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===Topic: ''The Truth Crusade''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
Thought Adjuster: “You are asking questions about the Spirit of Truth, which Jesus bestowed upon the planet at Pentecost. Jesus declared that He was the Way to the Father. This means, as well, that He had to ‘set the record straight’ as Lucifer had unleashed his spirit of untruth and that such a disingenuous spirit waylaid many souls, leading some of them to a spiritual dead end.

“In some way you could say that Jesus was the Knight in Shining Armor dispatched by the Father to lead a Crusade of Truth. Such crusaders are very inconvenient to those who hide behind complex lies in order to promote their misguided agendas. It takes many lies to cover up a lie and soon a web of lies threatens to vanquish any remnant of truth.

“‘The truth shall set you free’ was another ‘punch line’ of Jesus — and for good reason. The forces of darkness self-projected on Him and claimed He was darkness. They put Him to death hoping to put an end to the discomfort His presence stirred among them as He was a pure reflector of their fallen nature. To break the mirror was a childish reaction that prevented them from recognizing the urgent spiritual make-over their lives so desperately needed.

“After His undeniable resurrection, the Truth spoke for itself. No longer could they deny that life goes on after physical death. No longer could they deny that they had made a horrendous mistake by putting the Son of God to death — for death held no power over Him.

“The Spirit of Truth unerringly guides you back to the Father. It shines its powerful flashlight to guide your steps. It is 100% trustworthy! This truly represents a powerful and unprecedented act of divine intervention. The Spirit of Truth is part of your travel equipment just as is the GPS of your car. What it takes is to activate it by asking. ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ The truth you will recognize will help you separate lies from truth — like oil separates from water.

“Live consciously so you can nurture this connection with Truth. By being ‘truthful,’ you are being genuine and in alignment with your Higher Self. This is how you will get to know yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised by what you will discover buried under the surface.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2016]]