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===Topic: ''Hope and the Sovereignty of Christ''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to come before you to request that more spiritual vitality be infused in the circuits of the Magisterial Mission for its continued progression and eventual materialization. As you know this is an undertaking of ours in faith and we are here again to collaborate with our celestial helpers in faith. We ask them to draw close to us, direct our focusing that it may serve your higher purposes for the Correcting Time and for the divine dispensation of the Magisterial Son to walk with us as one when the time is right. As you connect us heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit may be infused with your WILL and be able to represent you to our brothers and sisters with love, compassion, patience, and understanding. We are ready to begin and may Your WILL be done. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am pleased to join you once again in this forum for the circuits of the Magisterial Mission to draw closer to the earth.

As you are undoubtedly aware there is much occurring within the consciousness constructs of this planet. We have talked to you about the energies of change now moving through these streams of your intellect and your emotions and the unsettledness of this time. It is a time of uneasiness for many. It is a time for inner reflection. Some people are responding to this inner prompting and others are still confused by what is occurring within their hearts and minds.

We understand what is occurring within this bandwidth of human consciousness, and we make provisions for there to be a certain level of continuity and stability so that your social institutions can reform in a healthy and positive way. One of the overarching spiritual qualities for your brothers and sisters to consider and to use for their own edification is that which you know as HOPE. For more faith to fortify the human psyche there must be a recognition that positive change is occurring. Much of this comes through the feeling of hopefulness. It discloses to the human heart and mind a sense of improvement, that things are indeed moving in the rightful direction.

I am quite confident that each one of you recognizes what the attitude of hopefulness brings into your own heart, how it brings fortifies your faith, and helps you experience a deeper trust in the outworking of Michael’s plans of correction, as well as to provide you a sense of elation that all things are in His hands and outworking for the greater good.

Today we wish to secure you in more of these energies of HOPE that will serve to augment your faith recognition in the sovereignty of Christ Michael upon this world and the plans of correction He has provided to us that we may implement these changes in the rightful way. We will use the same format wherein we provide you with this infusion and then invite you to place this over the planet from the gaze of your heart.

As we begin, take some deep breaths. If it is helpful see the word HOPE in your mind’s eye, and if you would like to, place it over your heart centers and let it be your internal gaze as we minister to you now, my brethren. Let hope move in you deeply and generate new sparks of life within that you may be more attuned to the faith currents in your being coming from the Father’s presence within. (Pause)

The sovereignty of Christ Michael is moving upon this world. It is disclosing certain catalyzing energies within the human heart to awaken to a greater purpose for this world’s evolution. Each individual is invited to play a part in building this reality upon the world of the sovereignty of Christ Michael. Some individuals are responding to the call but there are many who still have yet to awaken to Spirit.

This infusion of HOPE is designed to foster more spiritual pressure in a positive way to help people open to their hearts and the spiritual awakening therein. So as we minister to you, continue to feel your own need for this to go deep into your energy systems that it may move into those places where you may still have those subconscious influences that deter you from perceiving the Father’s WILL more directly and consciously.

It is good to be hopeful. You convey an attitude of optimism and cheerfulness. It elevates your physiological functions as well. You are now moving out of lower frequencies that tend to depress the functioning of the body. You are raising your vibrational rate to the melodious strains of spirit wherein there is life eternal and that which is in you can receive renewal and regeneration. Continue to receive as you focus on HOPE for a few more moments before we turn our gaze to the planet as a whole. (Pause)

There are many seraphim in place ready to take these energies you generate from your heart of HOPE to weave around the planet to intersect and interlace into those areas where there is great need for the type of renewal to feed the human heart. As you generate this energy from your heart into the planet in that familiar counterclockwise rotation, north to south poles, ask for this to be distributed where it will do the most good. Let your desire be keen. Let your intention be sincere, and let your attention be strong, focused, directed.

All around the globe people are seeking answers for their life’s problems. Some are awakening to the call of spirit and able to recognize that change comes from within. But there are many, many individuals who are discouraged and disheartened, and by you sharing your love and generating this energy of HOPE to bathe the world, it will help your brothers and sisters receive a higher signal that can then catalyze something within them that is positive and good. As we combine our energies with yours we are amplifying what you are generating and encircuiting this in many places to help the human heart to be uplifted. (Pause)

Should you desire to expand your focusing we encourage you to make the appeal to Christ Michael for His SOVEREIGNTY to bathe the world in this infusion of HOPE. As you do this, if it is helpful for your continued focused efforts, let your gaze be directed to HOPEFULNESS IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. Let these energies combine as you send them forth from your heart that more of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY may bathe this world for humans to perceive that their Father is in charge and loves them dearly. His plans of MERY are outworking upon the planet and it is the time of great growth and healing for all Urantian life. We will continue to add our energies into yours. (Pause)

As HOPEFULNESS IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL weaves into this planet’s consciousness, you may invite this to go into specific areas of your own desire. As you have done the past, you may seed this into relationships, geographic regions, and other circumstances of the planet’s operations. Where do you wish for more HOPE to be applied? We will follow your gaze and add what we can to where you focus now. (Pause)

Michael is the HOPE of this world. His presence takes many forms within the human heart. Some approach Him as Jesus, others approach Him as the Father or mighty Archangel. The presence of His SOVEREIGNTY is growing and one day it will be so securely fastened into these circuits of your planet’s consciousness that the rebellion energies will no longer have any effect on the human consciousness. That day is approaching but still has a way to go. We encourage you to focus on these energies of HOPE and come to us in your times of stillness that you may collaborate with us in the fortification of these circuits to grow and foster MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY to gain deeper foundation into this planet’s circuits.

Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise as we thank the Creator Deities for your Father Michael and His SOVEREIGNTY bathing the world through this infusion of HOPE. We join with you, and we thank you for sharing your time and your energies with us that we may all move as one in this circuit of worship now. (Pause)

Father, our hearts are full of appreciation as you bathe this world with your LOVE springing from the very foundation of Paradise. We offer our focused efforts up to you and we thank you for the continued flow of LOVE bathing this circuit of HOPE that the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL may continue to gain strength and depth and breadth and height within the circuit of this planet’s consciousness. May the stream of your LOVE bring all things into alignment with your holy WILL and may the men and women of Urantia be fortified in it to move as one in your ways. (Pause)

My dear brethren, descend now. Place yourselves back upon Urantia. May the field of HOPE that we have generated with you overtake this world and come into a richer awareness of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL! Envision yourselves standing in this energy field pulsing with light, generating renewal, changing awareness. May you all be fortified in this infusion and carry it in you in a way that will help our brothers and sisters to see that there are answers to all the problems and it starts with internal change with the individual. You are the agents of change. You are the catalyzers of change for your brothers and sisters, and we invite you to carry these energies boldly with faith, with love, with patience, with compassion and understanding. Be the change you wish for your planet and know that you will be mightily augmented in Spirit as you live your life each day as an expression of the Father’s LOVE.
Thank you for your participation with us. Remember to focus these energies into the planet as you conduct your stillness and we will join you there. Help this world grow in the spiritual recognition of your Father Michael’s family—our family of love and service. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]