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===Topic: ''Aligning With the Will of Spirit''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for sharing your divine natures with us that we may grow into our own unique God-likenesses. We are on a journey and we are grateful for your support. This is a collaborative journey of Spirit and humanity combined, and we thank you for reinforcing those spiritual currents in our being, that we may continue to imprint upon your beings and our own divine essences that come from the Father in Paradise. We receive as little children in faith, in trust in your gracious GOODNESS. We thank you for your WILL being done now.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, greetings to you! This is Michael. Take a few moments to set that intention to imprint upon my essence of being. This is your time to receive from me what I wish to share with you, that you may grow through these circuits of Spirit your Mother and I provide to you to support your spiritual development and soul growth.

The world is hungry to see people who are living at a higher level of consciousness. Your brothers and sisters need to see men and women who are dedicated to living in alignment with the WILL of Spirit. While many in your culture seek those arenas of celebrity—those individuals who have received certain degrees of status through their material pursuits—this is, what you might call, a very shallow sense of satisfaction. And the human heart is hungry for something of a more deep substance—that of the Spirit.

In today’s infusion I invite you to feel your desire to receive more deeply from us. This takes you into a place of greater faith—not only faith in us, but faith in the presence of the Father Within that comes from your innate gifts of personality. We have been helping you access this deeper place for some time now, that you may be about the business of self-mastery, and it is a worthwhile undertaking and a noteworthy accomplishment for you to achieve.

So few humans of this world have dared to aspire to this, but I call on you now to simply go into that place of desire and intention for you to develop yourselves in the ways in which I developed myself during my human life as Jesus, that we may together forge a path of higher attainment for your brothers and sisters to follow. This path is open to all, to anyone who dares to step out on this rugged path of faith and to explore that environment or dimension of Spirit that lives inside each person. If you are ready, simply feel this desire and intention to receive from me as your Mother and I move in you now, my precious children. Relax, and receive in our LOVE. (Pause)

What your Mother and I are providing to you now is an enhancement of those circuits within your energy systems to render you more receptive to the perception of who you are as our child. This is a place where you are given what you might call more mercy credits and a greater infusion of faith that you may trust in this process unfolding within you—to see yourself more through the eyes of Spirit and how you have previously perceived yourself as a human being. It is almost as if you are able to see yourselves walking in two worlds, one foot on the ground and the other in the Spirit.

There is a duality here, but truly it all functions together in a beautiful unification of your humanity conjoined with your growing sense of the presence of God’s action within you. Become familiar with this inner perception as it will be yours to increasingly comprehend as you ascend in your consciousness from the human caterpillar to the spiritual butterfly.

Over time it will begin to seem more natural that this is who you are. And from that place you will feel deeper stirrings of the presence of the Father Within you through your own unique personalities and be able to accomplish great things in His WILL. This is what I achieved and accomplished during my human journey, and I share that with you, my children, that you may also benefit from my own human life and take comfort and solace in me when you have those times when you are being stretched beyond your comfort zone and feel uncertain in where you are being guided.

There is always and evermore something in you pointing the way, and it is merely an exercise of going within and relaxing in us and ask for the inner direction to stir you forward. Let these words settle into you, my children. Let them speak and reverberate new considerations upon your mind, and to help you feel that deeper rudder within guiding you onward in this glorious destiny of achieving union with the Father.

This is what you are now embarked upon and there is no turning back. But why would you when you know that there is so much GOODNESS to be absorbed within and to demonstrate that out into the world? Continue to receive and allow what we are sharing with you to touch you in new places and provide you with more room for your souls to develop. (Pause)

There is a massive outpouring of CHANGE energy moving through the circuits of human consciousness. Allow yourselves to become more comfortable as its energies move through your own bodies and minds. While there may be some moments of physical or mental or even emotional discomfort from time to time, this is merely the voice of the past tied to the legacy of the rebellion releasing its final grasp on your systems of consciousness. Give it no energy, my children. Simply recognize that this has been within your deep subconscious beings and give thanks that it is now finding its way out through the GRACE of your Mother and the massive clean-up effort underway to remove these vast vestiges from your energy systems.

