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===Topic: ''Imprinting on the Love From Our Parents''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you so much for this time to come before you to receive more of our divine inheritance. You know, of course, all the ways in which this was shielded from us—the energies on the planet that still are preventing us from stepping into the fullness of it that you want us to have; that we may be here of agents of change and healing and transformation for our brethren of Urantia and for all life here. We just open this circuit up to you now. And we thank you for helping us receive what you know all what we are capable of imprinting on at this point of our development. We’re so grateful to be here before you today and we thank our celestial helpers for stepping in that your Will may done through your love and protection of this circuit. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Good afternoon, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael. Your Mother and I have some plans for you for today, and it does require for you to drink deeply of this CUP OF MY LOVE that creates a mighty reverberation in your beings to be stronger and larger vessels of the LOVE that emanates from our Paradise Father. This is the energy for your souls to develop in and I invite you to rest in me as your Father and allow what your Mother and I wish to provide to you to stir deeply within you.

Feel your desire and need to be in ONENESS with the presence of the Father Within you. His guiding presence is surely the deepest form of LOVE you can perceive. But as you know, there are many influences that act as interferences within your ability to perceive the Father’s LOVE deeply, and we are here to help you outwork these influences that you may come into the deepest resonance of LOVE that you are capable of perceiving at this time.

So you need do nothing more than feel your desire to receive this deep LOVE. Set that intention to relax and rest in me. Your Mother and I will move in you now, so drink deeply, my beloved children. Accept this CUP OF LOVE. I give it to you…it is yours. (Pause)

Love is reparative. It is restorative. That which you are receiving will creative new circuits and bonds within your being to conduct deeper repair of your beings as you focus on the purity of being in ONENESS with the Father. We are helping you acclimate more to this core personality Circuit which connects you to the First Source and Center, which forms the underlying foundation of your right to exist in Him as a child of creation—forms the pattern for your lives to unfold over this long evolutionary ascent from the basic rugged forms of the animal nature to the heights of supernal spiritual GLORY and BEAUTY.

It is my hope that each of you would fall more fully in love with the Father and with the nature of your being this evolutionary ascending free will personality. We understand that so much of your self-concept is still relegated to the view of being a material being. And of course, it is good that you recognize your innate humanness, for you are here on this world and your sojourn is continuing for some time to come. But more and more, I encourage you to expand your horizons of self and to identify more fully with the eternal career and destiny, and just to see this life the stepping stone for the larger journey you will all take once you leave this world.

Let these words settle into your minds and hearts that you may be more expanded in what this means for your lives and the value it discloses to your souls that your eternal nature may be shared with you, and you glean what this wishes to disclose to you to support you during this time of great transformation in your human life. Continue to drink deeply of this CUP OF LOVE and allow us to help you receive these energies, my beloved children. (Pause)

This endowment today is designed to catalyze more change and opening within you, my children, to help you perceive more of the essence and presence of the Father Within you. You have hardly scratched the surface of your own energy systems to perceive the magnitude of what awaits you, and yet your Mother and I desire for you to help more of this LOVE to strengthen and embolden you—to shine forth from your hearts that others may perceive how deeply fully completely they are loved.

But it must come from you because they do not know us and they do not trust in the Father’s presence within them. So we look to you to anchor into these energies and carry them as a mantle of blessing, connection of deep peace that you can share with them. So as these circuits of co-creation are seeded into you more deeply, let yourselves completely find this deep rest—deep rest in the presence of your Father. (Pause)

It was this depth of connection that I experienced when I was here on this world as your brother Jesus. It is my desire and delight to help you reach this state as well. Know that you are on your way and that much attention is being directed toward you to assist your development of this state of beingness wherein you are conscious of the Father’s presence at all times. Take great delight in what we provide to you. And should you feel the need to ask me any questions on your heart and mind, I invite you to do so now when you feel ready to speak. Should you desire to remain in silence receiving, that is also acceptable. It is your choice based on your needs. I am here to receive you. (Pause—no questions were offered)

LOVE is always the answer to any question you may have, my children. There are many ways in which to discern how LOVE functions in you and through you. This represents the majority of the way in which you will develop—to learn the ways of LOVE, discerning how the Father’s WILL functions out in creation. Each of you will interpret it uniquely, but in very beautiful ways, and this infusion today is designed to help you expand, not only in comprehension of these ways, but in the demonstration thereof.
I leave this for you to consider in thought, to grow in your emotions, that your souls would be nourished, and that your bodies open to more of the healing and transformative energies that are available to you. You live in LOVE. You were created in LOVE. You grow in LOVE, and it is all there for you to learn to use as the Father’s presence guides you forward, teaching you the ways of the universe, helping you become more vibrant, dynamic and productive members of our family. My PEACE is upon you, my children. Good afternoon.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]