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I surrendered to the call of love and Alana came along with Legion. Is this God? Is this Jesus or my imagination? It is all of these things to me and good. It is the truth, the beauty, the goodness these teachers have shown me that keeps me coming back to be reminded that love is the ultimate power and joy is the ultimate gift of lov. I am not perfect. I am not always sure I am even perfecting, just a toad shifting her belly on the moss, but I am growing in gratitude for a life lived in love, even the “bad” parts, the “hard” parts, that bring me to my knees, is a life worth living. Besides I am curious what’s next. The teachers embrace our curiosity, encourage it. This entire human experience is a lesson in learning how to love, if you choose it. I’ve known blind hatred, vicious jealousy, the shock of being slugged across the hallway. I know there is cold-hearted cruelty and ruthless pain. The heart room is a call to a class room of profound love that embraces all things that are human in knowledge, will, and action. We are known by love, intimately. To be known by love, to know that you are loved, is to know that you have love within, abundantly, plenty to give away without fear, without doubt. Acceptance brings forgiveness that allows love to change you. One does not need to sacrifice oneself to the altar of love, but allow love, accept love, into your heart and mind and let love shape you, be the cause of your living.
I surrendered to the call of love and Alana came along with Legion. Is this God? Is this Jesus or my imagination? It is all of these things to me and good. It is the truth, the beauty, the goodness these teachers have shown me that keeps me coming back to be reminded that love is the ultimate power and joy is the ultimate gift of lov. I am not perfect. I am not always sure I am even perfecting, just a toad shifting her belly on the moss, but I am growing in gratitude for a life lived in love, even the “bad” parts, the “hard” parts, that bring me to my knees, is a life worth living. Besides I am curious what’s next. The teachers embrace our curiosity, encourage it. This entire human experience is a lesson in learning how to love, if you choose it. I’ve known blind hatred, vicious jealousy, the shock of being slugged across the hallway. I know there is cold-hearted cruelty and ruthless pain. The heart room is a call to a class room of profound love that embraces all things that are human in knowledge, will, and action. We are known by love, intimately. To be known by love, to know that you are loved, is to know that you have love within, abundantly, plenty to give away without fear, without doubt. Acceptance brings forgiveness that allows love to change you. One does not need to sacrifice oneself to the altar of love, but allow love, accept love, into your heart and mind and let love shape you, be the cause of your living.
We had our first meeting with our friend and our teachers on……2000.  
We had our first meeting with our friend and our teachers on……2000.
==First Transmissions==
I sent the following note to our friend Henry re the teaching mission: We began a spiritual group again and have introduced some of the teachings. We have all agreed to practicing the stillness and listening for teacher guidance. Would you please have someone speak to Jar-el about this? just to say that we are here, waiting and listening and practicing, and to ask if there is any message for us. Also to ask for me: Is understanding always necessary for forgiveness?
Before I heard back from Henry, I “received” the following:
“Listen, you will understand. Forgiveness is fluid, like love. You will see great empty spaces, like the blank page to the author. You will be the one to carve your forgiveness out of granite, as smooth as glass, so smooth you have difficulty seeing the fault lines through which all change is manifested. Your fear of understanding is different only in kind from your fear of truth. You have discovered the similarities, but not identified with them. Truth is friendly. So is understanding, because these twins, not identical, are nevertheless from the same seed, love. When the truth hurts, there must always follow a period of relief to this bending oneself to love. Do not despair.
But understanding without love, without that relief that pain will end, is
worthless, no matter how true the understanding is. Truth can not stand alone. Love must filter through the truth; all intelligence must be struck thru by love in order to reveal the truth; all truth leads to love. My understanding may vastly differ from your understanding, but in this we agree and are the same, we do not exist without love. Love is the generator, the moving part to all forgiveness and growth. Forgiveness and growth are love’s machine.  We are grateful for all opportunities to grease the wheels, so to speak, to infuse your truth with forgiveness and love beyond your understanding. Be in peace, brother and sister.”
