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===Topic: ''Trusting Your Human Nature''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful for this opportunity to receive from you and we open ourselves to your LOVE and to your MERCY. You know what we need and you supply exactly what it is that we require for our growth. May we imprint upon your beings now as we settle ourselves into our hearts and open our minds for the Spirits of Truth within to convey what we need. Thank you so much for this opportunity to receive. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: My PEACE is upon you, my beloved children! This is Michael. Over the course of these calls we have been encouraging you to make spiritual growth part of the most important activity that you can undertake on a daily basis. Your Mother and I have shared much with you over the years to help you receive our LOVE and to help you come into the significance of your own personalities, that you may develop those remarkable potentials within your beings, to bring them forth into material reality through your own creative acts and undertakings. We have helped you come into a greater awareness of the concept of self-mastery and to help you on this trajectory. There is much to be gained from this type of endeavor, and I am grateful to each one of you that you have opened yourself up to Spirit that you may increasingly imprint upon the spiritual energies that come from your Mother and me to help you in your development.

Today, as you continue to imprint upon us, I invite you to look at the quality that you may perceive in trusting your own human nature. You know that you have been giving the great gift of personality from the Paradise Father. You are also creatures of evolution. The evolutionary process was designed by the Father and is implemented through the plans of development that your Mother and I impart to the universe of our making. Your evolutionary nature is a part of that grand design, and your evolutionary nature was designed to work in cooperative communication with your personalities that may express more of those potentials within your personalities into material reality.

However, much of the struggle of material living has been now relegated to the maintenance of your physical lives, and not as much attention is being directed towards spiritual development. Yet if this was the case as a worldwide undertaking your planet would be further evolved in terms of its spiritual and moral development than it is now. What we are here to provide you today is to help you perceive your human evolutionary natures through the eyes of divine LOVE.

There is much unworthiness affecting your brothers and sisters who have not yet awakened to the truth of who they are as children of God. This is a very vast influence on your planet and it interferes with the connections you have to Spirit to render you more aware of the significance and importance the evolutionary nature is to the grand scheme of creation. Much of this unworthiness is coming from those influences of the Lucifer Rebellion, and while it is certainly unfortunate that this occurred, your Mother and I are here to impart more of validation you need of your human nature, that you may find a new place of appreciation for it and help you on your journey of self-mastery.

You have learned to trust in us as your Parents and the Spirit Within that comes from the Father in Paradise. Now it is time to learn to trust in your human natures, for it is in this place that you will receive more of a sense of personal empowerment and render you more receptive to the leadings of the Father Within, as well as to perceive the essence of personality that forms the core of your beings.

Take a few deep breaths, my children. Relax into your hearts. Feel your desire and need to trust in your human nature as your Mother and I move in you now, my beloved children. If you wish to have something to focus on in your minds eye while you receive, you may consider placing your gaze on these words, I TRUST MY HUMAN NATURE. We begin. (Pause)

The influences of the Lucifer Rebellion have created a type of schism within your beings that prevents you from fully perceiving your innate value to the grand design of the Father. Yet when you begin to more fully explore this realm of TRUSTING IN YOUR HUMAN NATURE, you begin to perceive that it was designed in great love, with great respect for the nature of the evolutionary process and how it is designed to unfold over a very long period of time to reach its culmination.

There are influences within your own understanding of who you are that may deter you from perceiving the full value of your being as a child of God. Yet when you come to trust in your human nature you are saying to the Father, ‘I trust in the way you have created me. Even though I may not fully understand all of its implications for my life, I trust that the design is good, true, and beautiful. “

This type of attitude on your part allows Spirit to move into those places where there may be deeply embedded rebellion influences that still play a role in deterring you from perceiving your full self-worth. TRUSTING IN YOUR HUMAN NATURE is designed for you to perceive more of who you are from the personality that was given to you by the Father in Paradise, in contrast to how you perceive yourself as you live your lives each day.

When you are more fully invested in TRUSTING IN YOUR HUMAN NATURE, you are effectively saying to the Father, “I trust in how you created me, and I fully accept my status as a child of evolution, growing in my status as a son or daughter of God.” This is paramount to your opening more to the presence of the Father Within, through your Spirit, and to help you perceive more as the Father wishes you to perceive your life. Your Mother and I are here to support your ability to see yourselves through the eyes of Spirit in this perspective. So you have everything to gain, my children, and only to lose that which has devalued you and deterred you from living and expressing more of your Creator-bestowed potential. Continue to receive, as you focus on I TRUST IN MY HUMAN NATURE. (Pause)

All throughout your eternal adventure, you will come into a deeper exploration of this quality of TRUST: trust in the divine plan, trust in yourself as growing ascenders, trust in the loving nature of the Father and in the universe that supports your soul development. This is a foundational spiritual quality that you develop incrementally. But it cannot function optimally unless you have a certain level of trust in yourselves and the nature you have been given. Your evolutionary human status is a great gift. Do you fully appreciate this, my children? If not, you may certainly appeal to your indwelling Father Fragments and ask to see the significance of this nature from the Father’s eyes. As well, your Mother and I will help you move beyond any limitations you may have about your humanity that you may perceive yourselves from that vantage point that truly liberates you to live as a free son and daughter.

