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===Topic: ''Resting in Energies of Repatterning''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time with you that we may receive from you more of the spiritual circuitry that you so generously and graciously share with us of your beings. It seems like things are heating up on the planet. In many ways turmoil and tensions are at heightened levels, and yet we know there is peace in you. We crave that peace; we need that peace to soothe our bodies, uplift our souls. And we thank you so much for your endowment in us today that we may be ever more graced with your presence moving in us helping us to grow and maintain that spiritual perspective as our world undergoes more change. We invite our celestial brothers and sisters to move in us with us today. And of course, as always, we thank you so much for your WILL being made manifest in and through us. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I invite you today to come to me as you focus on your intention to be these beacons of light, hope, and salvation for your brothers and sisters. There is type of spiritual rest you can claim as your divine inheritance, and I will share more of my personality energy with you that you may deepen in the peace that will render you very strong and secure during times of tumultuous change. These are energies that your soul needs in order for it to develop, grow strong and healthy as a vibrant son and daughter of Spirit.

Your Mother and I have been inviting you into this journey of self-mastery that you may learn how to use what we provide to you during the course of your daily lives, gaining that inner knowingness that leads you to bear witness to the truth and love of Spirit Within, that leads to your soul development and helps you learn how to engage your entire being—mind, body, soul and spirit—in ways consistent with the Father’s WILL.

Self-mastery is your acquirement to achieve. It is a worthy and noble pursuit. The time is coming when more of your Urantian brothers and sisters will seek this for themselves, and it will be largely because there are many such as yourselves who have shown the way and walked this path.

Today, I invite you into this deeper energy of REST that you may receive more of the repatterning and restructuring of your energy systems that will help you progress on this path of self-mastery. You have gained much, you have learned much about the value of human nature. You will continue to progress in living that value that the Father may express more of His WILL and your creative potential through you.

So take some deep breaths. Quiet your minds. Relax your bodies. If it is helpful, focus on the word REST as I move you now through the ministrations of your Mother and your celestial sisters through you now, my children. Come into this place of REST and let it nourish your souls. (Pause)

Relaxing in these energies of REST gives your soul an opportunity to come more alive. You may notice a gentle stirring within your bodies as you rest in what your Mother and I provide to you. It is not necessary to thoughts as to what this will mean for your lives. Rather, we invite you to maintain that attitude of trust and the desire to receive from us the spiritual energies that will strengthen you, feed your souls, and help you to be more attuned to the Father’s presence within you. Let the busyness of your material lives quiet that the spiritual energy may become more fluid, productive, enlarged. (Pause)

Allow these energies of REST to go deep. Let your cells feed on me—my personality, my essence. And as you allow these energies of REST to move in you, you may also begin to perceive there is an activation subtly occurring within you. This is life itself! It is, you might, say a primal heartbeat that drives creation from our First Source and Center from the very heart of Paradise, feeding and sustaining you through your Mother and me. (Pause)

You need these energies of REST that you may open to the larger circuits of aligning in me that I might share more of who I am with you that you would become more like me. These are the energies that feed your souls. We are helping you receive what you need that you may release the chains and bonds of your planet’s consciousness and step into the liberation of your relationship of the Father’s presence within you. You are helping your souls to gain strength. There is an encircuiting in these frequencies of REST that are designed to help you relax your mental thought currents, calm your emotions, that your soul body (as you might call it) be more expressive of your true nature and your unique personality gifts that come from the Father.

Much of what is occurring is beyond your physical senses and even your intellectual comprehension. But one day you will more fully understand the nature of how we function in your lives. And you will be able to communicate that to your brethren that they may too step into this REST and receive their repatterning in Spirit.

