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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon Energies of Divine Change''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for preparing us to receive you now as we focus in our hearts and open ourselves to you. We’re so grateful for what you provide to us during this very momentous time of change on our world. And while we cannot see or understand the action and will of Father, we trust you and we trust what you provide to us to sustain us, to nurture our growth. We open the circuit to you now, and we thank you for the celestial brothers and sisters who step in to build us more in the circuits of your love and peace, mercy and forgiveness that we may be ever more mindful of your ways and function in them more consistently each day. Thank you, and may your will be done.
NEBADONIA: This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Many people look at the New Year as a time of promise, of change, and of growth. The making of resolutions is an indication that there is a need for improvement in the way in which you live your lives. But as you know, resolutions can easily be broken, and create feelings of discouragement, even guilt or shame in not fulfilling the promises you make to yourself.

We do not look at you in those ways. We see your motivation, and understand the shortcomings that you face. So in today’s infusion, I invite you to look at the ways you wish to improve the qualities of your lives. What changes do you wish to make for this year? It is not necessary for you to make resolutions, albeit if it is helpful for you, you may certainly do so. But we instead encourage you commit to the energies of CHANGE and to allow them to evoke new ideas, spark new creative ways of thinking, and to create new feelings of promise, hope, joy, and optimism within your own hearts.

So with that being said, I invite you to focus on the word CHANGE and the energies contained therein, that we may impart this to you now and help you receive more of the divine presence of our beings, that you may grow in this forward movement, and flourish during this time of change. Receive me now, my dear children, and let these circuits of CHANGE stir deeply within. (Pause)

As you know, Urantia is undergoing a monumental change. This will continue to unfold over the course of many years. But in the early stages of this transformational time it is very helpful for you, as residents of this planet, to become acclimated to this energy of CHANGE, that you may desire it, focus upon it, and seed it into the planetary construct of consciousness that others may reverberate with its energies and seek changes for themselves.

There is a type of static within the human heart that resists change, what you might call resistant to follow the leadings of the Father’s WILL. This is a very deep byproduct of the legacy of the rebellion, and the more you desire change and become these agents of change, you will help your brethren acclimate to what is coming into this world that they may cooperate in a more secure manner, trusting that this good, and this is leading to a better way of life for all residents of this planet—human, animal and the natural world of the plants.

So many people are fearful of change. They feel this resistance stirring deep within. This is where the current of CHANGE can move within the human heart; begin to break up old patterns. We encourage you to desire these energies of CHANGE to stir more deeply within your own beings that you may indeed grow with what your Father and I provide to you. You may use this for your own transformation, and in loving service to your brothers and sisters. Continue to focus on the word and the energies contained in CHANGE as we continue to minister to you. (Pause)

CHANGE is good my children. It encourages you to look at new ways to address the conditions of your social institutions. There must be a willingness to change within the human heart and mind in order for us to seed the information of the higher ways into your consciousness. If there is no desire to change, how can we assist you? How can we escort you on this path of transformation, helping you to recognize what it is that would be helpful for you to see, develop, and manifest as contributions to the growing Planetary Supreme Mind and material changes in the order of social life?

As you allow this infusion to deepen within you, you will begin to more fully embody cooperating with this energy of CHANGE, and eventually become so comfortable with it that you will be able to help your brothers and sisters. You will carry a spark of CHANGE that can catalyze a spiritual renaissance within their own hearts and minds. So there are many benefits for you to gain as you allow us to deepen this infusion into you. There are times when it feels uncomfortable because of the resistance still contained within your beings. The more you accept this CHANGE and desire it, you will be given new insights to help you outwork that which no longer serves you, to come into a deeper recognition of the Father’s WILL and ways in human life on the material plane.

So breathe in CHANGE. Let it circulate around you beings. Let it deepen into the cells of your bodies, and know and trust that this is good and you are being lovingly guided on this path of transformational change. (Pause)

We understand your questions and concerns that you have regarding the changes that are coming to Urantia. We understand the fear that is running rampant now upon your world in the circuits of planetary consciousness. We encourage you to rise above it, because this fear energy is part of the resistance to change. And the more you allow this CHANGE energy to reverberate in your beings, will this fear response diminish and you will find new courage, strength, power and productivity grow within your heart and compel you to act from that place more and more.

