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===TR: [[Chris]]===
===TR: [[Chris]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear students on the path, we have a serious situation developing on your world which needs your attention. It would be most helpful if all of you would seriously consider connecting with your Indwelling Father Fragments and pray with the utmost sincerity for peace. You, my friends, can make a difference because you are more powerful than you know when in this way you are intimately connected to your Thought Adjusters. When you are consciously connected and in dialog with your TA, you have the ear of the Creator Father. You are His precious child and he delights to know that you want His attention — to ask Him for what is True, Beautiful, and Good — for the greater good of Urantia.  
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear students on the path, we have a serious situation developing on your world which needs your attention. It would be most helpful if all of you would seriously consider connecting with your Indwelling Father Fragments and pray with the utmost sincerity for peace. You, my friends, can make a difference because you are more powerful than you know when in this way you are intimately connected to your Thought Adjusters. When you are consciously connected and in dialog with your TA, you have the ear of the Creator Father. You are His precious child and he delights to know that you want His attention — to ask Him for what is True, Beautiful, and Good — for the greater good of Urantia.  
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“Father, I believe this is Your Will for Urantia, that all would come to know you in their hearts and begin to co-creatively express Your Will and make this world a beautiful place of peace where all people can live and work and play together knowing they all share this divine fragment of your Indwelling within them. Father, please tap on the door of the heart now in this moment and give these lost ones a lucid moment of clarity that they may see a greater reality — that they belong to the family of humanity and that all children, present and future, are their own to care for.  
“Father, I believe this is Your Will for Urantia, that all would come to know you in their hearts and begin to co-creatively express Your Will and make this world a beautiful place of peace where all people can live and work and play together knowing they all share this divine fragment of your Indwelling within them. Father, please tap on the door of the heart now in this moment and give these lost ones a lucid moment of clarity that they may see a greater reality — that they belong to the family of humanity and that all children, present and future, are their own to care for.  
“Students: Please picture in your mind’s eye, one of these lost ones and see the light of the Father filling their hearts now. See the expression on their faces change from hatred and confusion to astonishment as they are seized by their hearts and filled with unconditional love. See their grey stone cold hearts change into beating vibrant love filled hearts — red with the shared blood of humanity. See them drop to their knees asking for guidance and forgiveness and see them speak the words that they would do what is right and that they would stop, at any cost, those things that they have set in motion to bring harm to others.  
“Students: Please picture in your mind’s eye, one of these lost ones and see the light of the Father filling their hearts now. See the expression on their faces change from hatred and confusion to astonishment as they are seized by their hearts and filled with unconditional love. See their grey stone cold hearts change into beating vibrant love filled hearts — red with the shared blood of humanity. See them drop to their knees asking for guidance and forgiveness and see them speak the words that they would do what is right and that they would stop, at any cost, those things that they have set in motion to bring harm to others.
“If this is Your Will, Father, let it be so. And so it is!  
“If this is Your Will, Father, let it be so. And so it is!