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===Topic: ''Expect Miracles to Happen''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “Finally you’ve noticed my knocking on your ‘inner door’ for us to commence our time together. My question is: ‘Would you like to [[discuss]] the subject?’ My reasoning is that most people on [[this planet]] are quite unaware of the fact that they are recipients of [[miracles]], since the [[mortals]] here exist for the most part in a mundane [[reality]]. They are wont to [[dream]] from one day to the next, as it simply does not occur to them to [[question]] their day. The days usually happen for most humans without their having any [[intent]] to change their [[attitude]] towards having better days ahead.

“Therefore life rolls on for most of the populace. They are practically unaware of the [[fact]] that one can [[change]] one’s [[attitude]] towards life just by switching one’s [[intention]]. Life can be wonderful when lived in a greater [[present]]-centered awareness. On the other hand, life can present you with changes in the blink of an eye, for your not being in present-centered awareness. It is either or neither.

“Living an [[aware]] life can also mean for you to [[become]] aware of miracles and [[expect]] them to happen. My previous message was to ‘either expect everything to be a miracle or to expect nothing at all’. It is even at present still the predominant [[belief]] of the general populace that miracles happened only during [[Part 4|Jesus’ time]] when He walked about this planet.

“Nothing could be further from the [[truth]]. Let me [[assure]] you that even the birth of a healthy and a ‘complete’ human baby is a [[miracle]]. You humans are all walking miracles. As there are umpteen things that can go wrong during [[pregnancy]] and now more often than ever before, with all the [[poisons]] in the soil, food, water and air.

“Please become aware of how the building blocks of [[creation]] are at present being meddled with and altered. I feel that I need to sound a word of [[warning]] here. God’s intended and planned for evolutionary creation on [[this planet]] is in danger and on the verge of being callously destroyed by some [[greedy]] minds and for some dark, self-serving purposes.

“Take [[heart]] however, God is not being mocked and everything is proceeding according to [[divine]] order, which always has been and always will be. Humans only have a temporary [[mortal]] [[existence]] to build their [[foundation]] life for [[eternity]]. This foundation life is meant to grow your [[faith]] and [[trust]] and evolve your eternal [[soul]] with the co-operation of the Creator’s eternal Gift within you all — your [[Thought Adjuster]] patiently waits for a sign of [[cooperation]] from the vessel of its indwelling.

“Once the all-important [[contact]] is becoming solidified over time, the mortal can become aware of something very special existing within and miracles being noticed, which invariably lead to [[thanksgiving]]. Seeming [[synchronicities]] can occur as the [[creature]] becomes more aware and the quality of [[thought]] gradually begins to take on more of thankfulness towards the Creator God for the reason of having been given life and the gift of having [[free will]] to choose and decide how to live life.
“Thus begins that period in life when one enjoys greater [[present]]-centered awareness. Each new day can become a day when one can expect [[miracles]] to happen as life becomes filled with [[hope]] and [[trust]] in heavenly over-care.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: Miracles]]
[[Category: 2016]]