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===Topic: ''In This We Are Grateful''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends and students on the [[path]], on behalf of my colleagues, the Circle of Seven, and all the [[Mansonia Teachers]], I would like to extend to you our [[sincere]] and heart-felt [[gratitude]] for participating with us in the Great Plan to bring your world back into the fold of Father’s Will — to bring [[Life and Light]] to this most [[Urantia|unusual planet]]. Each one of you, as [[Agondonters]], plays an important role in this effort, no matter how great or how small you think that effort is — all, as a combined chorus in the grand opus of cosmic [[progress]], adds his or her voice to the variegation of faithful voices who knowingly holds the [[values]] of [[Tbg|Truth, Beauty, Goodness]], [[Compassion]], [[Mercy]], [[Forgiveness]], and [[Love]] above the many discordant and confused voices of a world in contrast to these fruit-bearing values of Light. We thank you and [[hope]] that you will continue to grow with us and shine your light with even greater brilliance into the coming year.

“We are all so very [[blessed]], whether you know it now, or realize it later as you look back on your [[journey]] having lived a life on one of the most challenging worlds of nativity there is in [[the universe]]. You have no idea how important this life on [[Urantia]] is for your [[ascendant career]]s or for the epic movements you shall some time participate in as you masterfully demonstrate the [[leadership]] and [[experience]] of a truly weighty [[soul]] full of [[love]] and [[mercy]] — a reflection of [[the Father]]’s image in [[time and space]].

“Please take a moment and express your [[gratitude]] with us for the opportunity to grow [[your soul]]s in the treasure-rich life of the cosmic school of ‘hard knocks.’ The most wonderful thing to consider is that no matter where you find yourself in life on Urantia, every [[opportunity]] to grow awaits you in the journey to [[perfection]]. If you feel you have been limited in your experience here in this life, please know that there are no limitations in the worlds to come — [[the universe]]s were born for your [[exploration]] and [[discovery]] — every desire to serve and grow shall be extended unto you, yet the ‘[[foundation]] value’ of such a life on your world shall serve to be invaluable in your unique experiential journey [[home]]. The priceless treasure on Urantia is in the people — the [[relationships]], the lessons of [[love]]. Take full advantage of the opportunity to reach out and touch another life and discover the Father’s [[countenance]] in the eyes of your siblings.

“We hear repeatedly from many souls here on [[mansonia]] how they regret not taking full [[advantage]] of the opportunities that were available to them while on the earth — that they wasted their time on petty [[material]] pursuits or allowed fear to seize them from making bold [[decisions]] that could have changed their life and enriched [[the soul]]s of others. Many of these souls now work with us to assist in the [[rehabilitation]] of the earth in ways you cannot now comprehend. Always is there a way for you to serve and grow — whether here or hereafter. Blessed are you [[students]] on the path that know these things and can rejoice in the [[difficult]] lives you live that are so rich in the opportunities to grow! In this we are [[grateful]] — in this we give thanks and rejoice!
“Blessings unto you and your [[friends]] and [[families]], and [[glory]] to our Creator-Father for the gift of life!

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster|I AM]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2015]]