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===Topic: ''Balance''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]], [[Jonathan]], [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Charles: [Mark] Greeting to you all, I am Charles and I stand in gratitude for the grace that this opportunity provides to get together in this way. Let's consider the concept of balance. Consider even in your mind's eye what conjures up in considering balance, considering the scales tipping to even, considering an equal amount of investment in all sides. This notion of finding a balance is really the art of living, this grand attempt to strike a balance that one pursues in living a wholesome life. Truly one could choose to go off in many directions and these influences may serve to tip the balance one way or the other. The art of living is to attempt to strike this balance, to notice where it may be off balance and to lean in the other direction. Keep your balance, to maintain your balance is, in a nutshell, what you are here to do.

The fact that there are so many various opportunities before you, gives you the chance to see how these things affect your balance, to see your balance in contrast to the otherness that you may observe. That is the art of living, to see it as an art, to see it as something that you play with and create and fulfill. The art of living a balanced life where things are settled in harmony and at peace just as the yin and the yang share the same space; they are in peace, in harmony, in balance. You may conjure up even in your mind what it is like to be balanced on a surfboard or skis where when you lean in one direction you influence the course, you change your trajectory, you affect your balance. Many people in distress consider themselves out of balance, off of center, somehow veered out of control.

So this notion to consider for the day is a great opportunity to consider all of the aspects of your life and the balance that you choose to strike with them. What will your position be in relationship to all that is out there? Will your individual balance be thrown off kilter or will you desire to become involved in the art of living and how you choose to lean into it and to turn in the direction of your choosing and the balance you will strike.

It's always a pleasure to be invited and as I have said, invoked, into this process through the thought, the word and now the deed. Thank you for the grace this opportunity provides. All of you who participate, it is my pleasure to join you. I now allow for others.

Jonathan: [Mark] I too stand in gratitude for this opportunity, I am Jonathan and as you may well have assessed I have attached myself to this group and whenever there is a chair open I will take it. This notion on the floor of balance and coming to balance, of finding balance and pursuing balance in your lives is a marvelous concept to entertain because you have so many different references as a mortal as to what balance may be and to observe this in its many forms. This is one of the grand gifts of the mortal life.

It is said that too much of anything can be not good for you and this is true. Think of all your basics that you have in your lives and if there are too many of these things present it would be in detriment to the environment. There is a fine balance that is struck throughout the universe and there is just enough water on this world, there is just enough oxygen. All these things are in balance and relationship to each other, just enough daylight, just enough warmth. There is indeed a well orchestrated balance that one observes as a thread throughout their ascension. This thread of having been chosen and assembled to be in this balance, this purposeful intent that is manifest, this divine pattern we begin to see even on the mortal plane and more of this is exposed to us as we pursue our ascension career.

We are fibers that are woven into this tapestry of intention and this balance that has been woven around us supports us and provides for us, all the things that we have need of are there and this is true throughout. This you learn even on the mortal plane but plays out through your entire existence. So here's to the continued mission of striking a more perfect balance, a more righteous stance, a more purposeful application of intent. Here's to our continued mission of growing ourselves in this way.

Thank you for the introduction of the topic of balance, where stance is so important to maintaining ones balance. Help us to adopt a more spiritual stance as we approach our mission ahead, help us to be more intentional in our process. Thank you my friends for this opportunity.
Serena: [Cathy] It is most important to place your intention in conjunction with spirit direction. Powerful connections exist within this group and those expand to include those of us in other dimensions as well. This network is created to facilitate growth and stability. The plan has been made by Michael, the course has been set by spirit. The progress is determined by intention and faith in the process. This creative path has led us together to a new place of possibility. This combination of creative potentials has increased the progress and results of Michael's plan. Indeed, with Michael and spirit guiding, there is no need to fear arrival at the desired end. There is no need to fear misdirection or interference from outside forces. All is well and proceeding as directed.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: 2017]]