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===Topic: ''On Trust in Mother and the Value of Trust''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for centering us in your LOVE as we open ourselves to receive you. We’re so grateful to have this opportunity to be with you again in this manner, and we welcome the energies you provide to us that we may imprint upon you and grow in spirit comprehension and embodiment. We open ourselves to the ministrations of our celestial brothers and sisters, and may your WILL be done now. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! I welcome you to our call today, and invite you to relax into the energy of LIFE that is all around you. There are many energies that impact your lives. You might say you live in an energy pool with various frequencies affecting you at different dimensions of your beings. These energies work in harmony with the Father’s WILL. These energies move the creative plan of universe growth forward in that progressive evolutionary manner. And these energies provide you the means by which you have life and the environment in which you live.

Your Urantian scientists are in a very exciting era of exploring energy—what it means, how to apply this in your lives, what technologies will be developed with the application of these energies once they truly understand its purposes and its repercussions of using this for higher purposes.

You are all composed of what you scientists call subtle matter and energy. The very subatomic particles operate in certain principles or universe laws (you might call them) that are part of the Father’s creative plan. And you have an affinity for them and can learn how to use these energies when you are more fully aligned in the Father’s WILL to gain knowledge of their application.

What I desire for you today is to receive an infusion of these energies to spark new creative life pathways within your beings. These energy pathways will function at several levels. They will provide more space into your consciousness for the Father Within you to prevail upon your consciousness. These energies will send signals into your physical mechanism to give it information it needs for its maintenance and correction. The benefits of this infusion will lead you to greater relaxation within your mental currents, that you may indeed find a level of relief from the daily stresses of life and receive a regenerative energy to renew you.

All you need to do is to desire this, receive it, breathe deeply and relax. Further on in the call I will provide time you to regain your thoughts if you wish to ask me any questions. You are certainly most welcome to receive should you desire not to engage your mind in a verbal exchange of information.

Let us begin. Take some deep breaths. Feel your need to receive from me. Feel your desire to grow in Spirit and to allow these subtle energies to create those new pathways of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE within your beings. I invite you to focus on the words TRUST IN MOTHER to help you maintain that internal gaze that allows these energies to be imparted into you as deeply as possible. Receive me now, my children, and trust in me. (Pause)

Dimensional shifts are occurring within your systems to help you accept the morontia frequencies that are necessary for your world at this time. As you know, this planet has suffered a setback in its evolutionary trajectory toward Paradise ascension, and this infusion today is designed to support the internal changes being made for your bodies to acclimate to the higher frequencies, as well as for your minds to calibrate to the emanations of LIGHT that foster your higher consciousness. Much of what occurs happens above and below the surface of your waking consciousness, and so it is a matter of trust for you to stay focused that you may receive what I impart to you now.

Stay in that place of trust, my children. Let your trust in me expand and help you perceive a more unified comprehension of the function and essence of my being. This will enable you to perceive more of the LOVE in which you were created and life. And of course as you know, this is your divine birthright and inheritance being restored to you now. Continue to receive. (Pause)

Trust is an essential component of the ascension career. You grow in your comprehension and experience with LIFE as you progress from realm to realm, dimension to dimension. There is this innate sense of security, assurance, well-being, support that you sense within as you make this journey. One of the major changes your Father and I desire for the children of this world is to regain a sense of trust in us, in the Father, and in the friendly supportive nature of the creative plan.

Much of the fear humans experience is due to a lack of trust. You know that the rebellion mindset fosters fear, destroys trust—two of the most interfering factors that prevent your spiritual development. This is now being outworked, but we invite you to move more deeply into the TRUST awareness through experiencing our LOVE, DEVOTION and SUPPORT of your lives. Once this TRUST bond is fully secure within you unto the depths of your being, in your memory patterns, will you experience more dynamic spiritual development and soul growth. The inner dimensional changes coming from this heightened level of TRUST will also sponsor more Adjuster recognition and consciousness leading you in those sublime demonstration of trust so that were so beautifully exemplified by your Father Michael during His earth life as Jesus. We are moving you in that direction and you are participating. Continue to receive for a few more moments. (Pause)

Trust is the way of life. It is a part of your ascension journey. It is a part of your growth in these energies we provide to you. The Father Within you knows your desires and will continue to provide you with the answers to the questions upon your minds and hearts. But it is essential you must trust in how you are being guided, how you are being supported with information and energy to improve the quality of your lives that you may devote more efforts and attention to serving your brethren who are in great need of spiritual transformation. You are all well on your way and it is a delight to watch your efforts, your development progress and to provide you with the help when you are in need. (Pause)

If you wish to shift focus and engage your thoughts with questions or concerns, I am happy to receive them, my children. You may stay in this meditative state if you wish however. You will continue to receive. It is your choice. (Pause)

Trust is a way of life in the universe. The Father in Paradise has devised a wonderful creative plan that functions to support those actions, energies, personal beings who function in concert with His plans. Trust is an underlying component that He provides for His vast creation to outwork and in-work the creative plan of LIFE. He trusts in all of us—down to the lowest free will children of His making. Think about this, my children. Let the value of what it means to TRUST move in your hearts that you may cooperate more with the Father’s plans and use how to use the energies of LOVE to build a better way of life here on beloved Urantia.

Focus your attention for a moment on the words THE VALUE OF TRUST. Your Father and I may move in you and that the Father’s presence within you may shed more light upon this in your hearts. (Pause)
I will leave you now, my children. I invite you to pay attention to the energy of TRUST that you may grow in this spiritual commodity. Pay attention to how you move in these energies. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention if others are drawn to you because they pick upon an energy you carry in your fields that acts as an attractor to you. It will be your delight to discover how to use these energies of TRUST to help your brothers and sisters awaken and respond to the call of Spirit Within.

My presence is all around you, my children. My LOVE is ever present for you but it does require for you to remove yourselves from the busyness of the day and turn within and seek the Spirit. All you need is provided there. And the more you trust in our LOVE for your lives will you have everything you need to maintain yourselves and to serve one another with compassion, kindness, patience, tolerance, mercy and love. My blessings are upon you, my children. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]