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===Topic: ''A Lesson on Seeking and Finding''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “Today’s subject is on [[seeking]] and finding. To most [[humans]] seeking and finding spiritual [[peace]] is a [[paradox]]. It seems that this is the most sought after and yet the most difficult to obtain. For those who [[persist]] in this search, the results are most rewarding. Sometimes the [[attainment]] of this peace happens at a time of [[crisis]], at other times it is found slowly over time, but the results are always [[assured]]. The seeking and finding of true inner peace is an ongoing quest in the [[human soul]]. It is an inborn indefinable [[hunger]] that drives humankind forward to find the Universal [[Creator]] of Perfection.

“And so the quest for [[perfection]] begins, this has often been equated with [[worthiness]] but that is not so. [[God]] is no respecter of persons, He [[accepts]] each alike. Man or woman, rich or poor, saint or sinner, all are equal in His eyes, neither are [[races]], [[creeds]], color or [[Gender|sex]] a deciding factor, All are welcome at the ‘Master’s table.’ The only thing that determines the speed of [[spiritual development]] is the drive and search for inner peace.

“Those who do attain this inner peace lose all [[fear]] of dying, for they have found something in their selves which is eternally alive, and that is the ever so precious God-connection residing in the [[Thought Adjuster]] which was always there. When the human persists in plugging in, a deep [[realization]] will dawn that it is [[at-one-ment]] with the Creator. The mortal will realize instantly that race, creed or color do not matter, only the connection with the All That Is matters. It then becomes consumed with interest to find out more about that [[divine]] connection, so more time is being spent in the [[Stillness]] of the [[heart]].

“Even [[Jesus]] often went away by Himself to [[commune]] with [[the Father]] in heaven and to keep that connection alive. He advised His followers to go apart, each by their selves, to pray and speak with their own [[Ta|God-Fragment within]]. It is in the persistent seeking that God is found, as the [[Kingdom of heaven]] is found to be within. God is not in hiding and if He seems far away, the question arises: ‘who moved?’

“Things of [[material]] import have so largely taken over on [[this planet]], even the so-called [[institutions]] of [[worship]] have become [[money]] oriented; the false god of mammon has moved in and taken over. People’s hearts are overlaid with [[worries]] and burdens and therefore they only start seeking within when the going gets too tough. It has come to a critical point in the [[Part 3|history of this planet]], to strike a more even [[balance]] between [[spirituality]] and [[materialism]].

“When finally this [[balance]] is struck and as more people start activating their God-connection within, they will become more at peace and an overall-greater [[health]] shall ensue for them. This will happen when their [[nervous system]]s will finally be enabled to stay balanced with the true [[rest]] and peace they have found within their selves. They too shall then have realized that they are [[worthy]] [[children of God|children of an unconditionally loving Father]] and not of a harsh judge He has been made out to be.

“Those who seek shall find.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2017]]