthering of the Magisterial Mission here upon Urantia. Thank you for connecting us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit. Thank you for providing us with the energies that we need to focus on today that we may participate more fully with you and all that are helping us to create the circuits of the Father’s WILL here in our planetary consciousness. Thank you, and may your WILL be done.
SERENA: Greetings, my beautiful brothers and sisters. This is Serena and I will be facilitating your focusing efforts today. Take a few moments to center your gaze in your hearts. This is a powerful portal of spiritual circuitry, and we use the energies you emit from your hearts to support the transformation of planetary consciousness. The last sessions have brought you into the circuitry of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL.

I invite you to focus on these words now. If you can, envision them in your mind’s eye over your heart centers, and allow these energies to circulate around your systems. This is an infusion that occurs at various levels and dimensions of your beings. You are at a certain dimension of your being constructing new circuits to help you be more available to following the Father’s WILL for your lives—to build, as you might say, a network of His WILL within your thought constructs and memory patterns to support your continued development of your relationship with the Father Within.

This is an over-lighting of spiritual circuits upon those memory patterns within your consciousness that require transformation. This infusion also is designed to support your connection to other individuals who are on a similar spiritual journey and to build a social infrastructure of what it means to be connected and operative in your material life in conjunction with the Father’s plans for your own lives and for all life here on Urantia. This is a necessary component of the Correcting Time. We are here to help you receive and imprint upon these circuits, and all is required of you to simply desire this. Receive this now and let us help you imprint upon this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL.

Let us begin. Breathe deeply and let your desires to be more tightly interwoven into the Father’s WILL take precedence in your thoughts as you relax into what we are sharing with you now: NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL. (Pause)

What is a network? You might consider it as an interlacing of distinct and individuated parts of functioning for a common goal or good. You physical bodies are highly complex networking mechanisms. They all function to maintain your physical well-being, even though they do operate to perform certain bodily activities to support your overall health. Let your bodies respond to this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL. You imprint upon more of His LOVE, His design, His plans that will help you maintain a better physical form and structure of maintaining your overall health.

Let this infusion operate not only at this physical level, but invite it to move through your emotions and your thoughts, and invite your indwelling Father fragments to help you assimilate and acclimate to what these energies can do to support your spiritual growth and soul development. (Pause)

The Father’s WILL is energy—dynamic and very active. As you grow in comprehension of who you are and how the universe operates in the Father’s WILL, will you see more of the patterns of His creative design and how this network of Father’s WILL helps you grow and develop in the LOVE and WILL of CREATION.

Your planetary consciousness is beginning to understand these components of the Father’s WILL. They understand there is an energy field that is highly connective and integrative. And this is all part of the change in the way in which you see your culture, to help you make that transition from a sphere isolated by rebellion to a world functioning now with more circuitry connected to the universe. This has immense individual and social ramifications, and you are going through an intense time of growing in your awareness of being connected to the whole. You are moving away from the type of thinking that only sees the part–the separation. And your consciousness is being reconditioned, you might say, to understand the greater networking that occurs within the various bandwidths of consciousness that operates the universe in alignment with the Father’s plans and His ways.

Much of your ascension careers are devoted to the study, exploration and experience of this. But what you need now, individually and collectively, are these circuits to help you align better in the Father’s WILL. This networking infusion is designed to support this growing awareness that you may operate more as one in unity of Father-consciousness. Let these energies continue to imprint as these words reach down into your consciousness to support your experiential understanding of what this means for your lives. (Pause)

Join with us now in that familiar gaze into your planet’s consciousness. Let the energies of your heart send forth that message of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL to spiral around the planet, counter-clockwise, north to south poles. We will amplify what you generate and supply it here, adjusting the various circuits in your planetary consciousness to assimilate these energies into the various circuits that are ready to receive this now. (Pause)

You know your planetary social order of life is changing. There is a certain degree of chaos in this CHANGE energy before the social order redefines and aligns itself in Father’s WILL. This is underway, but it does require time and the participation of more individuals who are dedicated to serving the Father’s plans of correction and creation. We encourage you to stay focused and positive, even though you see things changing and they appear to be dire changes. But this is part of the outworking, and as these new energies are applied into your consciousness, they shed light on what is hidden from the past to reveal what is of the darker nature stored within human consciousness. But your Father Michael is here to share with you His mind, and you can always be in that network of Michael mindedness when you find yourself faltering—succumbing to fear, doubt and anxiety.

This infusion today is designed to help your planetary culture open to more of Michael and that your Mother may apply more of these spirits of LIGHT, LIFE, LOVE into the planetary consciousness, that more hearts may open and turn to Michael, to receive His LOVE and grow in Him. So let this networking take deeper root in you and share it with the planet. And let this energy flow now where we might amplify the circuits where more change-transformation is necessary. (Pause)
One day when you are on the spheres of the mansion worlds, you will be able to perceive Urantia from a different dimension and see this networking growing, pulsing, activating more hearts and minds to the Father’s WILL, and you will take pride and joy in knowing that you have participated in building these circuits of the Father’s WILL upon your native sphere. You will have gained much in understanding, experience and appreciation for the nature and function of the Father’s WILL into the material worlds of time and space.

Much of what we ask you to collaborate with us is a venture of faith on your parts. One day you will be able to enjoy a much richer comprehension of what it is you are doing with us. As we continue to move in these circuits, allow the ideals within your hearts and the idealism that you carry within to send that signal into the planet’s consciousness that more people may open and join in the great healing and transformation of Michael’s sentimental shrine–beloved Urantia. (Pause)

Join us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise, thanking the Father for His patterns forming this network into and upon Urantia’s consciousness. Thank our Paradise Deities for the networking of their energies as the Paradise Trinity as they send forth their LOVE out into time and space, amplifying the circuits of Urantian consciousness in their LOVE. Let your hearts open in thanksgiving of how the Father’s network of LOVE heals this world. (Pause)

My dear brothers and sisters, we are so grateful for your participation with us. As you descend back to Urantia, see yourselves standing on the ground in this energy infusion of NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL. Send it deep into the earth that life may conform in and through the Father’s LOVE and GRACE and that the glories of Paradise may imprint into Urantian consciousness to help more and more children awaken and the life forms here calibrate in His LOVE.

The transformational energies are growing stronger and much is changing. Be patient with yourselves and with one another as more of this change embraces this world. As you send this NETWORKING IN THE FATHER’S WILL into the earth, we will join you there and add more of what we can to help you and all life here open to the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)
As we conclude this call in this format, know that you will continue to receive and imprint upon these energies. We ask you to send these forth from your hearts into the planet’s consciousness from time to time as you go about your daily activities. We will meet you there and add what we can to what you generate of your desires for Urantia to gain her rightful place and stature in the Father’s universe home, and to prepare the environment for a Paradise Son to walk upon the earth in human form as one of you when the conditions are ripe and fertile for the planet’s evolution into the days of Light and Life. We thank you, we love you and we are here for you. Be at peace, my dear brothers and sisters, and journey in the Father and His Joy of LIFE and CREATION. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]