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===Topic: ''Reserve Corps and Active Duty''===
===Group: [[Unknown|Unknown Teacher Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher: “Dear child, you have come to realize that you are indeed part of a [[Reserve Corps]]. As you have [[expressed]] your [[desire]] to be of higher service, you have been immediately enlisted in that special corps. What does it mean? It means that you are counted as one mortal of the realms who stands ready to jump into [[action]] whenever you receive your marching orders.

“Yours is only to express your heartfelt desire to participate in higher [[service]]. Ours is to determine how to put your [[skills]], life experiences and spiritual [[insights]] to appropriate use.

“You are definitely registered on our map as one of our associates. You could be compared to a [firefighter. Firefighters stand ready to jump into action whenever their [[attention]] is called to a raging [[fire]]. The rest of the time they are on stand-by, working on their skills in order to improve upon them.

“Do not be concerned if there are days when you feel you are on stand-by. What matters is that you live with [[awareness]], that you do not fall spiritually asleep. By expressing daily your [[intentions]] to be an instrument of the [[Divine]], you are showing up for the divine roll call. [[Relax]] into your day knowing that you will know when [[opportunities]] of service arise.

“Ours is to create such opportunities. Ours is to [[connect]] the dots. We are the heavenly strategists figuring out effective chess moves. You are a willing [[pawn]] on the chess board, trusting in your heavenly Commanders.

“At times you may be in the reserve army and at other times you may be on active duty. Both phases are important as it is most important for a new recruit to undergo the [[intense]] [[training]] of boot camp. Being activated before such an in-depth training would be a recipe for [[disaster]]. Recruits have to learn to function as a team as there is power and protection in being part of a team. They are trained to watch each other’s back and they are valuable at that level as well.

“[[The Father]]’s universes provide continued training to all. It is beyond your current [[ability]] to fathom the scope of that training. It would blow [[your mind]] if you only knew where the Father is taking you on your [[Ascension Career|ascension journey]]. The Spirits of Knowledge, Intuition and Understanding are amazing Teachers. They may seem [[anonymous]] to you, yet they exert very real spiritual influences. By expressing your desire to be under their influence, you are.

“Keep asking how to be more and more connected with the Divine Plan and you will come to a deeper [[understanding]] of your life’s [[purpose]]. What a wonderful [[feeling]] it is when you feel that you are in [[alignment]] with that purpose. It is when you can truly and safely be activated as you have done your homework and graduated from the basic camp. You have been tested and you qualify to be used as a divine instrument. This is a cause for much rejoicing.
“The tool has to be [[perfected]] before it can be put to optimal use. [[Becoming]] such a tested and reliable [[tool]] is being born to your true purpose. That allows you to live purposefully rather than [[randomly]]. That allows you to wisely spend your energies so that they can become generators of more [[energy]] activation.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2015]]