Come to us in those moments when you feel certain energies operating within you, certain thoughts still ruminating in your minds. Ask for us to replace them with what you need to enhance the spiritual energies taking deeper hold upon your systems that they may be reinforced and thereby gain more presence in you to operate within your thoughts and feelings. Rest easy in this process of exchange knowing that all that is GOOD, RIGHTEOUS, TRUE and BEAUTIFUL is taking up greater space within your beings.

A new path is being forged within, and there is so much to anticipate with hope and joy and love; and at some point in your journey it will feel as if you are falling in love with life—maybe even for the first time. And here is where you will sense a great feeling of victory: victory over the past, victory over the conditioning in your beings that have held you back from achieving your potential. Your Mother and I look to that day when we see you standing in this victory of the divine over the human, of the TRUTH over error, GOODNESS over evil.

So as we continue to move in you, make this deeper commitment to yourselfs to go the distance as we support you on this momentous occasion of your growth into who you are—the supreme achievement of human life. Breathe deeply in us as we continue to support you. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, in this manner, but as you know, I am closer to you than you can imagine through the Spirit of Truth that binds us together. As the Christian culture moves into the remembrance of my life, my death, and my resurrection, I invite you to focus on the energies of the RESURRECTION. Part of my human life experience was to go through this portal of death into the new life that awaits you one day to experience.

During this time of CHANGE and the inauguration of higher spiritual frequencies upon the planet, the morontia (higher spiritual frequencies) circuitry that is now bathing this world is designed to spark new energy connections in your bodies to render you more receptive to the presence of your Spirit. My resurrection is a part of this unfolding of these new circuits for your world and I share this with you, my dear ones, to imprint upon especially now in this season of Easter.

In your times of stillness communion ask for these energies of the RESURRECTION to infuse your minds and bodies that you may enjoy enhanced communication between the Spirit levels, the mindal levels, and the physical levels. They were all designed to work in this glorious harmony of divine LOVE, and as you focus on this I will respond, and you will receive and it will be put to good use in various ways. Some you may even be able to perceive yourself and others will be more subtle.

Rest in these energies now, my children, as I take my leave and your Mother addresses you. You are all so dearly loved, expertly guided, carefully nurtured. Let any remaining fears you may have within you gently recede into the past, forging new cells, if I may use that word, of faith within your being, that you may continue to grow and ascend to the heights of glory through your own personal achievements of self-mastery. There is so much to gain and we are here to help you make these strides that you may demonstrate the GOODNESS of the presence of God Within to all those around you. Be in my PEACE and grow in my LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Yes, my little ones, change is all around you. It is actually a very integral part of your evolutionary natures, and this property of evolving to higher states is now being accelerated through the enhanced circuits we provide to you, that may continue to outwork the past legacy of rebellion and come into more conformity and alignment with the GRACE of God Within. These facts are well known to you. It is now merely a matter of allowing this natural process to take greater space within your beings, that you may allow these changes to unfold through you.

It does, at times, bring up many conflicting thoughts. The conflict arises when ideas of the past are brought into your awareness. But this is for your consideration: “Do I need to retain this awareness: this idea, this belief, or is there an alternative, something better which my Spirit wishes to convey to me?”

This is the question to ask when you are at that place in your thoughts and feelings when confusion or doubt arises. The process itself is actually quite simple, my children. The challenge for you comes in recognizing that it is merely a choice on your part. And when you choose the greater good in the alternative, it will be revealed to you in various ways. But you must sincerely desire this. It must be an active decision on your part to engage those higher levels of your mind wherein the Spirit is able to reach down into those thoughts and inlay the higher path—the better way.

The more you practice this simple exercise, the greater will you gain mastery over the mind. It is almost as if you are willing your mind to be directionized towards Spirit, instead of gravitating towards the past that has kept you in states of disempowerment. We provide you with certain energies and circuits to help you learn these ways that you may cooperate with the action of God Within.

