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===Topic: ''About Beliefs''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “There are many things in your world that are [[fantasies]] or complete falsehoods. [[Human being]]s often believe in things that end up being [[absurdities]] after some time passes and some [[experiences]] have taken place. You have seen how in the past your [[sciences]] accepted things that today are considered as lacking all [[logic]] or [[common sense]]. Your race has made great improvements in the late years, particularly in the [[understanding]] of material things.

“A few years ago, bloodletting — extracting the blood of sick people with the [[belief]] that this would heal them — was a common, universally accepted [[practice]]. At the beginning of the [ twentieth century] there were several experiments performed with the goal of determining the weight of the [[soul]]. Today these and other ideas have been eradicated from popular [[knowledge]]. However, you would be [[surprised]] to know how many other fantasies still have a place in the ideas you consider to be scientific or logical.

“It is of no consequence how many of these fantasies are believed or defended by you, as long as the [[sincere]] [[desire]] to know [[your Father]] and learn more about Him exists in your [[heart]]. It doesn’t really matter if you believe in [[ghosts]], [[reincarnation]] or demons. The [[Thought Adjuster]] (TA) will work tirelessly to register and promote the spiritual experiences that will have [[eternal]] [[value]] and will be useful in your future existence.

“Understand then the [[futility]] and irrelevance of trying to convince others that you are right, that your beliefs are the [[truth]]. Everyone is free to search truth by whatever way is considered adequate by each person and if the search is [[honest]], the TA will treasure every find, even if the mortal [[personality]] is not aware of this.

“Also, all experiences in life are open to you. Those who remain [[faithful]] to a particular religion will have the same opportunities to grow and [[progress]] in spirit than do those who are much more flexible in their approach to [[spirituality]]. Finally, the [[ideas]], the knowledge, or how close somebody is to understanding [[the universe]], are not as important as the degree with which a person has learned to [[align]] his or her will to [[the will of our Father]].

“Offer your [[truths]] to all who ask, but don’t try to destroy that which they have built during their lifetimes with a lot of [[effort]]. Beliefs and the personal way to see the world are products of life [[experiences]] and the way in which a [[mortal mind]] coordinates these experiences under the influence of the TA — the complex task of harmonizing what you see ‘out there’ with what you [[feel]] inside. These efforts are the steps to an increasingly more real spiritual life. In the end you will [[realize]] that your [[acceptance]] of what in the past you considered to be truth was not a waste of [[time]]. It was instead a stage on your [[path]] that led you to a better understanding of your place in [[creation]].
“Only the [[sincere]] [[intent]] of a human [[heart]] to find [[the Father]] is the key to succeed in this enterprise. Everything else — your [[mind]], your [[body]], your environment, your [[culture]] — is truly irrelevant. Nothing can permanently prevent an honest soul from finding God.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2012]]