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===Topic: ''The Problem of Disunity''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster|I AM]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
I AM: “My Child, let us be of one [[mind]] and one [[heart]] — [[imagine]] us [[fused]] together as one being. This creative [[intention]] will be the energy that shall one day bring us together and it shall be forever more. You may foretaste this estate when you come to me asking to be of one mind and one heart. Now, let your thoughts be my thoughts — remove all [[separation]] between us and speak with [[confidence]] that I am [[sharing]] my thoughts with you. When you come to me this way, you build the mastery needed for that soon-to-be day of fusion.

“Close your eyes and [[imagine]] a small [[light]] in the center of your heart — see it in your [[mind’s eye]]. To fuse with me, this light shall grow many times greater in magnitude as if it is a blazing [[sun]]. See this light grow in [[intensity]] and imagine the energy from it [[radiating]] outward in all directions. As the radiance [[grows]] and intensifies, feel every [[cell]] in your body being purged of all impurities. Feel [[divine]] love begin to fill all space within you. Feel your body become lighter as the divine love [[saturates]] your entire being.

“Having all this light and divine love within you, how does your mind [[think]]? How do you see the world? How do you feel about your brothers and sisters? Do you [[understand]] the divine [[unity]] of all life — can you now see it from my [[perspective]]? What problem do you have that cannot be solved with this mindset? When you fuse with me, we [[become]] one being and all that I have becomes yours and all that you are becomes us — one of true and beautiful intention that can overcome any [[obstacle]] and can make [[manifest]] any good desire.

“When you are fused with me, you are [[god-like]] in the sense that you are connected to the [[Universal Father]] in a way that no other order of beings in the [[universe of universes]] can claim. You are a [[Finaliter]] in the making having yet to fill your [[soul]] with the weight of universe [[experiences]] that shall one day bring you before the Universal Father for that sublime and utterly soul quenching deity [[embrace]] — an experience so fulfilling that you shall, for the first time in your long career, know what it is like to feel the eternal and infinite nature of the [[Universal Father]] as if it were He. This is the ‘final’ embrace which [[inspires]] you to go out into the [[outer space]] levels of creation and create life in new and unimagined ways as it is ‘Willed’ by the Universal Father. They are your experiences that shall seed these new ideas that ‘come to life’ and come to light.
“Oh what [[adventures]] you shall have as your [[dual]] natures fuse into one divine person. Keep your sights fixed on this [[glorious]] future as you traverse the perfecting [[trials]] of your [[ascension]] and hold it above all concerns. The secrets of Finality are yours and yours alone — no other being can claim to know the [[intimate]] glory of that moment with the Universe Father.

“[[Trust]] in me, my Child, and I shall bring you to the doorstep of [[infinity]], for I have chosen you to be the host of my indwelling and I foresee that it is a perfect [[decision]]. No other can fill the shoes for the [[journey]] I have prepared for you.

“[[I AM]] [[Love]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2017]]