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===Topic: ''The Sovereignty of Christ Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we settle into our hearts preparing ourselves to focus into the planetary consciousness for more transformation to occur, we thank you for making yourselves available to us that we may imprint upon your divine qualities and grow in those lovely attributes that you share with us. We ask to be connected heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit as we are guided to focus by our celestial helpers. We thank you for this time of coming together in your ONENESS. May your WILL be done. Thank you.
SERENA: Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters! This is Serena. As spiritual pressure increases upon Urantia, many changes will be able to come forth that will help human consciousness become liberated from the effects of the rebellion. This will take many years to accomplish yet in joining us in this forum, we are able to impart more of those energies into the circuits of planetary consciousness to support the development of the Planetary Supreme Mind.

One of the greatest attributes of Michael to share with this world for its transformation is His SOVEREIGNTY. We have been assisting you in the experiential imprinting of this quality of your Father over the last several times together in this forum. We will continue to provide that experiential environment for this imprinting to go deeper into your beings, that you may experience a more enhanced and enriched quality of relationship with your Father Michael and move out into the world more from that space of His presence within you. This is paramount to the reclamation of Urantia for His SOVEREIGNTY to prevail in the evolutionary circuits of planetary consciousness expansion into the era of Light and Life.

We invite you to again focus in your hearts and receive this imprinting of your Father’s SOVEREIGNTY that it may extend further into the depths of your consciousness and help you in the outworking of any rebellion attachments that may be functioning in the unconscious portion of your beings. You need do nothing more than simply invite your Father to imprint this quality into you as you breathe and relax, and feel that overarching need to be more unified in Michael. We begin as you focus in your hearts now and receive the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. (Pause)

Receiving these designed infusions from your Parents is your birthright. The qualities that Michael and Nebadonia share with you are for you to receive and grow and experiment as you live your lives. I use the term “experiment” as you are all learning how to cooperate with the presence of your own indwelling Father fragments, and you sometimes get it correct in terms of functioning in alignment with His WILL, and sometimes you stray off the path. You are learning the components of functioning in alignment with the Father in accordance with His laws and ways of operation, and so you might call this an experiment with the energies of Spirit—with the flow of LOVE and how it is applied for the edification of humanity.
Many times you use the mental component of your beings to ascertain the Father’s WILL, and the gift of intellect is indeed an important facet of your beings to develop. Many of these infusions that we help you receive carry certain ideas and concepts that you perceive through the down grasp of the Father within that you may see more as He sees and function from that place.

In today’s infusion of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL, this too will disclose certain concepts and ideals of your Father that are vital components to the development of your overall soul expression. Over time your Father fragments will convey that information into your waking thoughts when you are ready to perceive more of what this means for your life and how you may function in accordance with your Father’s SOVEREIGNTY.

The world has suffered a great setback in the ideas and ideals of sovereignty. In Michael there is a quality of this divine pattern that is necessary for the furthering of your planetary consciousness to mirror the heavenly ways. It will be to your edification and satisfaction to open to this quality of your Father and come into a deeper comprehension of what this means not only for your life but for the evolution of Urantia Herself.

The words I speak are sending certain energy sparks into your minds that you may receive this information and allow it to circulate in your conscious mind for the Father Within to convey those spirit corollaries to support your understanding. Continue to receive as this imprinting moves deeper into you, my dear brothers and sisters. (Pause)

I invite you to shift your focus as we move into the encircuitment of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL into the circuits of planetary consciousness. Send forth that signal from your hearts containing these words as you spiral them around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise configuration from the north to south poles. Feel your desire for this to go into those circuits wherein the rebellion consciousness has altered the quality of sovereignty in a distorted manner. Feel your desire and the need for Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to gain space and dominance in these circuits. We need your heartfelt desires and we will apply these energies where they will do the most good.

If you wish, you may also visualize Michael’s hands holding Urantia and the world is pulsing in the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. Use your powers of imagination and creativity that your focus may be strong and filled with love and desire for His presence to take deeper root in the constructs of consciousness. (Pause)

The circuits of the Magisterial Mission can be applied into this construct of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY, taking deeper root in planetary consciousness. You may liken it to the desire for more change to occur of a divine nature, which is in the heart of many Urantians. There is a call for divine intervention. Many individuals expect a large sweeping gesture of the divine hand to somehow instantaneously restore the Father’s WILL upon the planet. And while this desire is noted, the means by which divine intervention will be accomplished is different. You are participants in the divine intervention. You are bringing forth from your hearts and souls the desire for more of the Father’s WILL to prevail. This attracts Spirit.

As these circuits of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY grow and communicate with other spiritual circuits on the planet, the outworking of divine intervention can be observed and achieved. But it is important for Urantians to let go of how you may think this should unfold in favor of letting the Father, through human consciousness and the action of the Holy Spirit, to prevail. You may not truly know nor understand what is in the mind of your Creator; but when you trust in His GOODNESS and MERCY then you will be able to observe more of the actions of His LOVE prevailing here. And you will learn many lessons about His LOVE as this energy of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY continues to develop within the circuits of planetary consciousness.

As we have done in the past, you may if you desire, place your gaze on those geographic areas, circumstances, situations or relationships near and dear to your heart that require more of this infusion of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to operate within these particular circumstances. As we have done in the past, we will follow your gaze adding what we can into where your focus your hearts’ and souls’ desire. (Pause)

Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and the Deities resident thereon. May we come together as one heart sending forth our love and appreciation to the Paradise Father for His MERCY through His son Michael now bathing this world.

Father, we thank you for the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL taking deeper root on the planet, as the action of the Holy Spirit moves deeper into Urantian consciousness. Receive our thanksgiving and our deep devotion to collaborating in your WILL as members of your family. Receive us now, Father, as we spend these final moments together in worship. May your will be done. (Pause)

We descend to Urantia. If you wish, you may join us as we conclude by planting these energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL deep into the earth. You may use whatever visualization you prefer to plant this deep into the evolutionary circuits of Urantian consciousness, doing it with great care and love and devotion that all life may gain great benefit from what this means. Even if you may not fully comprehend its ramifications, you know that this is good. You know it is truth and you know that this is what the soil of human consciousness needs for more healing and transformation to occur and expand. (Pause)
As you go about your daily affairs of material living, let your thoughts gravitate toward the Spirit and the desire for more of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to gain that expanded space in Urantian consciousness. We will meet you there and continue to support the efforts for Michael and His plans of correction to unfold on this beautiful world.

I will leave you now, in this manner, my brothers and sisters. On behalf of all of the celestial host, I thank you and I so appreciate all of the trust and faith you demonstrate each day to make this world a better place. May you continue to do so and grow in the beauty of your own souls. I wish you a most joyful and productive good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]