So it well behooves you to savor these energies of change, and ask the presence of the Father Within to illuminate your minds and hearts as to how you may more fully cooperate in this endowment today and be evermore useful to us as agents of change. Let the fear reaction in your beings fade away as you grow in the power presence of the Father Within, and grow in stature of your human nature, refining itself through the ways of Godliness. (Pause)

I will leave you now my children, that your Father Michael may address you and share with you what He wishes to provide you to support your efforts in change, growth, and transformation. I am the presence of CHANGE moving through you, and even though you may not hear my words through your physical ears, my presence is alive and stirring within you. I invite you to relax in me and allow the action and WILL of Spirit to move through you, into the new life dawning on the horizon, growing in strength in Urantian consciousness. Good day, my beloved children.

MICHAEL: My beloved children, my greetings of a New Year are upon you. This is Michael. Your Mother and I are very proud of the accomplishments you have made during these past few years of your own individual growth. And now, during this year of change, we invite you to go deeper and expand broader into what we provide to you to help you into a new way of being a vessel of the Father’s LOVE upon Urantia.

There are many new opportunities awaiting you to test the waters of your ability to love, to be compassionate and forgiving, to be steadfast in the face of much turmoil and confusion, as more change comes to this world. You are being prepared to be stronger, more vibrant vessels of LOVE. And I invite you to open to me now, that I may impart more of what you need to circulate through these energies of CHANGE, and create deeper impressions of my LOVE upon your systems of consciousness. So open to me, my children, and invite me in. I will move mightily and deeply in you now. You need me, and I need you. Together we forge this deeper bond of LOVE to invite the children of this world into the higher ways of living. Receive me now, my children. (Pause)

There is a refinement process underway in your beings. The energies of CHANGE are transforming the way you think, feel and respond in your everyday lives. You have all been motivated by my human life, and I continue to speak to you now, beckoning you into this higher way of living that the world so needs. There is a new interest in the persona of Jesus. And this persona of Jesus is reverberating in the circuits of the institution of the Church, and is stimulating new ideas for people to consider about my human life, and the way I demonstrated the Father’s LOVE.

You have somewhat of an advantage over your brothers and sisters who are still very much indoctrinated in the dogma of the Christian Church, as you have read about my human life, and perceived it from a different perspective. And that is all good, and that has brought you into a deeper relationship with me, not only as your Father, but as your brother. But today, as I minister in your mind, .I invite you to focus on my human life—my trust in the Father—that I might share with you more of my experience, as Jesus and that you might open up to a circuit of my human life experience to weave into your consciousness to help you emulate why I was able to respond to certain life situations. (Pause)

There is an outpouring of SPIRIT now to help you open to this deeper revelation of my life and the ways I led it as a human, but feel your desire to emulate me. Not that you will have the same type of life that I lived, but that you will follow in the energies that I co-created with my own Father Fragment and left here for you to follow. (Pause)

This infusion today will help you when you are engaged with your brothers and sisters. It is as if you will be presenting a higher version of yourself to them as you will be more infused with the energies of my presence not only as Michael, but as Jesus, to help them receive, speak to their hearts, to help them heal at more fundamental levels. Even though more people do not understand this or appreciate this, this is an energy they need. And you, as being larger conduits of my energy presence, will be able to help them more. Sometimes you will not even recognize that you have helped them. But, by your very presence your hearts will contain an energy that can be used to catalyze healing within them.

This happens at very subtle levels. You might not even recognize that you have done something. But the energies of your heart can speak volumes to theirs; create catalysts for change to grow with in them. You do not need to speak words. All you need to do is to be focused in your heart. This is not something that comes easily to the humans of this world because of the pain that is carried within this heart circuit, but now gaining strength in the heart of healing—in my heart. And I will strengthen you, and I will make you bold, courageous and powerful when your heart is fully activated and healed in me.

So continue to allow me to minister in you and allow these circuits that your Mother and your heavenly sisters are bringing into you to help you heal at more fundamental levels; create new sparks of LOVE to emanate from your heart out into the world. (Pause)

Beloved children, LOVE these energies of CHANGE. CHANGE in the energies of LOVE. It is all a gift, and it is all given to you to make good use of it in the ways you are being guided by the presence of the Father Within. You are gaining strength and recognition of what we provide to you, that you may use this for mastery of yourself, and we delight is seeing how you use these energies for your growth and for service to others. Relish these energies of CHANGE. Let them circulate, deepen, and know it is all a part of you growing in this dynamic power of LOVE that originates in the Father and is applied through the circuits of my being and those of your Mother.
As I take my leave of you today, know that these energies will continue to circulate and deepen, especially when you focus on them and ask for the imprinting to reach into new depths of your being, heal you at deeper levels, transform your thinking, heighten your emotions, and lead you into new fields of sacred service for the healing of my beloved world. I leave you in my LOVE, my children. Thrive and enjoy it. It is my gift to you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]