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===Topic: ''Are You a Honeybee or a Wasp?''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you could [[compare]] [[the cosmos]] to a gigantic beehive whose Queen Bee is the [[Universal Father]] on [[Paradise]]. Legions and multiple generations of bees have been dispatched from His Heavenly Abode in order for them to contribute to the universal cross-pollination — to the interspecies [[brotherhood]] — while simultaneously fulfilling their God-given assignment of gathering the precious pollen of [[Wisdom]] they painstakingly extract from their life [[experiences]]. They proudly transport it and their nectar back to the Heavenly Beehive to be stored there as golden honey after its last refinement. The precious vault of the honeycombs is then accessed as needed to meet the needs of the colony. You could compare this storage facility to the one of the *[[Akashic Record]]s.

“Along with the industrious bees that busy themselves in your garden, you will also detect the more mysterious activities of other four winged [[creatures]] that resemble them — the wasps and the hornets. This type of creature is much misunderstood due to the [[fear]] of its stings. Yet, each insect has a [[purpose]] and the wasps and hornets are no exception. They are like the winged police forces that secure your garden and keep in check the lower orders of invasive and parasitical insects that could harm its vegetation. Like their sisters the bees, they too are earning their stripes by dutifully performing their [[divine]] assignment of body guards.

“Isn’t it amazing and at the same time [[comforting]] to find some parallels between what you can [[observe]] in your garden and what is occurring on a cosmic scale? The Laws that [[govern]] the universes are the same; they only vary in their scope. Therefore you can draw conclusions for your own [[life]] by observing the manifold activities that take place on [[your world]] and in your own backyard.
“[[Collaboration]] — not [[competition]] — is what drives forward the evolutionary [[process]]. This is what [[human being]]s need to understand so as to become more [[accepting]] of one another. Whether you are wearing the uniform of a bee or the one of a wasp, you belong to the same family and are here to selflessly serve and protect one another. All life matters. Make yours count.”
===Receiver’s Note===
The Akashic Records or “The [[Book of Life]]” can be equated with the universe’s super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all [[information]] of every [[individual]] who has ever lived upon the planets. More than just a reservoir of [[events]], the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, [[feeling]], [[thought]], and [[intent]] that has ever occurred at any time in the history of all the worlds.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2016]]