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===Topic: ''Paying Attention to the Inner Voice''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
The Beloved One: “Thank you dear one for beginning to pay more [[attention]] to your [[Ta|God-given Inner Voice]]. This means that you are serious about strengthening that most valuable connection to The All That Is. It is truly a joyful [[sign]] for the celestial [[hierarchy]] when more humans on [[this planet]] are actively seeking a more solid personal connection to The All That Is.

“In [[truth]] and [[fact]], that is all that is required. The eternal [[Creator]] loves to hear from all His evolving creatures on the [[worlds of space]] with His Gift of [[free will]] to do so. None ought to be enslaved to a worn-out religious system with their do’s and don’ts and with their [[pomp]] and redundant ceremonials, even though too many of you seem to require some sort of sign to hang on to the [[past]], because ‘things have always been done this way and that is good enough for me’ type of mentality.

“When in [[earnest]] you truly start looking at the [[religion]] you were raised in, especially the erroneous law you had to abide by with confessing your sins to another mortal, who is supposedly ‘holier than thou’ to [[forgive]] your sins! This is God’s [[domain]] to forgive sins and He forgives only in so far as you forgive yourselves and others.

“The crux of the matter here is: ‘How many truly love themselves as a [[worthy]] [[child of God]] to make that level of forgiveness easy for themselves?’ Do you feel that loving connection with God and let it [[flow]] through you and then pass this love on to others?

“Start thinking seriously about this as when [[Jesus]] spoke about the [[Golden Rule]], which is embedded in all the world’s religions to love God first; and thy [[neighbor]] as thyself.

“Establish that important personal connection with [[God]] by prioritizing some [[time]] to [[listen]] within to your personal Gift from God, who after all had chosen you ere you were born and personifies the life-plan for your [[eternal life]] together, if you so [[desire]]. Therefore you can make great ‘inroads’ already in mortal life for that is what your Pilot-Light and Guide [[desires]] of you. Such advice is extremely helpful during mortal life!

“We, [[Thought Adjuster]]s, are all volunteers and also go by names like Pilot-Lights, Lights within or Mystery Monitors from [[God]], and are always ready to adjust the thoughts of the vessels of our indwelling. We truly endeavor to establish clear and understood (by you) [[communication]] lines. We live in you as God’s representatives, as we are part of God. I cannot spell it out any clearer than this.
“Therefore, please hear our plea to you to pay more [[attention]] to the [[Ta|Still Voice Within]] you to lead you towards a higher level of living and a more joyful way of life, with increasing [[heart]], [[peace]], [[trust]] and [[faith]] in God.

“And when the end of mortal life is nearing, you can then look back on your life that was filled with [[meaning]] with a minimum of [[regrets]], having been able to establish a solid connection of [[communication]] with the Creator of your being by paying attention to your special Gift from God within.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: Attention]]
[[Category: 2016]]