Henry sent this teaching:
                          <center>“I AM IN BETWEEN</center>
                            <center>YOUR BREATH</center>
                            <center>AND YOUR MIND</center>
Children of Time, patience is the eternal response to time. Time is the
puzzle of eternity. Its answer is the pathway to eternity.
Willful decision is the key which unlocks the doorway to Time.
:I AM Timeless,
:You are Timeful,
:We are Timeable.
Greetings, my friend. In answer to the question whether understanding is
necessary for forgiveness, Is understanding necessary to give or receive
love. Understanding is the act of eternity, forgiveness is the act of Time.
Usually it is in retrospect to experience which yields understanding.
Forgiveness is the ability to bring understanding to a situation. First, one
has to forgive ones'self. This is possible by the fact that the Father
resident within has already forgiven you. Forgiveness is a decision, a
willful one.
If one had complete understanding, one would forgive automatically. The
Master did and at the end of his life while on the cross was able to voice,
"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing". He
certainly had complete understanding of the human condition.
Finally, forgiveness is more important than understanding as a value.
Understanding becomes augmented by the act of forgiveness, eternal value
acquired by the mortal act of time.”
But before I had received Henry's message, I had already had two more experiences: I started out with, “I am open to listening and learning. I am grateful for this opportunity to listen and learn.”
1. “Have faith in learning. You are wandering lost in the barren desert, but I
am here and I will guide you. Never fear, we are watching over all your
falls and mishaps.
When the call comes, you answer it. Each time you open yourself to listening, hearing our guidance, you are learning. You can only see one step at a time, here, in the here and now. We are with you and on the other side of the mountain as well. As you learn from one another, you increase your ability to be here and there. As we do. This is the importance of connection, listening, communicating in an exchange of effort to hear and be guided. Whether the thread you are following is thin, and you cling to it with faith and trepidation, loyally, but shivering in the dark, Love will prevail. You will reach the summit and see beyond the narrow confines of your self and the small spotlight of your earthly life. Let us show you how to spread that light, how to see into the darkness, which for all your fear is still fascinating. Shadows go slowly, you must be willing for them to change shape until suddenly they become your safe escape into light and the joys of unconditional love. Be not intimidated. Look with eyes unafraid to be open. Listen with ears patient for the truth. In between your conflicts and struggles to love one another as we love you, like the interstices of a strong foundation built to withstand the natural settling and shifting of the earth's faults, be content in who you are, human beings, limited in scope but gifted with the the capacity to love, and be loved. You are loved beyond your wildest hopes and dreams. Your power to love is limited only by your ability to know this is true, I am with you, the father and all the heavenly hosts are with you, the mother spirit embraces you. The miracle of love on earth is founded in these beliefs. And re-created by each one of you, as fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers. But the greatest of these is to know that you are one, one among many, one in all, each of you is precious in the father's eyes, and the mother is no less. That is all for now.”
2. “Pain. You weep because you fear you will not be loved. This fear of the future is because you do not believe that you are loved, or loveable. Whatever you believe love to be, begin to give that to yourself now. You are loved. By me who is always at your side. By the father and the mother, equal and equally.
You have done well, my child. The discipline of love is the mastery of the tongue; you want to speak when it is not wise to do so, and only love quiets the tongue. When you speak out with love, you are heard. Wait and listen before you speak. Even then, loving speech may bear hard truth, painful truth, and your words are flung back at you like dirt on a burial scene. You want to rise up, let the dirt fall, have your say. The dead can not speak. Only the living. We only live by love.
Misunderstanding in love is overcome only by forgiveness. Forgiveness exists as soon as you have the intention; it is not a solitary act, it must be done again and again and again. Your intention will guide you, and we, knowing now your intention is real, have given you support. Listen and your forgiveness will give you that feeling of love you so desperately seek.
Rest well, child of love, you are known as a divine mentor in heaven. Take these words and share them.”
==See also==
==See also==
*'''''[[Overview of the Teaching Mission|Overview of the Teaching Mission by B. Slagle]]'''''
*'''''[[Overview of the Teaching Mission|Overview of the Teaching Mission by B. Slagle]]'''''
[[Category: Costa Rica TeaM]]
[[Category: Costa Rica TeaM]]