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===Topic: ''Giving Up Pain''===
===Group: [[Costa Rica TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Legion]], [[Alana]]===
===TR: [[S. Butterfield]]===
Let us Pray: Dear Father, Mother Spirit, the hosts of angels and teachers, we dedicate this time to the doing of the Father’s will. Amen

“Yes, we are here. We extend a great good welcome. The energies here right now today are particularly focused on our good intention to serve as your guides in this marvelous adventure you call life…which is for some of you like a dishpan full of dirty water. This is because as you struggle to learn how to pass through the more difficult lessons in your life on your planet you have many times to encompass the slow manifestation….(break in tape)…. As you wash each plate then rinse the suds away, the clear water in your dishpan becomes cloudy. Sometimes, there being only a few platters, when you finally turn the pan over and empty that dishwater, it is only mildly dirty. Other times, you have had quite a banquet and you would try to wash many dishes in one pan, which appears to be efficient, but of course the water will become very cloudy, even viscous, and you must empty that pan and begin again, sometimes even washing the same dishes twice. To those of you going through this experience in terms of your life’s difficulties in the present, you become somewhat critical of yourselves for that experience of having to begin again, even do over what you thought was done. But still, you have washed some plates clean, you have only more to do. You like to forget, but you must remember, once there has been a successful passage from the banquet, to the work of cleaning up, to the relief of that time of reflection and enjoyment over what has passed, there will come again a new banquet to be dealt with.

Some of you would say, My troubles are not a banquet! I say to you, Every moment of your life on earth is a banquet, an opportunity! It is difficult. We understand. It is difficult to accept the many changes that come your way. But it is by these many changes that you come to understand, and to know, the greater good that is for you to know God, and for you to know that God’s love is with you at all times. That is the blessing of your troubles.

Of course this is Legion speaking, and you know me very well now. I have no problem with asking you to work hard. By this I do not mean for you to suffer. I mean for you to understand that your life is in your hands. I am there to be with you, to serve you, to guide you, to help you, as are others. I will listen, and listen, and listen. You do not need to hold back from me, nor from Michael, nor from Alana, who would speak with you now.”

“I am Alana. I am pleased to join you again in this Heart Room we are constructing together. I am pleased that you have opened your hearts and minds to my mission, which is to bring you light, to bring love into your minds. I would have each of you know my peace and my satisfaction. Now that we are all here together perhaps you would converse with me, yes?”
D : “We welcome you, Alana. Are you in a lyrical mood today?”

“When I speak with such poetry, I do not think feeling is precisely accurate. I am a being of such vibration that your feeling mood does not quite encompass me. However, if you are in a feeling tone of lyricism, I would be most happy to dance with you.”

D : “I would just like to say that in this week’s time, as you have said, of “hanging out” with you, I have come to a sense of how precious you are to me.”

“I am grateful, for you are very precious to me, my friend. I treasure the companionship made available by this mission when those of you who have opened your hearts to seeking the truth, the goodness, and the beauty of God’s love, turn to me and listen. It is wonderful companionship to be heard. Yes? (Yes)

And there is another one here who yearns for companionship. We know his sadness, but we shower upon him these thoughts: You are a Child of God. It is your right, your rightful purpose, to know Joy. Joy comes from within because every child of God has been given this blessing. What you must do is two-fold: You must go within and allow yourself to discover and to know that joy, and to know that it is real. And then, you must have so much faith in this joy that you carry it up and out into your world with confidence that it is yours to share. If there are those who would not share in your joy, then let them discover joy elsewhere. Do not let that refusal reduce your joy, or reduce your confidence that the joy you know is yours, the joy you have discovered, the joy that is ours to share with you and yours to share with others. Do not let another’s refusal put a dark blanket over you. We know you to be confident. Now it is your task to know our confidence in you.

Well, so many beautiful hearts we have here today in my grand chat-room of love. May I speak to any one of you?”

S : “Thank you Alana. (“Ah, so…”) It is hard to remember the confidence and joy we have within when there is pain, the pain of rejection. I was talking to my friend about this and he has developed the talent of putting painful things in boxes and putting them away. I don’t have that talent. Can you say something to help me?”

