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===Topic: ''Jesus' Human Life Experience Shared With Us for Self-Mastery''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful for this opportunity to be before you in this way as you minister to us in the circuits of our consciousness, filling us with what you know we need, upstepping us in the energies of your being that are fundamental for our growth. As we imprint upon you, help us to be more mindful of the presence of our indwelling Father fragments that we may be about the holy purposes for our lives, to be more aligned in your WILL. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. I come before you today, not only as your Father, but as your brother Jesus who is charged with living a life focused on doing the WILL of the Father as one of my requirements of my own personal sovereignty as Creator of Nebadon.

I come before you today to share my human life experience as Jesus with you to support you in the development of your own personal sovereignty that comes from the Father in Paradise. You have free will and you have within you a spark of divinity that is designed to support the development of your character as you grow in comprehension of who you are as that personality taking origin in Him.

This is an eternal life-long journey. Your process starts here on this material world, as you well know. And you have a rugged terrestrial experience due to the conditions of this world, but I am here to support your own personal development to help you come into own personal sovereignty that I, too, had to develop as a part of my universe career.

I well know this terrain of transformation you now trod, and it is my delight to walk beside you, helping you see along the way where you may stumble into pitfalls of material attachments, to help you sidestep them, overcome certain obstacles along your path that you may walk with pride and joy in who you are as a son and daughter of the First Source and Center and grow in comprehension in your relationship with Him and the power that comes from the Father that is yours to share with your brothers and sisters in devoted loving service.

What I ask of you today is simply focus on me as your brother Jesus. Invite me to come close to you in this brother to brother or brother to sister relationship that I may share with you what you need to most know and understand at this point in your development of your higher levels of self—that which you know as your souls.

Take a few moments to think about where you are: what thoughts you are having trouble releasing, what feelings may be troubling you that you no longer wish to retain, what circumstances of your lives are you having problems dealing with? Each person has unique needs, but as you know, I live within each one of you through your Spirits of Truth and I can minister to you precisely what you need from this more human perspective as a brother sharing my life experience with you.

Take some deep breaths now. Relax your bodies. Take time to share with me what is most weighing upon your hearts and minds, and I will minister in each of you. Let us begin. (Pause)

As I share my human life experience with you, keep in your awareness that you have access to me at all times. You never have to surmount an obstacle without my help! I will encourage you, give you strength, perseverance, perspective of what is before you that you may use the powers of your own inner drives, yearnings, and understanding to help you with whatever confronts you and causes you consternation.

You are all on the path of self-mastery whether or not you consciously recognize it, and I delight in sharing my own experiences as of mastering my human mind with you to support your development in this way. As you know, this is a very rugged path, and so few of your brethren dared to attempt this! But this is a new day. It is a new time for this to serve as a driving force for human development. And what better way to help your brothers and sisters recognize the gains they can make than by witnessing your own living expressions in doing this.

You are beginning to understand the implications of what this means, not only for your personal enhancement but for the improvement of life upon this planet for all individuals and other life forms. While this is serious stuff, it is also joyful as you outwork that which has held you captive to liberate you spiritually to be who you are and know the joys of living as a liberated son and daughter of our most holy Father.

Continue to receive me as your brother Jesus as your Mother helps you open to new places of receptivity in your energy beings to receive what I wish to share with you. (Pause)

Self-mastery is the goal of human life. It is your privilege and responsibility to craft yourselves into a beautiful work of art reflective of the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY. As you continue in this embarkation of self-mastery you will find that there are certain ideals to be achieved at the human level—perspectives of reality –to bring your consciousness into higher realms of awareness, as well as to foster your emotional development towards those higher strains of JOY and PEACE, MERCY and COMPASSION. The moral character development from self-mastery will place you at a level above which most humans live. Yet you will radiate a certain attractive quality from your souls that act as catalysts for your brothers and sisters to awaken to the spiritual potential therein.

These are concept we have shared with you many times before. We bring it around again for your consideration at a higher level that you may perceive more of what you are doing from the level of your cosmic responsibility and the growing privileges of liberty you attain when you live at these heightened levels. You elevate yourselves from your planetary spectrum of consciousness into the universe way of life where you have more room to explore and experiment with who you are and develop your creative potential in ways that will be very satisfying to your souls.

As I continue to minister to you as your brother Jesus, become comfortable and familiar with this aspect of my being through the Spirit of Truth that you may rely on my human life experience to support the cultivation of your own abilities to master yourselves. Let these energies saturate your beings, feeling your desire for more of my presence to support you in your sacred endeavors. (Pause)

During this phase of the Correcting Time, your Mother and I encourage you to desire your attempts at self-mastery to be the priority of your lives. As we encourage you, so do your lives as living expressions of LOVE encourage others to seek the Spirit and find that place within that will render them more receptive how the Father Within wishes to guide and support their lives. That will open the door for them also to come into a relationship with us as their Divine Parents to foster their ability to perceive and receive from us the LOVE they need to grow and prosper.

As we have said before, my children, it is all laid out before you. The path is open all you must do is walk it through that devotion to achieve these heightened states of consciousness one step at a time, one day at a time, one experience at a time. And so it is and always has been, but now you have more awareness and understanding of the path before you. But as you know, you are not alone, and you have ample encouragement and support always by your side as you walk this path and grow steadily in it.

While I continue to minister as your brother Jesus, you may bring forth any questions or concerns you have regarding your progress on this path of self-mastery. I will be happy to provide you insights into where you are from my human perspective that you may be further empowered to walk this path with patience and steadfastness each step of the way. You may bring forth your concerns when you feel ready to speak. Otherwise, continue to receive from me as your bother Jesus in whatever ways you need. (Pause)

(No questions were forthcoming)
Dearly beloved children, what treasures you are all in the making! It may be challenging to see the beauty of your own souls, but your Mother and I see your light. It is gaining strength. It is growing in size. Slowly but surely the iridescent luminous light of your souls are radiating forth power. It is very beautiful to behold and so necessary for this planet’s consciousness to grow and flourish.

In the coming days I encourage you to allow these energies to integrate that you may become aware of your cosmic citizenship as sons and daughters of our divine family. You have a rightful place in this family. You are becoming aware of your place and the responsibilities and privileges therein. Your faith is growing, and you are learning to turn things over more and more to the Father’s presence within that you may glean from your Spirits what steps to take, what actions to perform, how to perceive the circumstances of your lives, and how to move forward in child-like trust that you are being well supported and guided forth in your quests for self-mastery. We have encouraged you to savor your experiences and relish with gusto the joys of being alive.

As I continue to move in, you let me share more of my JOY OF LIFE as a human on Urantia. Allow me to penetrate into those areas of your own consciousness where you may have perceived life at a less than ideal attitude. Allow me to expand you in the joy I experienced as I lived my life faithfully each day. (Pause)

The power of heaven is behind you, supporting you, uplifting you. My presence lives within you. You only need to turn to me and ask my LOVE to guide you along this path of self-mastery, and you will achieve this one day. It will be your joy and sense of accomplishment that no one will ever be able to take from you. It will be a tremendous satisfaction within your souls. So look to this as your life’s work, my children, and know that your Mother and I are here with you, urging you forward on the journey of LIFE. Thrive in where this takes you and know all things are becoming new in Spirit. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]