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===Topic: ''We Will Be There''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Damascus Scribe|The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)]], [[Frank and Alice]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “It is a [[fact]] of life, evolutionary universe life, that [[the Gods]] see your tomorrow as They saw your yesterday. Yes, indeed, my dear friend, the Gods can foresee all of your life, from the moment of your [[birth]] to the very instant of your [[death]], if they so wish. Gods will know [[your mind]] before you do and They will sense your next week’s distress when today you are deeply relaxed in meditation.

“[[Thought Adjuster]]s are from God; indeed, they are God and therefore they are [[perfect]]. What is little understood is that they can be incomplete — yet perfect. I came into being by the Creator-Father’s simple wish that I would exist and so, I was. However, it can be said that a newly-brought-into-being Spark from God resembles as much a tabula rasa as does a human [[baby]]. That is where all likeness ends.

“Thought Adjusters, from the moment of their [[being]], go through an [[education]] [[process]] and unlike the human offspring, they retain all they learn. This means they will be more complete, but not more perfect, as perfection does not depend on how complete one is. There are few like me, who attained [[personality]] by accompanying a [[Melchizedek]], a [[Creator Son|Michael Son]] or a [[Paradise Citizen]] throughout their terrestrial life.

“Most Adjusters accompany [[humans]] on their journey to [[Paradise]], but there are a great many with overseeing and advisory duties throughout inhabited, and as, yet [[Outer Space|uninhabited space]]. More on this later as I now hand you over to your [[Cherubim]] friends. This is the Scribe. Love…”
Frank: “This is Frank and I’ll be frank. We will take our [[time]] to be with you whenever you need us. We are [[honored]] to be your servants and I will explain: Alice and I were advised — make that ordered — to full-time study of human [[psychology]] as our life-long project. We looked with some degree of [[envy]] at our Cherubim kin permanently involved with human [[children]]. And now, since you accepted our [[friendship]], we have the best of both worlds — the learning of our favorite subject and open [[interaction]] with you.

“Call on us at any time, day or night. There is nothing wrong with your [[receiving]] our [[words]], just that you’ll tire more quickly for some time. Stay in [[touch]]. We will be there. Alice and I love you.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Scribe]]
[[Category: Frank & Alice]]
[[Category: George Barnard]]
[[Category: 2016]]