“We would open all your boxes! (chuckles) Yes, that is a trick that many use to handle what they think will destroy them. As a function of the ego, this is most important, because the ego must not be destroyed. However, we transcend the ego. We, of course, being who we are, come to you and gently ask you to open the boxes. This should not be a demand. It is an invitation. Your pain, my dear, dear one, will not destroy you. Your pain is the giving up of that….(tape break)….turn from your earthly father toward our Father, Who charges nothing.”

S : “That’s wonderful! You are right, he always made me pay.”

“We like the new energy you have just expressed. It has a touch of vehemence, but that too shall fall away. You have a very strong capability for doing good in your world. It is time for you. Do not fear your strength. Our friend, Legion, is here to tell you that one can be strong, and loving as well. Thank you for speaking with me.”

S : “Thank you. You have helped to lighten my burden.”

“There is one here whose burden is like a great cloud. We would lift this cloud. I would ask each of you now to lift (a wind rises and the bamboo chimes start ringing) the clouds from your minds and let the light flow among you. We hope you feel this light, this light-ness. Your bodies are heavy, but your hearts and your minds, if you enlighten them, will train your body to step lightly upon this earth that you inhabit. It is Legion who has many times told your transmitter to strengthen her body so that she may step lightly, hold her head high, her shoulders and chest open.

You are a vehicle for God’s love! When you are missing that love which you seek from another person, you must keep your body strong so that you can carry all the love we would have you know from within! It is true that people will disappoint you, but God is always there. It is God’s will that you learn to suffer disappointment with God’s love in your “soul” as you call it. It is not that tears are a waste, for as I have already said, pain is a lesson. What I mean to tell you is that with God’s love in your heart you may know joy even when you are temporarily disappointed, or grieving. And now, if you wish to speak to Legion, he would be most pleased to speak with you. Thank you for listening.”

S : “Thank you for your beautiful presence, Alana.”

O : “Legion I wish to thank you for the beautiful teaching you gave me (from an earlier transmission). It has helped me tremendously. It helped me like in recent time no other teaching has helped. I wish to know what actually happens when I go into stillness and I can not make contact, when my mind rambles on and thinks about the one that left me. Would you please help me?”

“My son, there is One greater than I whose presence now holds your transmitter in a pause of rapture. (long pause during which TR experienced Michael’s light) I am grateful that what I could communicate to you through her was of comfort to you. Bring your troubles to your stillness. You worry over one who has left. You fear that those who are by your side will not speak to you for all your babbling of the mind. I am here to tell you, that we, your beloved Michael, your devoted teacher, and I, listen to every word you say. When you have given up your fear that you are unworthy, then you will no longer fear being alone. You have created for yourself many leavings. These leavings are your banquet. We do not judge these things, but you do. And so, you bring them to the stillness again, and again, and again, checking the crumbs, so to speak. (chuckles) Well, this may be a good study for you, but I ask you not to think that because you are studying in one direction, the other direction is not open to you.”

O : “Would you tell me then about the other direction?”

“The other direction is to do the best you know how to accept and to honor God’s love for you and to manifest yourself as a worthy receptacle of this love. You must be true to this. You can not expect another to be true to this for you. You have many responsibilities of the same nature toward others who love you. (long pause) Forgive me for a moment. I am trying to give your transmitter a picture. (long pause) She is seeing now, the direct line from father to son to son to son. (Later, O said that he comes from a long line of only sons.) Forgive your father for all his many failings as you have imagined them, or as you have understood them. Allow this forgiveness to forgive you.

You do not have a particular rage against our Father, the Father of us all, but there are many on your planet who do. It is the same for them, as it is for you with your earthly father. I say again, the disappointments that come in life are part of the banquet of life. And I say again, you do not need to fear, but you do need to forgive, so that your son may forgive you, and his son may forgive him. We will always listen to your regrets, but we would have you toss them away some day. Toss them away with the genuine act of forgiveness, which is love.
She (the TR) now has another picture, which is, all must be weaned. She has cleaned the picture up a bit. I had told her, sometimes you are pulled from the tit. Of course you do not like this. And so you rage. And you weep. And we listen. We know that your life on this planet is short. You will be pulled away from it. You can learn to let the “pulling” become a “letting go.” Yes, use that for awhile, let the pulling become a letting. (Tape ended.)

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Costa Rica TeaM]]
[[Category: Legion]]
[[Category: Alana]]
[[Category: S. Butterfield]]
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