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===Topic: ''Recoding in Michael's Time''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to be with you today to receive your words of guidance and as well as your wonderful personality energies. You know what we need and we open ourselves to you that this imprinting may truly realign our energy systems to bring it more in alignment with divine WILL. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be here with you. We are ready to receive. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Take some deep breaths now. Relax into the sound of my voice. Allow this sound to reverberate within your beings through your Spirit of Truth, that you may perceive more of who I am as your Father through this spiritual connection and bond you and I share. I am your Father, and I provide for your lives that which you need to support your own inner spiritual journey into higher levels of universe comprehension.

Today I invite you focus in your hearts your desire to be more calibrated to the divine rhythm of LIFE. That which you know as “time” has a rhythm within it. It is a cyclical rhythm, if you will, and it is designed to help you in your evolutionary ascension to be more grounded in the WILL of Spirit. As you know from your study of your text, the evolutionary ascension path for free-will humans was distorted during the rebellion. The quality of time was attempted to be accelerated in terms of your growth. This was an unfortunate repercussion of the rebellion. Time as you perceive it is being reformed in order to return you back to the divine cycles that form the foundation for your evolutionary development.

Much of what I convey to you will be challenging for you to understand because you have a certain orientation to time that is familiar. However, what I speak of today is a recalibration in the circuits of the rhythm of divine WILL that has a time element to it. And it is my desire for you to simply receive more of my presence that you may be recalibrated in this sense of the rhythm of LIFE and the cycles of development that are all part of your evolutionary natures. This is all part of the outworking of the influences of the rebellion.

You need do nothing more than simply breathe, relax, trust, and allow your Mother and me to move in you, that you may attune to this rhythm of LIFE and the cycles of development that are part of your time conditioning to return you to the universe order of how things function. Focus in your hearts now and simply feel that desire to be recalibrated in me and what I can provide to you of this quality you know as time. Let us begin. (Pause)

As I impart these energies to you, you may if you desire, place your internal gaze upon the words IT IS TIME TO DO THE FATHER’S WILL. Allow this phrase to gently pulse within your mind’s eye, feeling your desire to let these energies move in you the way your Mother and I wish to attune to this quality. IT IS TIME TO DO THE FATHER’S WILL. (Pause)
Time is a quality of my being. It is rather challenging to describe what this truly represents. You have such circumscribed understanding of this quality or commodity that is such a large part of your lives, especially at this stage of development. Many of the children of this world are very much attuned to doing things very rapidly. It is as if the dial on human activity is turned up to fast speed in some cultures.

The quality of mindfulness we have encouraged you to develop over the course of your spiritual education is part of the recalibration and recoding of your energy systems to help you attune to the natural cycles of life. When you are able to stay more focused in what you are doing in the present moment, your capacity for this quality of time is able to find a space to be more attuned to the natural order of life.

In your culture, it takes great practice to be mindful—to relax, to slow down, and to move from activity to activity as you feel guided or inspired to do. Many of the individuals of these industrialized cultures are very much beholden to the work environment in which they must produce certain things or meet certain objectives that are time conditioned in order to retain their jobs. However, this can be mitigated during your stillness practice when you unplug, if I may use that word, yourself from the daily grind and simply sit with the Father or with your Mother or me and receive what we wish to share with you.

Part of your self-mastery will be to move from this accelerated fast pace of your culture and to be in that more mindful space of the rhythm of LIFE. Today’s infusion is here to help you in that transition from your culture to that of the divine order. So while you may ponder what this means and what is the true quality or essence of time that you need, as you practice more mindfulness, you will naturally expand into a bigger time space and the presence of your Indwelling Spirit will be able to convey certain concepts to you that render you more aligned in the divine meaning. Let these words settle in. Continue to relax and receive from your beloved Mother and me. (Pause)

Your relationship to and with time is changing, my children. There are new circuits being added into you to support this shift in relationship to the quality of time. It is subtle, but it will grow. And you will, over time in that linear progression of events, come to appreciate an expanded perspective of what this means for your lives. Trust in the provisions we share with you to help you re-learn and re-gain what it means to follow the divine leadings within in a more organic manner. What we provide to you is designed to support your evolution in the Father’s WILL in a way that reduces some of the inner tension that has created so much inner turmoil due to the influence of the rebellion.

