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===Topic: ''The Ultimate Multi-tasker''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius|Teacher: Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear [[Friends]] and students on the [[path]], I wish to impart to you a new way of [[thinking]] about the Creator Father and about your integral [[relationship]] with Him. Many of you have limited understanding about what the Indwelling Spirit is (the [[Thought Adjuster]]) and how this pre-personal Fragment of the Creator can be both a [[divine]] [[guide]], a living [[presence]] in your mind and a direct [[channel]] to the [[Universal Father]] on [[Paradise]] — the center of [[infinity]]. If you think about it in terms of relationships, you can better understand the nature of the Universal Father and how He operates in His [[creation]] and why He is so personally connected to you.

“Because your [[finite]] mind cannot grasp the [[paradoxical]] concepts of [[infinity]] and [[timelessness]], you need some metaphor to help you understand the [[mechanics]] of the relationship between you and the Creator Father. Metaphors only represent an image or an anchor for [[comparison]] with something with which you are familiar in your present life [[experience]]. And so it is beneficial that you think about these images as something that is coming into [[focus]], but is not clear in this present [[moment]].

“The [[Universal Father]] is the ultimate ‘multitasker.’ He has the [[creative]] ability to divide his [[Universal Mind]] (parent [[consciousness]]) into infinite [[fractal]]s and use each fragment of His consciousness to execute [[His Will]] and escape from the domains of infinity and timelessness to [[explore]] Himself and His creation in the [[Paper 15|universes of time]]. The [[Thought Adjusters]] are these fractal pieces of Universal Mind that go out into the [[time-space]] universes and ‘connect’ with each of you — the children of the Creator on the [[Paper 49|terrestrial worlds of time]]. Once connected to their hosts, they become unique entities (pre-personal) because of their personal relationship with an [[experiential]] being in time and space. They are the monitors and spiritual operators who guide His children through the [[Ascension Career|Grand Odyssey]] — the [[adventures]] of time.

“Each Fragment is a harvester of experiences and it tailors its divine [[attention]] to a new idea (you and your life plan in time and eternity) created with the exclusive [[intention]] to freely co-create with an undeveloped vessel — to climb the ladder of eternity together with the child from imperfection to perfection and gather all [[experiences]] along the [[journey]] that contribute (like a river flowing into an ocean) to the grand [[equation]] for bringing all creation to completion and perfection (the [[Great Plan]]). You, my friend, are the beloved child whom the Creator exclusively chose to [[co-create]] with Him to work out this ‘new idea.’ And you are divinely loved and cherished for your [[participation]].
“It is His desire that all [[His children]] [[understand]] the Great Plan, and now it is time for you to understand that portion which you have the capacity to see. Knowing only a [[metaphor]] for this relationship is enough for you to develop the [[faith]] to continue the journey and [[imagine]] the astonishing experiences that await you as you work with the Father Fragments to plot a [[course]] to the center of infinity. As you experience each [[moment]] in faith with the ever-changing metaphor, the image and the relationship with your Creator [[becomes]] clearer and more [[focused]]. The detail you see in the moment is a [[reflection]] of your perfection status. As you journey, explore and experience life, here and hereafter, your [[vision]] expands as the Father [[reveals]] something new. It is the [[Thought Adjuster]] who opens the door and points you in the [[direction]] of this new discovery when you are ready to allow yourself a clearer view.

“How [[blessed]] you are to be the host of such a supremely divine Creator.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2016]]