
Created page with "Image:lighterstill.jpg right|frame ==Heading== ===Topic: ''Points of Light''=== ===Group: 11:11 Progress Group=== ==Facilitators==..."

===Topic: ''Points of Light''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “Sometimes we [[observe]] [[human being]]s that [[abandon]] the task that has been placed before them to embark on [[adventures]] that will not produce any permanent benefit to them. Many have left their [[families]] and their [[children]], pursuing the [[illusory]] promise of a life with more material benefits, when the [[dedication]] to the task of raising their children to [[become]] men and women, who will help make a reality of [[Doing the Will of God|the Will of the Father]], is what was really expected of them.

“Others abandon their surroundings to help in faraway lands, while completely indifferent to the [[problems]] at [[home]] and the solutions they may be able to create right where they were originally situated. This doesn’t imply that the [[effort]] to help other disadvantaged people should be abandoned. Many rich nations do well in providing material and human resources to improve the lives of others in poorer regions. Yet sometimes these same nations promote [[policies]] and [[actions]] that make the problems even worse.

“Once [[truth]] has been established as a firm [[foundation]] in the [[hearts]] of the human beings of [[this world]], there will be consistency in the efforts to solve the problems — unity of [[purpose]]. The [[path]] towards light is inevitably the [[divine]] will. Only when all of you have decided to align your individual wills with His Will there will be true [[collaboration]] and this in turn will bring the miraculous [[changes]] that will elevate this world once and for all.
“Be a [[channel]] of [[expression]] for [[the Father]]’s [[love]] right there where you are now, in your [[family]], in your [[neighborhood]], in your city and in your country. Visualize a map of your world and consider how each one of you is a point of light on this map, starting to [[illuminate]] the whole earth little by little. Each time a [[soul]] discovers the Father in her [[heart]] another point on the map lights up. If one of those points moves to another place it will just be one point in the [[darkness]], but if each of those illuminated points lives an [[inspiring]] and exemplary life, it may light up the hearts of those around it and so the light will spread with more [[intensity]] and determination, overcoming [[darkness]] at last.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2012]]