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===Topic: ''Focus the Energies of the Sovereignty of Christ Michael''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Manotia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we join with our beloved planetary Seraphim to impart more energies necessary for the healing and transformation of our world. We are so grateful and fortunate to have these tireless helpers labor on our behalf. Even though we cannot see what they are doing we trust in their love for us as well as your love to make these changes necessary for more of your children to awaken to the power and presence of the Spirit within. This is a mighty time of change upon the planet and many people are so fearful and uncertain of what the future holds. We are here to help with the establishment of the divine plans and their furtherance—your plans, Father—for the healing of this world. Thank you for connecting us in this circuit of your LOVE as one heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit. May where you have us focus today be put to good use as we collaborate with our seraphim in your WILL. Thank you.
MANOTIA: My dear brethren, greetings to you all! This is Manotia. I am so pleased to join you once again in this collaborative circuit of co-creation of the divine plans and WILL for Urantia’s healing. We are embarked upon a mighty time of transformation. There are many things that are occurring behind the scenes of your lives and we are so grateful that you have placed your trust in us that we may together forge this path of great love to prevail upon Urantia in ways this world has never yet experienced.

Michael’s plans of correction will not fail. They are already in place, and there are mighty workers on behalf of this plan who are fostering these changes that you are now beginning to see. We ask you to look beyond the negativity of what your material culture is providing you and to see that there is something new, unique, original now transpiring within the human mind and heart. There is a yearning for goodness, a call for truth, a demand for justice, and these mighty spiritual qualities will prevail. Doubt not in this, my brethren. Michael’s hand is moving upon Urantia consciousness, and it is through the infusions of your Holy Spirit Mother Nebadonia that this is so.

So as we begin, I invite you to focus on your Mother now especially as you remember your human mothers on this Mother’s Day celebration. She is your Universe Mother. You are encircuited in her through the Adjutant Mind Spirits. This mighty circuitry is now alive, pulsing within you, and I invite you to connect with Her now for a few minutes before we begin. Feel your desire for you Mother’s presence to become more enlivened within you. (Pause)

As you center yourselves on Her, we invite you to focus on the words and energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. As you envision this in your mind’s eye place your focus over your hearts and let this stream forth from your hearts that we may take this energy and apply into certain circuits very close to the material level that Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY may become fully established here upon Urantia circuitry. Join with us now as we begin our ministrations through your focus of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL bathing this world, down stepping into areas where it needs to be secured to various places upon the planet where it will do great good in service to the Correcting Time. (Pause)

The social institutions of your planet’s function are being made ready for change in alignment of the Father’s WILL. As you focus on the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL, feel your desire for this infusion to go into those places of these social institutions. If it is helpful you may see this energy pulsing upon the material level—upon the earth—or you may focus it where you wish for more change to occur in Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY of TRUTH, GOODNESS and MERCY to prevail. There are mighty groups of Seraphim ready to direct this energy into those places of focus. What we ask of you is to maintain that frequency of the heart through your love, your devotion, through your desires for more healing to bathe this world. Keep your motivation strong and your gaze steady. We will do the rest. (Pause)

Michael established His sovereignty upon this world during His earth experience as Jesus. But what remains to be done is the outworking of the rebellion agenda that has culminated in a certain mindset of resistance to the Father’s WILL. What you are providing to us today is the establishment of these circuits that will function in various areas for this to continue to outwork. Though the transference of energies can be upsetting and unsettling at times for humans long attached to these circuits it is an important part of the correction under way now for the Father’s WILL to prevail in Urantian consciousness.

Be not afraid as you see more change occurring in your material cultures for Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY is upon the planet, and He is carefully steering this planet in its trajectory towards Light and Life. Place your life in His hands, my brethren, for you are safe in Him through the circuits of your Mother and through the presence of your Father within. Continue to focus your gaze upon the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL while we continue to perform our functions. (Pause)

As these circuits continue to impinge upon those energies retaining their reverberations of sin and iniquity, feel your desire for your brethren to be liberated from these influences. While it is a personal choice of each individual to develop that relationship with the Father, what you are helping to establish is a better container in which your brethren may make a more informed decision. The further establishment of Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY will help those begin to perceive that there is mercy and forgiveness available to them. This is what they need and this is what will help your social institutions to reform around greater truth.

Many individuals have been seeded with divine plans and they have carried them within their hearts, awaiting the time when it will be appropriate for them to step forward for them to share the information that they have safeguarded until the time is right. That time is coming; you are moving in that direction. This infusion of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL will provide a field of safety for this to occur. Mighty legions of angels and other spiritual and celestial participants are engaged with us as you hold this focus. (Pause)

In your mind’s eye I invite you to see the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL gently pulsing upon the earth. You have used an image of yourselves standing upon the ground, planting this into the earth, and if you wish, you may use that again. The concept we are using here is for these energies to go deep to penetrate beyond the surface level of the ground going right down to the core of the earth. The core of the earth is reverberating with light and the circuits of THE SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. (Pause)
My dear brethren, we have completed our objective for this call. We thank you for your diligence, patience, faith, and steadfastness in collaborating with us. As these circuits continue to integrate into Urantian consciousness, center yourselves into the SOVEREIGNTY of your Father. Maintain your composure in Him. He will guide you through this time of change and assist you in the construction of those projects, those endeavors that you undertake to create a more beautiful and healthy world. You are important to Him and to your Mother and to us and we value your contributions. So even though at times you feel small and insignificant and wonder if what you are attempting to do is having an impact, I say to you, it does! Every small act of love, every depiction of kindness and goodness adds to the greater good and the mind of the Planetary Supreme is growing and attaining a greater stature in the construct of consciousness of this world.

We will join you again in two weeks, but if you wish to continue this on your own, simply call on us and focus on the energies of the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL and we will apply them where they will do the most good. If you have a particular or favorite place where you wish to see this, you may simply place your gaze there and we will add what we can. Do your parts well, and remember, together we are transforming this world, Michael’s jewel of Nebadon as all eyes are upon Urantia. Thank you and good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Manotia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]