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===Topic: ''About Self-Respect''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
“[[Spiritual]] living mightily increases true [[self-respect]]. But self-respect is not self-admiration. Self-respect is always coordinated with the love and service of one’s fellows.” [[156:5|156:5.14]].
Thought Adjuster: “Let us expand on Self-Respect. What do you [[respect]] yourself for? You can either feel ‘self-respectable’ or ‘self-despicable’ depending on whether or not you are [[conflicted]] within yourself. Inner conflict implies that there are areas within your [[being]] in dire need of harmonization. It means that you [[experience]] some inner discordance due to the fact that some of your [[actions]] clash with your professed [[intentions]] and go against the values of [[Truth, Beauty and Goodness]]. They may fool others but do not fool your own subtle inner truth detector.

“In your world, many so-called ‘respectable’ [[individuals]] do not actually meet the standards for the respect and admiration of their [[peers]]. They are admired based on their external [[status]] of [[wealth]] or [[power]], or for a specific God-given [[talent]]. Yet, they climb or are placed by their peers on dangerously unstable man-made [[pedestals]] that can become an even greater factor of unbalance in their [[character]]. [[Narcissism]] — unhealthy self-admiration — is a [[soul]] [[poison]]. It fails to acknowledge that the self is unsustainable by itself and that its livelihood depends on [[the whole]] organism.

“Indeed, self-respect is [[proportional]] to your [[love]] and [[service]] toward your fellow men. Self-respect comes with the added bonus of inner [[peace]]. If you are what others consider a ‘straight arrow,’ you will [[eventually]] reach your intended target of being of higher service — the Divine Bull’s Eye.

“However, if you entertain hidden [[agendas]] of [[self-aggrandizement]] and self-service at the expense of others, you may shoot yourself in the foot and cause personal [[injury]] to the integrity of your [[being]].

“[[Part 3|Your planetary history]] has experienced both sides of the coin — self-centered [[dictators]] and God-centered individuals whose deeds spoke louder than their [[words]]. The [[nefarious]] effects of narcissism were exemplified by [[Lucifer]], its infamous poster child, and were later counterbalanced by the [[selfless]] life of [[Jesus]] Christ who never [[compromised]] His integrity by falling victim to the dangers of [[adulation]] and who lived His entire life loving and serving His fellows.
“Dear ones, if you suffer from weak self-respect, it is not a terminal [[affliction]]. Go within and ponder what could be at the [[root]] of that [[symptom]]. Be [[honest]] with yourself as truth is a great liberator. There is so much within each one of you that is [[worthy]] of love and respect. Yet, love and respect have to be generously [[shared]] with others and they will automatically come back at you like a glorified boomerang in the form of self-love and self-respect.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: Respect]]
[[Category: Narcissism]]
[[Category: 2016]]