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===Topic: ''Building the Sovereignty of Circuits of Christ Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for centering us in your HOLY WILL that we may be encircuited more in who you are. We are here to participate in the furtherance of the circuitry of spiritual vitality for the planet that our Magisterial Son and His mission may materialize and be here amongst us on the physical level. Only you know when that time is right. So we meet in this forum in trust and faith. Thank you for connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit that you may use the energies we generate from our desires to further this mission. We thank our celestial helpers for their participation with us in this collaborative co-creative undertaking. We are ready to begin and may your WILL be done. Thank you.
SERENA: Greetings and blessings to each one of you, my dear brothers and sisters. This is Serena. It is a great joy for us of the celestial realm to collaborate with our human brethren. You may not be aware of the joy you give us when you come to us for it gives us more opportunities to be of service to you. Each one of the evolutionary worlds participating in the rebellion is receiving such an outpouring of the mercy ministry of Michael, providing many, many celestials with the opportunity to serve, and we delight in this.

One day you will truly appreciate and comprehend the joy of service at deeper levels of your being. Some of you have already experienced this, and we are so energized when we witness how you come together in faith and love to bring more of the plans of correction of Christ Michael to Urantia. You may not yet see the good you do but it is recorded, and it is very, very necessary during this time of change. So thank you for your participation and thank you for your wiliness to step forward in faith and trust that more of Michael’s plans can take root in human consciousness and build a brighter and more spirit-filled future for Urantia.

With that being said, let us continue our focus on the energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. It is taking deeper root in Urantian consciousness. It is growing, and you are helping it to grow when you, in your own times of stillness, focus on this quality of your Father. You are helping your systems of consciousness to outwork the rebellion legacy and influence. This is the most important undertaking a human can make at this time. As we collaborate with you now, it is anticipated that these efforts would produce more fruits of the spirit all around the world for more of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY to express itself to the lives of His beloved children.

As we begin, focus on your heart on those words the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL and allow us to minister in you that you may receive more of the benefits of His presence within you. Let us begin. Feel your desire for this to take deeper root in you, filling you with the power that is part of your own personality sovereignty that takes origin in our Paradise Father. (Pause)

The evolutionary circuits of your consciousness receive an imprint upon this particular quality of your Father. He is helping you to imprint upon that power potential you need to release the influences of the rebellion deeply imbedded within your own system of consciousness. When you allow this level of ministry to move in you it is as if you are saying to the Father, “I wish that more of your presence become active and mobile through me.” This is truly part of your cooperation with the Father’s WILL and you are moving into a broader enhanced ability to perceive the Father’s presence within you. This is what your Father Michael experienced in his human life as Jesus, and it was part of his plan of correction, formulated during his sojourn on Urantia to provide the children of this world and on the other rebellion worlds the opportunity to be fed with HIS SOVEREIGNTY.

This is an empowering energy; this is a state of aligning your will with the Father’s within you. And it provides the Indwelling Monitor more light and space to illuminate your minds with TRUTH and GOODNESS. This is one of the ways you begin to learn how to master yourselves as you craft yourselves—your innate personalities into that beautiful work of art. The fruits of the spirit may then shine forth from your souls as you live from a more soulful place, growing each and every day. Continue to receive; continue to desire this; continue to allow us to minister in you. (Pause)

Michael loves you beyond your human comprehension as this stage of your development. This quality of His being is a gift to you to support your inner transformation that you may be filled with that sense of purpose that is part of your evolutionary structure of inheritance. It is good. The Father’s design of evolutionary free will mortals is such an important and integral part of His creative plan that it behooves you to love this part of your nature and to revel and glory in it.

