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===Topic: ''A Dynamic Transformation''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Scribe]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
The Scribe: “Dear child, you have taken notice of the changing [[tide]] of [[frequencies]] bathing [[this planet]] and you are [[sensitive]] to its effect like a canary in a coal mine. Your subtle fields and your [[nervous system]] are building up to tolerate these new energies and your [[sleep]] patterns are disturbed. You feel the spinning energies in your [[chakras]] and you are drawn to those high places in nature where you can ground yourself with mother Urantia. You feel [[vibrations]] in various places in and around your body and have this sense of [[purpose]] that soon you shall take your place as a [[sentinel]] in a [[grid]] and become a conduit for the [[transmutation]] of even greater energies yet to be poured out on Urantia. You are seeking validation.

“Urantia is going through an increasingly [[dynamic]] [[transformation]], and in a symbiotic-like [[relationship]], you and many others are changing and transforming into an instrument of [[the Father’s Will]]. The mass [[consciousness]] on this planet will begin to recognize that something has changed and those who are more [[aligned]] with these new energies will themselves begin to [[interpret]] Father’s Will and create new ways to [[manifest]] His divine ideas. As [[the Master]] said in [[176:3|His parable about the talents]], “…those that have shall be given more, while those that have not, even that which they have shall be taken away.” These new energies have a [[polarizing]] effect on consciousness and each [[soul]] on this planet will have to choose whether to [[participate]] in the transformation or to turn against the tide of love and [[unity]] and play out their [[selfish]] pursuits in destructive ways.

“Those who are ‘luke warm’ being neither ‘here nor there’ shall find themselves in much [[confusion]] as their disconnected soul-hearts begin to beat for the first time. Like [[frightened]] lost children, they shall search for the missing pieces of their soul and will look to others for answers. It shall be a time of great [[harvest]] for the workers of [[light]] and they are to [[prepare]] themselves for the multitudes that are so [[fragile]] and in need of [[direction]]. This is a sacred [[duty]] and much [[prayer]] and [[stillness]] is needed to guide these searching souls.
“Teach the teachers, dear Child — that is your personal [[priority]], for others shall multiply the fishes and the loaves. Waste no time on the [[skeptics]], and focus your energies where they can do the most [[good]]. When you are in need of [[strength]], call on your Divine Parents, Christ [[Michael]] and [[Mother Spirit]], for they are always at the ready to give you what you need. More ‘intrinsic’ instruction will be forthcoming as your [[Father Fragment]] weeps His divine [[influence]] upon you — stillness and deep thought are required.

“Call on me at any time,

“I AM the Scribe.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Scribe]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2016]]