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===Topic: ''Your Whole Body Will Be Filled With Light''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius|Teacher: Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear [[friends]], let us come together as one [[mind]] and let us seek the common ground as siblings on the [[path]] reaching for a greater sense of wholeness — to know ourselves and to have a greater [[understanding]] of what it means to live eternally as a child of the Creator-Father. Though we may stand on different rungs of the ladder, separated by [[dimension]]al veils, we are not so different. We [[desire]] the same things — to know the Great Mystery — to discover the astonishing brilliance of the Creator’s infinite mind as it is [[revealed]] to us as we walk the path before us into the [[unknown]]. What does it feel like, look like, sound like, smell like, and taste like, to [[explore]] the [[grand universe]]? How shall we [[change]] as we step up the ladder of [[perfection]]? Who shall we meet there and what fantastic adventures will we have? What does real bliss feel like? Can you [[imagine]] feeling [[love]] that is so pure that you melt into oneness with all there is — having no thought or [[word]] to describe the inexplicable state of absolute [[joy]]? Have you thought about such things? Do you want to explore the universes — see [[other worlds]] and other peoples and creatures? Oh, what [[truth, beauty, and goodness]] awaits you — how blessed are we to have the opportunity to [[experience]] such things!

“As above, so below — the shadows of these greater things of [[light]] exist in your world today and you only have to look with a child’s eye to see them. You are already exploring the universe on your world — this is the beginning! How many fantastic places are there on [[Urantia]] where can you travel and experience a completely different way of life — meet new peoples and see creatures you have never seen before? Can you not see the face of God in a child, a friend, or a lover? Can you not experience a greater degree of bliss by removing the conditions for [[acceptance]] — to love another as you want to be loved? The truth, beauty and goodness of such things are all around you like ripe fruit waiting to be picked and savored. What is it that you are waiting for? You are on the [[journey]] now! [[Awaken]] to this fact, my friends and live your life as a part of this greater adventure you imagine in the hereafter. What have you to [[fear]]?

“Do you not know that you are the living vessels for the [[Ta|Divine Indwelling]]? Being host to the Indwelling Spirit of the Creator means that you have neigh limitless [[potential]] — can you think about what that means? Not even I nor my [[companions]] here on the [[mansion worlds]] can fathom such glory, yet it’s the very idea of such glory that drives us toward [[godlikeness]]. As our [[hearts]] grow softer with love and [[joy]], our minds expand to understand more of the Mystery. It is no different for you and the same can be said for all who walk the earth. See through the eyes of the [[heart]] and your whole body shall be filled with light.
“Do you [[believe]] me not? I tell you the [[truth]], for if you wish to test my [[word]], then I have an assignment for you. Go and stand before one person, hold their hands, and look them in the eye and say with the most [[sincere]] heart: ‘I love you, I [[appreciate]] you, and I am blessed to know you.’ That’s it. That is all you need to do and I guarantee that you will both [[grow]] in that moment and never be exactly the same as you were before you spoke those words. Your whole body shall be filled with light! What if you did this every day? Oh, the potential, the potential, the potential!

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2016]]