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===Topic: ''Ascend and Transcend''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
“We find God through the leadings of spiritual [[insight]], but we approach this insight of [[the soul]] through the love of the [[beautiful]], the pursuit of [[truth]], loyalty to [[duty]], and the [[worship]] of divine [[goodness]].” ([[195:5|195:5.14]])
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, we are a match made in [[Heaven]]. Isn’t this the most amazing fact to ponder pertaining to your life and to the life of your many planetary [[siblings]]? Doesn’t it convey to you a sense of the magnitude of [[the Father]]’s Love for each one of [[His children]]? The mere contemplation of this fact of life should greatly ‘appreciate’ the [[value]] you confer on your life.

“Our eternal [[partnership]] is the Divine Promise made to you at the time of My coming to [[Ta|indwell you]]. I did not chose you lightly as I am looking forward to an eternal [[relationship]] — not one of the type ‘till death us part.’

“I dwell within you and partake of your every living [[moment]] — as a mere Observer, or as a more involved Partner. You are the one [[deciding]] to which level you take our relationship as I am patiently waiting for you to initiate each [[step]]. As I witness your touching [[efforts]] to include Me in your life, I come out of what is [[perceived]] by you to be My hiding place — My aloofness.

“I am far from being an [[illusion]] — a figment of your [[imagination]]. I am not the one who is elusive as I am 100% [[committed]] to bring you back with Me to the [[glory]] of [[Paradise]]. Yet, My own longings are not enough as it takes two to get there. Paradise is not a place where the Father’s children are dragged kicking and screaming. Rather, it is a place of incommensurable [[attraction]], meant to fully quench the longings of any [[soul]].

“As you strive to [[ascend]] toward those absolute spiritual realities, you [[simultaneously]] bring them down into your own being by increasingly embodying them. You could compare that [[process]] to the one of calibrating the lens of a camera so as to get a much sharper image.

“A camera can zoom in on a specific objective, while at the same time drowning in blurriness the rest of the [[panorama]]. This is what happens when human beings are over focusing on their [[physical]] reality at the expense of its spiritual [[counterpart]]. My job as your [[Ta|Thought ‘Adjuster’]] is to help you adjust your mental [[focus]] so as to get a sharper image of your eternal [[destiny]].

“As we cultivate our relationship, as you [[adjust]] your life’s [[decisions]] to the divine criteria of [[Truth, Beauty and Goodness]], you get to increasingly relish the moments we [[share]] in our little piece of Heaven — the haven of peace within you. This is a small foretaste of the unspeakable [[feelings]] of bliss and elation you will get to [[experience]] once we reach our coveted Paradise destination.
“Dear ones, use each day as yet another [[opportunity]] to fine [[tune]] your being so that it can be [[receptive]] to the many gifts that Spirit will deliver to you — one by one — as you [[manifest]] the ability to appreciate them and multiply them. You are so [[blessed]] and yet so few among you live with this awareness and fail to actively [[express]] their [[gratitude]] to the Giver. You are children of [[promise]]—the promise the Father made to you that you will one day stand in [11:3 Upper Paradise |His Presence on Paradise]]. You won’t be magically [[teleported]] there. Rather, you will get there on your own [[merits]] as you undergo your [[metamorphosis]] from a mere animal-origin human being to a [[godlike]] [[personality]] who has fully transcended its [[animal nature]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: 2016]]