Sometimes it is not easy to achieve this deeper state because of the busyness of your culture around you. There are many things that interfere with your energy systems to achieve this state. The practice of stillness forms the foundation for you to achieve this. But you, my children, are ready to go deeper—to walk more consistently, calmly, assuredly on this path of self-mastery. And you will embody PEACE, demonstrate LOVE, and the LIGHT from your souls—spiritual luminescence will speak to others and help them activate what the Father has seeded inside them. (Pause)

As your planetary culture undergoes more change and you find yourselves buffeted by these energies, come to me. Ask me to help you open and relax in REST. Renew yourselves as often as you need. This energy is inexhaustible, it is infinite and it will continue to nurture and sustain you, especially when you engage your hearts’ desires and your minds’ intentions to receive. (Pause)

I will withdraw now, my children, that your Mother may speak to you and share what delights Her heart to provide to you. I am with you as you walk through this passageway of CHANGE upon Urantia. There is nothing to fear, but as we have encouraged you before, to walk boldly, steadfastly, faithfully and joyfully into these energies of CHANGE as a great SPIRIT envelopes this world and helps the children of Urantia awaken to the presence of the Father. I leave you in my love, my children, and may you truly grow and thrive in all the love you can perceive and experience each day. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Continue to drink deeply of your Father as these energies continue to move in you. I do invite you, however, to alter your focus slightly to the energies of the soul. If this is helpful, focus on SOUL BODY as we help you achieve more restructuring and repatterning in these energies that will sustain you through this time of change.

These energies contain what you might call a faith lure. It is an invitation into the mysteries of the Father’s WILL unfolding in and through you. We call it a mystery because it is up to you to express your creative potential in ways you feel you are being called to share your gifts with the world. How will you use these energies? How will you respond to the Father’s presence within you? You are carving out these lives for yourselves through this faith lure and your souls are forming, gaining strength and structure and receiving more spirit to propel you on this exquisite path, becoming all that you can on this path of self-mastery.

As you engage your focus on SOUL BODY, feel your desire to live more fully from that place. It is the new life—the life of spirit living in the enormity of the Father’s LOVE. So continue to rest in these energies but do allow your focus and your desire to be placed on SOUL BODY for the next few moments. (Pause)

What a joy it is for your Father and me to witness the lights of the soul gaining strength, twinkling, you might say, in the fabric of consciousness upon Urantia! There is an interlacing occurring between these soul lights that bind you together in ONENESS in the Father’s WILL. I daresay you do not truly, fully understand or appreciate the impact of what this means for your planetary culture as more soul lights spark on and start to activate and strengthen.

Your angelic sisters weave you together in the energies of LOVE, expanding your horizons of service opportunities. This is a time of great promise on Urantia when the dreams in your heart are pressing upon your conscious thoughts that you may bring forth the ideals seeded within you and manifest them here on earth. More and more you will be connected to those with whom you can resonate and even activate.

So you never know who will be placed in your path, how you will be guided to minister to them to nurture and sustain them in our LOVE. Be open! Be responsive! And as you allow these energies to move in you, you will find yourselves being able to perceive divine leadings and guidance with more clarity and direction. Some of you have already experiences of words coming out of your mouth and you know not where they come. Get used to it! Let the Spirit be spontaneous in you, and it will delight you and the listener before you.
As these words settle in, allow these energies of SOUL BODY continue to weave you in this circuitry. (Pause)

And now, my little ones, receive my JOY! Receive the JOY OF RENEWAL, the JOY OF SHARING LOVE, the JOY OF GROWING IN LIFE, the JOY OF CREATION. (Pause)

Life is a participatory event, my children. You were not meant to sit on the sidelines, observing it, but to be engaged with it fully. There is a life plan within you and it is up to you to connect with it, engage with it, to allow what it wishes to teach you to come forth from the very depths of your beings to grow your souls, to live lives of active and dynamic loving service to your brothers and sisters. You have yet to truly experience your potential. That is our desire for you…to bring this forward, to engage with life and to live in the JOY OF CREATION that is a part of your divine inheritance as creative and dynamic sons and daughters of the most holy First Source and Center of all there is.

Your angelic sisters will continue to minister to you, weave their songs of love into your that you may calibrate to these energies and live more enriched and enhanced lives of the soul. As these energies integrate, release all that no longer serves you. Give it to me that I may continue to renew you and refresh you in your Father and help you feel that inner urging and striving to live these lives of love, creativity, service.

Go out into the fields of life where the harvest of the souls of your brothers and sisters are ready to awaken. Let your light shine! Let the love within your hearts pave the way, and many will be brought to you that you can assist in the GREAT AWAKENING gaining strength upon Urantia, bringing this planet back home into the family of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. My blessings are upon you, my children. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]