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===Topic: ''The Source Within''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]], [[Jonathan]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Charles: [Mark] I would make my greetings to you all and barge into your [[intimate]] gathering as I [[feel]] I am welcome. I am Charles and I would like to throw a couple of things into the melting pot today for consideration. I would borrow a phrase from the matrix of human [[thought]] and play with it a little bit, that phrase being -"the things that lie behind you and the things that lie before you are small matters compared to what lies within you". This phrase is illustrating the point made earlier in [[discussion]] that you have been created with all of the vast potentials built into your very [[being]]. You have the grand [[ability]] to access some of these potentials that are wired into your very being and choose to [[awaken]] them, choose to advance them, choose to promote them. They are part of your composition by [[virtue]] of the fact that you are [[children of God]], children of [[Michael]] and that as descendants of such, you are designed to resemble the parents.

This [[intentional]] design is what is embedded within you. It is the [[structure]] on which you rest and the formula with which you operate, it is your [[desires]] becoming apparent to you and being made real. It is this [[divine]] [[light]], as you refer to it, being [[channeled]] and focused by you, the creative individual and this is as per design. The master creators have created the mini-creators and you are going about accessing your potential to create, to [[manifest]] that which is your desire just as [[the Creators]] on high and there is a desire you are manifesting to grow into your cosmic family, to [[become]] the source itself of love. You are growing towards fulfilling a [[dream]], a desire becoming real by your creators and all along the way you are fulfilling your [[destiny]] of creating all that is around you and conditioning it with the divine characteristics you have come to know.

Another thought concept I would seize and utilize is that of the [[difference]] one notices when they go from a thought within, perhaps a knowing, perhaps an [[experience]] or an awareness and then they proceed through this next stage of [[expression]] of trying to put into [[words]], even in your own mind's concept, what it is you are trying to express. Choosing these words is very significant as they impart [[meaning]] and [[value]] and so there is this process of [[definition]] and of choosing the right concepts to attempt to express what it is that you are experiencing within.

This is what is so significant in the [[triad]] of [[thought]], [[word]] and [[deed]] for how are you to manifest any creation in deed when it has not been defined in your own concept? This is where your creative switch-board, as you referred to it, of light may come into [[play]] where you may have a thought and in choosing to express it, your switch-board of light may choose the highest concept you are aware of, the most divinely [[inspired]] words may be chosen to bring to the greatest light that which you are trying to [[describe]]. This is where each and everyone who walks this world has the ability of [[interpretation]] and the different factors one uses to interpret, even referred to as the"stance".

I greatly appreciate the [[opportunity]] to seize some of the [[library]] of human thought and the contributions made thereto to draw from and use in illustration of points that are attempted of definition. Always a [[pleasure]] to join you in your morning [[discussions]]. I bid you all good day. [group thanks]

Charles: Well my dear ones, you make it easy. You brought the entrees to the pot luck, I merely attempted to describe them.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello to you all, did I hear there was free food for thought offered? It is always my [[pleasure]] to join you at your [[banquet]] and feast alongside with you as we enjoy the bounties that [[spirit]] brings into the equation. I have to jump forward and say that I believe you are onto something and this something is merely another construct of [[thinking]] but it may be serviceable for you to consider, this whole notion of having [[everything]] you need within and that the greatest treasures are there to find. What does this mean? What do these words imply? They virtually beg you to turn within and seek the bounty that is there, to utilize the [[tools]] that you are given, to [[focus]] the minds [[attention]] on the expansion of spirit, to with intention and purpose direct the [[flows]] of energy within towards spirit.

You all find routinely that there is a [[monologue]] which goes on within and much of the time it may be that this monologue is occupied with [[mortal]] and [[finite]] concerns, perhaps even preoccupied and one of the grandest lessons a mortal can learn is that this [[dialog]], while it may seem random and unintentional, may be corralled, may be focused as the owner so chooses, that these random ramblings of [[the mind]] may be directed into spiritual pursuits, into creating space for spiritual awareness. I invite you to recall that your onboard partner, your [[Thought Adjuster]] as you refer to it, is your direct link and connection to the [[Divine]]. It is your gateway thereto. It is in charge of your spiritual [[progression]] as It is intimately familiar with your capacities, your desires and your [[intentions]]. Therefore, if it is your desire to grow in spiritual capacity, put your attentions towards directing that, towards creating that to occur, towards asking your Thought Adjusters for their approval, towards working with your Thought Adjusters towards this end.

These are all your internal [[choices]] to make and if you so declare it, it will be, it can be nothing else. So I invite you to declare it. Observe as your [[mind]] skips off down the [[path]] and call it back like a small child and say: I would like it if we went down this path, please let's go. Utilize your mind's [[circuit]] to be your mind's servant. Choose to direct it and have it be so, thereby completing within the triad of thought, word and deed thereby directing your [[creation]] at will. [[Simple]] and yet, as has been alluded to, perhaps the most [[profound]] thing to discover about your nature.
I always enjoy a good pot-luck of [[sharing]] and today's has indeed been a feast. I also am in [[gratitude]] for the welcome I feel here as I now take my leave, farewell.

Michael: [Cathy] I wish to encourage your [[participation]] in the shift of [[consciousness]] that is beginning on [[this planet]]. I have the original plan and you are creating this [[Correcting Time]] shift by bringing forth the highest [[concept]] in your awareness. Together we can uncover the [[foundation]] of the original divine plan, the pattern that will build the world in a new direction. It is my [[hope]] that you, my children, will be the ones to bring a new direction to this world.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: 2017]]