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===Topic: ''Pattern of Triads''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Elyon]], [[Jonathan]], [[Dr. Mendoza]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Elyon: [Mark] Thank you for such a nice introduction, I am Elyon and I do consider myself an old [[friend]] of all the spiritual [[seekers]] who have been attached to this whole [[process]], this avenue of seeking and finding. It would be my [[pleasure]] to offer to weave [[together]] some of the many versions of this [[truth]] that has been stated this morning into one strong rope that may be grabbed when in need.
It was [[discussed]], this sacred [[triad]], the [[First Source|First]], [[Second Source|Second]] and [[Third Source|Third Source]], the [[Paradise Trinity|Father, Son, Spirit]] and the implementation that arrives with the application of this [[pattern]]. You also know it as [[thought]], [[word]] and [[deed]], where if you see yourself as containing this entire triad, you are first the source of all that is. You are a [[creator]] [[being]]. You are as [the Father] is in the other example. Your expression of [[self]], your individuality and unique [[perspective]] and all that makes you who you are, are this [[manifestation]] of the creative [[desire]] and now as a manifestation there is a [[tone]], there is a flavor, there is another component which is the [[relationship]] of these first two. The creator and the created now give rise to the [[reality]] in your case of the moment, the reality that is.

Once you realize that you are two of these three components and that the third one must somehow follow suit, you realize that within you resides the potential of the entire [[equation]] as it relates to you. And so I invite you to [[play]] with this individual triad of creative prerogatives within you. You do contain all of the elements [[necessary]] to activate this sacred triad. I would make the distinction however that this scenario holds true so far as it does for you, the creator and [[observer]]. Once this scenario takes into account other [[individuals]], other sacred triads of creation, then this component of [[connectedness]] alters the equation.

Nevertheless, those who are strong in their [[conviction]] and [[faith]] of the reality of this sacred triad can hold fast to this internal [[realization]] and bring this conviction and [[certainty]] with them into the equation with others. This is how your individual reality may co-mingle and [[influence]] other realities around you. The simple connection of the two causes transfers of [[energy]] and [[blessed]] are they who will maintain their [[posture]] of spirit throughout all life exchanges and thereby influence and flavor all the other life [[experiences]] whom yours may touch. Simply being the brightest [[light]] illuminates all they come in contact with.

It is such a treasured [[joy]] to witness the eager [[students]] coming to class with their materials to present and [[discuss]] and the thoughtful exchanges generated as the result. It oftentimes [[feels]] as though there is little we can offer from our side but we cannot [[resist]] the [[temptation]] to join with you as you have so allowed and created in this process. Indeed it is a joy to be with old friends and with that I take my leave, farewell.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hey folks, this is Jonathan and I'll take a turn at the open mike, I'm always a sucker for that. What a treat to hear from our old friend and [[companion]] Elyon, certainly fond [[memories]] of having been introduced by him to our new arena of [[awareness]]. Certainly this whole [[experiment]] of the [[Teaching Mission]] and this notion of transmission from one side to the other has been the [[journey]] of a lifetime. This is one of the things we will take with us and cherish that we [[share]] and that we have deep [[camaraderie]] about. It [[becomes]] part of who we are, our very composition of being.

It is so great to see the [[growth]] that can happen when there is [[opportunity]] and there are willing participants. I want to say that I could not agree more about your [[observation]] that this third component be of [[love]], be comprised of what love you have to bring to the equation, the greatest love you can envision each and every [[time]]. This is your sacred [[opportunity]] to represent all that you have come to know about [[spirit]]. This is your [[chance]] to vote each and every time what flavor your [[surroundings]] will take. This is your [[chance]] to demonstrate who you are in every moment, whether it is with [[healing]] or with any other of life's activities. Truly a master in the [[art of living]] makes no distinction between his [[work]] and his [[play]] and so you are becoming masters in this art of spiritualized living, of bringing spirit and that which you know of it into your material plane and manifesting it in a form that is shaped by love. This is your honor and [[privilege]] as a member of this [[divine]] family.

I serve with you among the ranks of honored [[Children of God|children of Divine Parents]]. I [[feel]] with you the urge to do [[good]] to others and we call this [[love]]. Let us rejoice with the [[abundant]] love that we feel and let us spread this about freely. It is our [[joy]] and our privilege to do so. So as one team member to the other team members, let us go about doing what we were created to do and let us [[infuse]] it with as much love as we can master. Good luck to all the workers in the fields of the Lord. I bid you all a joyous week, good day.
Dr. Mendoza: [Cathy] In the co-mingling of energies that Elyon presented, you bring your [[creative]] [[intentions]] together with the energy of another to up-step the available energy for use in [[healing]]. You do not force this transfer but openly act as a [[conduit]] for the love, light and [[action]] of healing. By being open to a new action you allow the other person to choose a different action and view of themselves. You provide [[acceptance]] and new possibilities to someone who has become trapped in a [[static]] view of themselves. This is the gift that could be offered in love to the afflicted. Many times this [[acceptance]] is all that is needed to start the process of [[change]]. We of course are available to help.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Dr. Mendoza]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: 2017]]