It is as if you are now being expanded so that your faith can operate more effectively and you are less influenced by your planetary culture that is operating in a cycle of evolution that is not healthy or productive for your beings including your physical bodies. So as you focus on IT IS TIME TO DO THE FATHER’S WILL, simply allow energies within the meaning and value of TIME to move in you and to imprint something in you that your Adjusters can then use for your edification. Continue to receive. (Pause)

Many new circuits are being added into you to foster your growth in the qualities Spirit. This infusion today of my TIME quality will continue to gain space and momentum within you, especially when you practice being more mindfully attuned to the present moment in which you are engaged.

As you continue on your path of self-mastery, more and more you will find that it serves your best interest to engage your thoughts in this mindful manner. As you grow in this habit, you will naturally find yourselves becoming more effective thinkers because now you have added dimension into your consciousness wherein the Father’s presence may inlay those important thoughts and concepts for your consideration, digestion and embodiment. As this quality circulates your being, know that much is being added to you and you will, over time, perceive more of the true value of what this means for your evolutionary development.

I withdraw now in this manner, my children, to leave you in the capable hands of your Mother who will address you in a few moments. Let yourselves relax into these divine qualities of my being and know that you are growing and gaining strength in the nature of Spirit Within. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings to you, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! The cycles and rhythm of LIFE are conditioned by the quality of evolutionary development which is achieved one stage at a time. That which you know as “time” is part of this innate cyclical movement, and now that you are getting more of the quality of what is true TIME, will your bodies be able to relax more into this period of correction and be able to trust in the unfolding of the plans for the development of all life here to heal and transform.

You see, my children, there has been much perversion and distortion of divine order upon Urantia. There are huge energies that which, through no fault of your own, have conditioned you in mighty ways to act in certain ways. I am not suggesting that you are all victims of the rebellion because you have free will and it is up to you to exercise your powers of choice to choose the higher path. But it is important for you all to know what you have access to, what is available to you, and in this infusion of TIME today from your Father Michael, it is designed to give you more of His empowering energies that you would increasingly grow in what this means and learn how to apply it more effectively in your daily lives. This takes you out of the influence of the rebellion into the empowered stated of children of God as cosmic citizens growing on the evolutionary ascension path.

Much of what you receive today is the quality and quantity of TIME that will help in the restructuring of how you have been conditioned by the rebellion energies and what it has meant for the planet as a collective consciousness. You will, as you develop and explore these in conjunction with your own Indwelling Spirits, come into a more unified and harmonized relationship with that which you know as time that is more reflective of the true nature of the rhythm of LIFE and the various cycles of developed contained therein.

We share these words with you to help you in the reorientation process that you may relax more and allow this recoding to restructure how you relate and perceive your culture, that you would be less impacted by it and more influenced by the WILL of Spirit that is a part of your development to perceive. My presence in you is designed to help you expand into what your Father provides to you, that you may embody more of His divine essence to support your own manifestation of your potential, especially during this time of correction to help your brothers and sisters. In today’s infusion, it is hoped that you would be able to translate this infusion into the practice into being more mindful, that you may relax and enjoy your days more without so much of the stress and tension that is a part of your culture.
Well, I have said enough for the moment, and now I invite you to simply relax in my embrace and allow my mothering energies to further support in the calibration to your Father and His TIME. (Pause)

You have heard the popular phrase, “time is on your side.” So it is, my children, for you have eternity to grow and be who you are as children of God. This eternal progression is measured in what you know as time to afford you this progression in stages of your development. And you will perceive as you grow what this truly can afford your life and bring you into that eternity adventure more and more through these periods of time-growth fundamental to your spiritual development.

You have all the time you need. You have everything within you. And as these new circuits integrate within you, you may notice some slight shifting in the way in which you relate to the rhythm of your culture and find it more acceptable and desirable to slow down and to relax into the cycles of LIFE that are organically a part of your evolutionary natures. The Father within you has the cycles of your development—the circles of attainment for spiritual growth and insight. So let the imprint of your culture fall away. Come to your Father when you need that refreshment in His TIME and together your Father and I will move in you to help you perceive more of who you are and your relationship in this evolutionary adventure you have been so wonderfully engaged within.

I will leave you now, my children. But truly I have only left you in this verbal manner, for my communication within you is ever present and ever ongoing. You only need to call on me and ask me to speak some words of encouragement and to help you feel that there is this powerful Spirit presence within you, urging you ever forward in the adventure of LIFE in the cycles of ETERNITY. I leave you in my LOVE, my children, and my blessings are upon you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2016]]