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===Topic: ''This Grand Moment is Your Grounding Rod''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius|Teacher: Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my [[friends]], we would like to talk about the one true and constant [[reality]] that shall be ever present with you throughout your life, here and hereafter — the [[Ta|Indwelling Presence of the Father]] — the Creator of all realities, things and creatures. He truly lives within you and it matters not what you [[think]] or [[believe]], how you were raised; or what you do for a living. Even in the most spiritually disconnected [[individual]], the Father’s Presence resides, waiting, shaping and pointing the way toward the [[awakening]] moment when that child will at last [[discover]] this awesome [[fact]] that the child is just as loved and just as important as any child in His entire [[creation]]. He has invested Himself in you because only you can answer His [[edict]], ‘Be you perfect even as I am perfect,’ in a most unique way that no other child can answer and fulfill. You were created for this [[purpose]] — to fulfill a [[destiny]] and to solve certain universe [[problems]] that nobody but you can solve. Yes, believe it — you, only you.

“When the [[Creator]] looks at you, he sees not this frail, scared or lonely child struggling to find his or her way in the world. He sees the [[greatness]] of who you are from the beginning to the end and the [[potentials]] that shall develop to bring the treasure of who you are back [[home]] to Him after your long and astonishing [[journey]] through His [[creation]]. He sees the [[heart]] and how it has grown from a tiny spark of a newborn child to a blazing orb like a [[sun]] that emits the light of [[divine]] love nigh equal to that of His own. Yes, you, my friends, have this potential within you — to actually [[become]] near equal in your capacity to love and attain god-like powers as you [[ascend]] the heavens and move closer to the [[Isle of Paradise]] where you shall stand in the actual presence of the Creator Father and receive the [[embrace]] of [[Corps of Finality|Finality]]. This grand moment is your ‘grounding rod’ that shall remind you that no matter what happens to you in this life or in any moment here or hereafter, you are bound for [[greatness]] — a most god-like [[destiny]].

“This one true and constant [[fact]] of [[reality]] is what sustains all of us who have [[awakened]] to His [[Ta|Divine Presence]]. Each step we take that brings us closer to that eternal [[embrace]] that brings with it a greater measure of divine [[understanding]] and the unspeakable feeling of [[unity]] with all creation. We live for this and to do that which serves the greater [[good]] of all — [[the Father’s Will]]. The reward for this [[service]] is the expansion of our [[being]] to see and feel a greater portion of the [[totality]] of His eternal and infinite [[genius]]. If ever you can think of one moment in your life when you felt the deepest [[feeling]] of love for anyone — a friend, a lover or a child, you only have felt or understood the tiniest measure of what He has planned for you to know. You shall have [[moments]] when every cell and fiber of your being and [[intellect]] is ignited with unspeakable divine love and unity where you feel this grounding of who you are and who He is.
“How [[blessed]] you are to have been created and given [[life]] — to be known by name and to have your name written in the [[Book of Life]] as a child of this all wise, all knowing, and all loving Creator who calls you to be like Him and to achieve the [[glory]] and greatness of [[Finality]]. Hold this [[vision]] in [[your mind]], my friends, and let it be your grounding rod for all that you do and [[experience]] in this world.

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2016]]