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===Topic: ''Be A Way Shower of Peace''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
“You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.” [[48:7|48:7.18]]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Peace today. What is Peace all about? Peace is the absence of conflict and restlessness. To be at peace is to be in the flow of what is supposed to happen, based on the Divine Script for your life. Sometimes, Peace can only come about after periods of intense crisis. The crisis is needed to disengage you from what does not serve your highest good. This is something worth pondering as each human life encounters such moments when it seems that everything is going wrong and is falling apart. Could it rather mean that you are the one going in the wrong direction and that the crisis is meant to help you come to your senses?

“Crisis situations are undeniable situations needing remedy. They reveal an unsatisfying state of affairs. The consequences of misguided decisions and actions are so tangible that denials can no longer delay addressing the dysfunctions — the malfunctions.

“Would you rather keep blindly walking in a dangerous direction filled with spiritual land mines and treacherous passages? Or would you prefer being stopped in your tracks by Acts of God that appear harsh? Crises are the symptoms that things have been pushed to their limits in the wrong direction.

“Interpersonal relationships are frequently reflecting this. Relational crises occur whenever the participants are unyielding and stuck in their ways. This causes their unhealthy relationship to fall apart and disintegrate, as the connective tissues of love and respect are absent.

“This is what your world witnesses at this time in so many areas. Whenever greed and selfishness take over, much harm comes about. Peace can only be restored as love and respect are being expressed in human lives. This has to start within. Are you in alignment or in opposition with your True Self? Whenever you are authentic and genuine, you are open to the leadings of the Spirit of Truth. Whenever you resist, it results in a closed mind and a closed heart — spiritual stagnation.

“A healthy movement needs to be restored between all the creatures living on the planet — the unhindered flow of love and respect. It has to start as a grassroot movement. The more human beings become pacifist within themselves, the greater the Peace will become that little by little will invade the spiritual atmosphere of the planet. There is no other way.

“Rather than wasting your energies in criticizing the lack of initiative of others, become the flag-bearer of Peace — its poster child. This powerful inner intention will help you nip in the bud of your being any unsettling and negative emotions. It will help you remain in control on the black ice patches in your life path. As you learn to quickly regain your composure when things threaten to destabilize you, you will also become qualified to give “driving lessons” to those who turn toward you for advice. You can only teach what you master. This is why Jesus was called Master. He had mastered the human experience at all levels. He came as the Prince of Peace and His teachings are enduring beyond his earthly life.
“Strive for peace throughout your days and you will become able to quench many fires of anger that threaten to devour the planet if left unattended. Be a way shower of peace as was your Master Jesus.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2016]]