
Created page with "File:lighterstill.jpg An example mutually chiding TR's follows below.--~~~~ Speaker: Califax, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek Subjects: Vector Events and Esot..."

An example mutually chiding TR's follows below.--rdavis 04:13, 17 January 2017 (UTC)

Speaker: Califax, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek
Subjects: Vector Events and Esoterica Mathematics

T/R: Ron Besser
York, Pa 2:50PM
January 15, 2017

Esoterica Mathematics.

The point of the statement that all numbers are single integers is correct. Integers with numbers after the decimal point are flat integers which relate to positions on a graph that are partial of exact about something in the material world. For instance 6 grams is a generalization or a specific integer concerning the material weight of water. But 6.08 grams is a specif measurement and is called a flat integer because it has not any other use than one specific measurement.

In esoterica mathematics, single integers relate to a final concept in spirit. The number while whole is related to spiritual aspects operating before it materializes. For instance the house we live in is called by address 2709 and then the name of the street. In actual fact 2709 means nothing to spirit and only to the material world to look it up in a position it can find. However, in spirit 2709 means the name of the place “Ron’s House,” means a great deal and we have to look at the meaning of the house number first in the context of the system of address identification.

Address identification is what spirit does all the time. When spirit makes an address identification whether it is a house of a spirit worker or a spiritual event, spirit reduces the number 2709 to a coordinate in world imposition of indefinite numbers to identify specific heart and soul individuals it makes use of.

Esoterica mathematics is a group of numbers that mean something to spirit identification and that is all it does.

The Internet plays with the game called Esoteric(a) Mathematics and makes the grievous error of stating it, “the esoteric part,” in whole or partial numbers which the concept of esoterica mathematics is truly not about. This comes from attempting to understand the irrational numbers of the usual binary system (a system that is divided into whole number and partial numbers explained above), as esoteric, when in actual fact it is just a list of numbers that differ from one another and have endless or infinite decimal points behind the whole number. PI ( the symbol is the Greek letter π), is an example of an infinite integer, but that is because the ratio of expansion of points in a circle is a closed system within infinity and cannot be expressed as a whole number ever. The integer of a whole number is expressed in counting to ten. These are whole integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Partial integers are fractions of the whole integers 1.2, 2.4. 3.7, and so on. In Esoterica Mathematics those partial integers are merely expressing fractions of a whole number.

Spirit reacts to whole integers (numbers) as a box of related concepts. That is, the box contains elements that explain or show the whole concept to the public. Esoterica Mathematics in spirit hide only the last few digits in numerical infinity. A hat on Urantia is 1. But how to explain how a hat is made and what style it has at least these partial integers 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on until the concept of the hat is explained. In spirit the concept of love is infinite, as in the Father’s infinite love, and it can be expressed mathematically as 100 (the concept in infinity as where that concept starts in a fabricated system of mathematics. The love would be 100 to start explaining it, and then over one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) partial integers.

We cannot begin to explain how spirit manipulates the whole integers and the partial integers, including those that start with whole numbers such as 200, 200.1, 200.2 and so on. These whole integers within the system of 100 (the concept of love), are not added to the concept but explain it as in an outline or filing system.

Ron has asked me to relay the idea of esoterica mathematics to the Melchizedek idea of vector events. It is simple Ron. The Melchizedeks say that if an event is to occur in the future, write it down as a projected event on Urantia (for instance), and then compute all the vectors it could have, such as one motion arrow going out from the proposed event as a house fire, another one going out as a policeman being burned by the fire rescuing people, another vector going out as a house full of valuable furniture being burned up, and so on until you have all the elements of this particular house fire.

