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===Topic: ''Improving Your Listening Skills''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Bzutu|Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)]]===
===TR: [[George Barnard]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
The Beloved One: “It is a sheer delight for me to fulfill your [[expectation]] of hearing from [[Ta|the Light Within]]. It is your [[dedication]] to the will of God that moves your life forward with [[anticipation]]. A slow ripening in the [[thought]] processes is happening by your [[becoming]] more thoughtful with a greater [[understanding]] towards others. As well, a realization is dawning that there is far more to be [[experienced]] that is as yet beyond human imaginings and necessarily needs to await the evolutionary [[exploration]] of future times on increasingly higher levels.

“There are those who totally negate the possibility of hearing from their [[Ta|Guiding Light within]] and insist that this will become possible only after their having graduated to the [[Mansion worlds]]. Then there are those who outright [[deny]] even the [[existence]] of God and thus the impossibility of hearing the voice of God so deep within them.

“This world has way too many [[souls]] who delight in criticizing others for their [[beliefs]] and yet who are too scared or unmotivated to look within themselves to realize that a Spark from the same Creator-God resides deep within them!

“Then there are those who through much [[tribulation]] and anguish with much soul-searching dare to [[hope]] and believe that they are children of the Universal God. And with [[tenacious]] dedication and [[perseverance]] they hope to hear from their Spark ([[Thought Adjuster]]) within and become committed to schedule specific times for an ‘appointment’ with their Spark within and as a result become dependable stalwart workers in God’s kingdom.

“Dependability is highly prized by the [[celestials]] as humans tend to be very mercurial in their thoughts. [[Focusing]], as a rule, is not the strongest developed function in a human. Therefore many prompts from within that could be leading to valuable and helpful thoughts, [[choices]] and decisions tend to ‘fall by the wayside.’ Not recognizing that the thought might well have been a ‘way-shower’ to a different [[direction]] that could potentially have prevented some unnecessary pitfalls.

“The [[Thought Adjuster]]’s function is simply to adjust mortal thoughts to a higher and more beneficial level that might well lead to greater [[soul progress]]. And this is the [[secret]]; that the more [[attention]] is given by the host to this Heaven-sent Helper, the greater the benefits will be.

“It is always a [[free-will]] choice how much attention is being given to the [[Ta|still Voice within]]. Frequently they are the most simple-minded ones who tend to [[listen]]. To [[experience]] this truly does not need a higher education as God’s voice speaks to all [[His children]] — high and low, man, woman and child — as the Creator is not a respecter of persons, or of their station in life.
“His Unconditional Love crosses all [[boundaries]] of all the billions of [[inhabited planets]] in space and time. Your Creator is not so small as to be content with only this peopled planet. More importantly, He is also not given to human [[emotions]] and temper tantrums. Therefore, forget the puerile thoughts that God is a [[jealous]] God and especially during your childish war-games claim that God is on anyone’s side. Such is unthinkable and utterly below the Majesty of the Universal Creator, who rules from [[Paradise]] over the totality of his ever-expanding Creation.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Bzutu]]
[[Category: George Barnard]]
[[Category: 2016]]