From this point you begin to emerge more powerfully from the cocoon of your own self-concept into the beautiful evolving soul that wishes to soar and take you into new heights of creative expression of LOVE in service of faith and devotion to your brothers and sisters and to the universe as a whole. So you have everything to gain and all you lose is fear, doubt, insecurity, and confusion. For you rise above the limitation of your own self-conceived ideation of who you are and into the realm where you truly experience yourself as an awakened and enlivened child of the Father.

Let these words settle in, my children, let them reach those places within you where you still may have doubts in yourselves. And when you feel you have come across an impediment or block in your understanding, come to us and come to your Spirit, and simply ask for help that you may identify what holds you back from perceiving yourselves through these eyes of trust in your human nature, and we will help you see the value behind what impedes your self-perception. (Pause)

Since this is a time we have set aside for questions, you may bring them forward if there is something pressing on your minds and hearts. You may stay in this meditative space continuing to receive from us if you wish. I am here to address your concerns if you feel so moved to speak. (Pause)
Student: Good evening, this is B. This is my first time to be part of a Q&A call and I am quite shy I must admit. But I want to try and ask a question, or perhaps more than one if possible. I’ve read about these several times but I’d like to ask for a deeper understanding about the nature and significance of the pre-existence of the soul, prior to being part of a human being. Is there any significance to the pre-existence of the soul for the unfolding of the life of a human being, would be my first question.

And my second question is, in The Urantia Book you, as Jesus, teach that the stars and heavenly bodies have no bearing whatsoever on human life. At the same time it seems from so many different sources that there is bearing or effects, and so I would love to hear more or understand deeper whether there is really no such thing, and any perceived effects are really part of the mind’s trying to make up meaning. And the same for numbers, since we learn that the Midwayers use numbers to communicate messages, it may well be that numbers do sometimes express meaning or signify purposes into something, some coincidence. So I’m wondering if there is indeed such significance to certain numbers and number combinations. Those would be my two questions for now, I thank you for giving the opportunity to ask these. Thank you.

MICHAEL: B, my son, I appreciate your questions, and it will be important for you to consider that much of what you query is beyond most human understanding at this time. To address your first question: The soul is not what you call pre-existent. What is pre-existent, if you might call it that, is your personality and the presence of the Father Within you. When there is a child created in the womb there are certain evolutionary potentials that combined to yield a certain type of individual, who is then imbued with the gift of personality based on certain evolutionary potentials that which the Father wishes to achieve through that individual.

And then there is the time of the bestowal of the Indwelling Spirit. The Spirit, as indicated in your Urantia text, comes to the child at the time of his or her first moral decision, and through the life experience the soul is created through those experiences which are aligned in the Father’s plans and the Father’s ways.

Some of the confusion in the esoteric texts of your world come from the lumping together of these various composites of the human being to say this is all happening with the soul, coming before and incarnating into an individual. What they mean is the personality, and that personality is a gift from the Father that helps that individual evolve according to the ideal life plan contained within the Indwelling Spirit. Does this help, my son?

B: Yes very much! Thank you!

MICHAEL: To address your second question: The field of astrology has been greatly misunderstood upon your world. There are certain energies—physical energies—that come from the starry clusters and they do emit certain signals into your world. Yet, to say that these energies impact human decision is to negate the power of human will. And to deter people from exploring astrology during my human life as Jesus, I placed the emphasis on the development of the relationship with the Father, who will always steer a person in the correct direction. The science or field of astrology, during my human life time, was used to such a high degree that people felt disempowered to make their own decisions without consulting what they thought was information being conveyed to them. But the stars do emit a certain type of energy, but to say that it impacts human behavior is to negate the power of Spirit Within and the decision making of each individual who has free will to choose. Does this help my son?

B: It does very much, thank you!

MICHAEL: When it comes to numbers and your question regarding that, there is significance in what is trying to be conveyed through certain sequencing of information. But again I would encourage you to look to the Spirit Within for your guidance and direction, and when you come across these types of questions, to ask the Father Within you to clarify what this means. For here is where you will increasingly begin to trust in the nature of the Spirit Within, through your own powers of discernment, and also grow in that comprehension of the ideals and concepts your Spirit wishes to convey to you. Does this also help my son?

B: Yes, I will endeavor that! Thank you so much. Michael, this is amazing! Thank you.

MICHAEL: Be in my PEACE, my son, and grow in your relationship with the Father Within.
My dear children, there is so much for you to enjoy and learn during your human life experience. Place your focus on the Father as you grow in this trust of humanity, your own humanity and that of your brothers and sisters. Your world is undergoing a great parting of the ways and the more attention you spend on your spiritual development, the more you will allow these energies of the rebellion to influence you less and to create a better reality for yourselves that sets you apart from the problems of the world.

This world needs spiritually awakened and enlivened men and women who have been tested and have that ultimate trust and faith in the Father and in their own human natures, which are great gifts. And therein lies the secret, my children, within those personality gifts are great potentials for growth and change and alignment in the divine ways and plans. Take your time each day to be with your Spirits, to commune with the Father, to ask the questions upon your hearts and souls, and you will be guided through the maze of your own mind and into the realm of clarity, peace, understanding, and devotion that leads to selfless service. Be examples for your brethren, and know that I am with you through each of your experiences, and I am here to assist you when you need my help.

Thrive in who you are as sons and daughters of God, and know that my hand is steering this world to its ultimate destiny of Light and Life. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]