Yes, you make mistakes; you err in your judgment and do not always seek the Father’s guidance when confronting choices, but this is all well understood. So you have nothing to fear or to be reluctant about accepting your human evolutionary status. Were you to truly revel in this you would perceive more of the Father’s LOVE for yourself and be able to live from that place of deeper acceptance of your nature, and from that place you can move forward in a more empowered manner. So we are here to help you receive this and imprint upon it and to comprehend in a greater way the beauty of the order of personality that you have been gifted with from the Father Himself. (Pause)

Let us now apply these energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL into the planet’s system of consciousness. Today I invite you to place your heart’s desire for these energies to take deeper root into the circuits of evolutionary consciousness. If you can imagine in your mind’s eye that this infusion of CHRIST MICHAEL, as it spirals into the planet, goes deeper into the circuits of evolution. Let it flow from your heart into those places where there is still a stranglehold on the planetary consciousness. It is not so necessary to know where these blocks are as it is for you to share your love and compassion from your hearts that this may go into those places where there is resistance—where there is pain and suffering. We will make good use of where you focus but do feel your love for your world and for the liberation these circuits of consciousness from the influences of sin and iniquity. Do your best. Focus your gaze into this evolutionary circuit in your mind’s eye as we unite with you and build more of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL into where you are focusing now. (Pause)

All of the spiritual endowments you have co-created with us over the years of your participation in the Magisterial Mission are now being applied into these circuits. Recall well: LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL, RIGHTMINDEDNESS, DIVINE FORGIVENESS, JUSTICE, COMPASSION, MERCY—all of these now are streaming in and are supporting the energies of CHANGE. More hearts may open to Michael and know His LOVE for them and this world. Continue to stream you love from your hearts as we continue to minister in this circuit. (Pause)

Michael’s LOVE and MERCY are streaming forth from His HEART into the planet’s consciousness now. It is quite glorious to behold the spirit power of His being bathing this world through the Spirit of Truth. If you like, invite your spirit to imprint imagery into your heart and mind that you may perceive more of Michael’s ministrations to the world of His LOVE. It is truly quite stupendous. It is available to all—His LOVE and MERCY. Everyone is invited to drink deeply of Him and what He shares with all of His children. (Pause)

Adjust your focus slightly and invite the energies via the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION to move into these circuits of your planet’s consciousness. As you envision this in your mind’s eye, invite these energies to go deeper and take root into these evolutionary circuits. It is as if you are planting within the soil of human consciousness, the awareness and desire for this divine ministry to unfold here—to reveal itself, to help the children of this world to come into a greater recognition of universe standing and the corrections that it will bring into your world as a whole. Again, from your hearts, simply feel your desire for the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to take deeper root as we join you in this place and add what we can. (Pause)

The evolutionary tide of consciousness is turning in the direction of the Father. More hearts are responding to the inner call. The time of change is upon you and change will continue to outwork that which is unholy, untrue, unreal. Enjoy your own inner transformational journey, my brothers and sisters, for this is an experience that your souls will long remember once you reach the shores of Mansonia. You will see more of how you were agents of change in bringing more of the Father to this world. We encourage you to appreciate how you have been guided through this journey of becoming more real in a universe sense.

So as we elevate our gaze to the Father in Paradise, center yourself in appreciation for your innate right to be, for being alive, for being able to recognize the Father, and for the glorious adventure that awaits you as you grow in Christ Consciousness, becoming more of who the Father has created you to express your unique personality into your material reality. Join with us as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and our Deity origins.

Father, we invite the Conductors of Worship to minister to all of us in this circuit so that all of our efforts may be conjoined as one in appreciation of your Paradise plan of ascension and creation. May our heart energies delight yours as we conjoin together as one sending forth our love to you from the depths of our beings. Receive us now, Father. Thank you. (Pause)
Oh my dear ones, how I love each one of you, as do all of us. We love you so tenderly and devotedly. As we descend back to Urantia let us share in this exquisite bond of love that you may feel our devotion and support of your lives as you move through this time of change and transformation. It will be your joy and delight to witness how your Father Michael’s hand moves through this circuit of consciousness as He bathes the world in His MERCY. Truly you are witnessing something remarkable and unprecedented in all of Nebadon.

Enjoy your own time of growth in the SOVEREIGNTY of your Father and know He is here in you to support your growth and change in the Father’s WILL. For you are truly becoming more real and beautiful each day as you walk your path of faith, and know there are many, many with you to support efforts at growth in the Father.

Thank you for your participation with us, and remember to invite these circuits of your Father’s SOVEREIGNTY to grow and take deeper root into your planet’s consciousness, into the legacy of rebellion, that more and more the children of this world will come into the recognition of who they are and know the Father’s LOVE within them. Good day, my beautiful brothers and sisters.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]