There is so much that you will perceive in yourself of the past that has interfered with your spiritual development. But as you see this, we ask you to be not fearful or encumbered by this mentally or emotionally, because the Spirit is bigger than the human ways aligned in the rebellion. The Spirit is larger and can convey broader, deeper, higher ideas and ideals upon your own minds, and at that point you choose. You choose what you want to believe and feel. The power is in your hands.

Think about this for a few moments and ask your Spirit to continue to help you not only perceive from this way but to help your mental and emotional currents move in the direction of LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE itself. As you do this I will move in you now that you may gain greater ascendency over the power of your mind to stay the course to flow in the energies of change that are now so fully embracing this world. (Pause)

Soon, very soon, it will become more obvious to your more material minded brethren that there is a vibrant change embracing this planet. It is the call to awaken to Spirit, and as we have shared with you, when some of your brothers and sisters respond to this inner awakening call it will bring up the shadows of the past and they will need support and help, nurturing and guidance to make sense of all of this. This is why we have spent so much effort in helping you overcome those limitations that your brothers and sisters may witness how you maintain your inner composure and peace in the midst of things seeming to fall apart all around you.

What joy you will bring to them! What hope, what peace! And when they feel that peace you can be assured that we will be there to support them to come into that inner scrutiny of their lives and give them a new way to perceive themselves and all that has happened to them prior to those moments of awakening.

Now do not be daunted by when and what occurs when they come to this awareness. You are all being mightily prepared, and some of you have yet to fully express those ways you have been imprinted upon to convey to your brothers and sisters. We encourage you to welcome these moments of opportunity to be of service, and to know that you are being given opportunities to grow through these times, and always and evermore are we here to support your efforts.

Continue to receive from your Father and me for the next few moments, as we help you feel a deeper level of LOVE stir through your energy systems and awakening new places of potential within you to express your wonderful God-given personalities. (Pause)

My precious children, my Motherly LOVE is quickening in you. Allow its presence to further nurture you and render you more spiritually fragrant, especially when you encounter an individual who is in great need of my LOVE. When you are before that person or persons simply call upon me as your Mother and ask for my LOVE to flow from my heart to yours and from your heart into the others’, and allow me to speak to them words of LOVE they need for their healing and upliftment.

This is one of the ways you learn to use spiritual energies that will lead you to this exquisite state of self-mastery. You are learning to master the ways in which to use the energies of LIFE itself. It is time for your world to learn of this, but it comes when people are ready to cast off the past and to align themselves in the WILL of God, and then you learn and grow and benefit from what will provide them a better quality of life.

It is now up to you to make use of what we have provided to you that you may be the healers of your world. But as you know, we are with you always supporting every effort you make, no matter how small or large it may seem to you. It is all of equal importance in the realm and eyes of Spirit. So do not downplay your influence or your significance, for you are truly very important—now at this time more so than ever because you are still in the minority of your brethren.

But the tide is turning and more people are ready to receive what you have to offer them. Keep this in the forefront of your thoughts, my children, that we may collaborate with you as you minister to those who are ready to receive. Let these words settle in, and as they settle in, feel the energy and the empowerment that we provide to you to be the healers of your world, and to help in the ushering of the age of change and growth in the Spirit. (Pause)
As your Father Michael indicated, focus on the energies of the RESURRECTION as you move into the Easter celebration, and I will respond and share with you more of what this means and the value that it conveys for your life. Rejoyce in this time of change, my children, for it is truly the hands of God moving through Urantian consciousness. Thrive in my LOVE, my children. It is all around you. It is within you, and I am always present to give you what you need especially when you call on me directly.

Enjoy your day wherever Spirit takes you. Look for those opportunities to share LOVE, to be a LIGHT to others, and to grow in who you are, for it truly is a glorious representation of the collaboration of the human and divine, operating as one on this beautiful world. Good day, my children. Thrive in my LOVE.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]