Machiventa Melchizedek - “Now we have a student applying what he learned from Daniel Raphael’s transmission on Vector Forces and learning how to detail how an event can flow to its completion in the, “New Era Transition #10 – Events and Vectors of probability; Urgency of the Default; Revelation Continues – Jan. 9, 2017" . In this transmission I asked the crew that did the transmission to spell “cat.” In that instance they could spell it and spelling is an example of one material event that has one vector and it is spelled in action from memory. Now spell “cat is a kitty of fine looks.” How many vectors are in that there are six vectors which Ron accurately counted for my hearing. Let us define the vectors in that statement

1) The whole sentence is one vector
2) cat is a vector to spell it and see it as a cuddly animal
3) kitty needs a vector to define it in relationship to cat and more but is one vector
4) “fine,” how is it a vector as it relates to the word looks
5) “looks” is a vector to describe the cat, and the kitty and both need related to each other.
6) Is an unusual vector because in that one it is also about the effect of the sentence on a cat lover or a cat hater. One can subdivide vectors out of these six, but we accept there are six major vectors in that statement.

As Machiventa Melchizedek, I assume you all know that Daniel Raphael will constrain his work to the Monjoronson portion of the Magisterial Mission. Ron has both halves for Reasons of State, and that means Ron will work for Serara and Monjoronson both as both are interviewing celestial beings to oversee their output in the near future and that includes Supernaphim and unrevealed Seraphic Angels from Salvington. Those assigned are not Seraphim but angels related to the seven types of angels found created in Nebadon. I am not privy to the work these two men will do, but I know the advice I received from Michael of Nebadon, and that was to stay away from both of them as they get their feet wet to describe the elementary revisions both must go through to obtain a license to practice transmissions once the Magisterial Mission actually starts. I also work it out easily that Ron has nothing to obtain more than to start his work and that Daniel has a transition to go through if he accepts his assignment. Good day.”

We now return to Esoterica Mathematics, and how they relate to vector events.

Vector Events are related to Esoterica Mathematics simply saying in the example given about there are six vector arrows being prepared to release to understand what the statement means and says together as one unit to another person hearing it. The house that burned down has hundreds of vectors which we do not go into here, but understand that in spirit, vector events are mathematically contained in the spirit mind as numbers without integers. That means the quality of the event is defined separately, but that the vectors are distinguished numerically. The house that burned and harmed the policeman above and other things in the vent happened in the material realm and as such the Esoterica Mathematics, have a spiritual projection for meaning and a material meaning in a material world. On a material world, the house that burned is gone, but in spirit the house never really existed in the first place. Nor did the consequences of the fire play heavily on spirit since the house is not relevant to spirit. For example, the house that burned down had humans living in it that got harmed with the policeman (not listed in our description), and the man who caused the fire died. How should spirit convert the entire event as one event?

The answer is that spirit sees the house fire as six events, and we will only elucidate that of the six we know about, spirit may know more than twenty (20) more events that the material world can compute as a vector event.

I am Califax, and I love writing this material out for Ron, as he has always suspected that spirit can compute mathematically and nut use numbers. In Esoterica Mathematics this is possible and vector events are directly related to the concept. Thank you. Califax.

Ron - For those who do not know who Califax is, He is a Sautur and operates on Uversa with seven others of His creation. The Father pursues many issues on an evolutionary planet and on Urantia, it was decided by Uversa to make use of one of 49 Sauturs, as there are seven in each Stellum of spirit operating under the Ancients of Days. Each Stellum is specialized for one of seven spiritual aspects operating in Orvonton. Califax is literally the Father and cannot be further divided in definition. The expansion of spirit in the Grand Universe must take into account some form the Father can assume when a material planet is so badly in default as Urantia currently is. The Ancients of Days with the volunteer Califax, sent Califax to us to oversee the work of the Magisterial Mission, and as a result I have spoken to him often with regard to transmitted revelation and other factors in our brief but important relationship.

Califax speaks - “I am Califax., and Ron rightly reports me, but I am also the major representative from the Ancients of Days to Urantia as the Father-type among the three Ancients of Days. I am neither good or bad, but I am the Father and not merely His representative. On normal worlds we are never revealed and we almost always stay on Uversa to do our work, but with Urantia, the crisis is so severe we must act on the surface of the planet.”

Machiventa Melchizedek - “I close this transmission with the idea that Daniel Raphael who transmits in western United States, is in his last psychic circle. Ron has completed his and has reaped the rewards, but Daniel you need to cooperate with Ron on behalf of the Magisterial Mission. You should address this in your transmissions from me in the immediate future. Thank you. Machiventa Melchizedek.