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===Topic: ''On Spirit Communication''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “The Circle and I are here today on the [[Sea of Glass]] connecting with you on [[Urantia]] — it would seem that there are some extraordinary forces at work to bridge such a distance of time, space, and [[vibration]], yet here we are communicating with little interference. It is no [[miracle]] that this is so, because we are all connected by the Omnipresence of Spirit. To communicate in this way would be possible for many of you living on Urantia if only you would [[believe]] you could do such things. As the days grow closer to the era of [[Light and Life]], more and more shall the people of Urantia communicate with the [[Mansion Worlds]] — not because there will be greater circuitry in place, but because more of you shall ‘know’ and believe that it is possible!

“For many of you [[students]] reading this message, I [[perceive]] a veil of doubt and a [[fear]] of not being ‘good enough’ to do such things, or that you might ‘get it wrong’ and write something down that is in [[error]]. They are the self-imposed limitations (fear, doubt, ridicule) that prevent you from connecting. [[Teachers]] are available to all those who desire to serve during this [[Correcting Time|time of correction]] on your world. If I may offer a suggestion, I would say to those who desire to have a teacher, to simply ‘ask’ and you shall ‘receive.’ Worry not about what others might say or that you might get it wrong — start with a personal [[journal]] and keep these entries confidential. Ask questions and then ‘feel’ into the answer — write it down and don’t worry about the accuracy of the answer. Begin a regular schedule (a sacred space and time) for your journal writing and soon you shall begin to see that some of what you write is coming from a much deeper place — the answers may surprise you.

“Sit down each time and ask your [[Indwelling Spirit]] to connect you to your teacher. Clear [[your mind]] of all random chatter and simply begin writing — asking your questions — your concerns about life, or any number of thoughts that come to your mind. [[Imagine]] you are hearing dialog from your teacher and write down those things that you ‘imagine’ your teacher would say. It is in the imagination that will [[eventually]] lead you to a belief that you have no limitation in hearing. For this one, who is writing now, it is in the act of writing that distracts him from his own limitations and so my words flow onto the page. Don’t over think it — just begin and worry not about the outcome. Let these journal entries be for you and you alone.

“This [[exercise]] in connecting with Spirit benefits you in more ways than receiving spirit messages; it prepares you for greater [[dialog]] with your [[Indwelling Spirit]]. As you become accustomed to asking your Indwelling Spirit to assist you in connecting and [[writing]], you are establishing a deeper [[relationship]] with Spirit — you are beginning to [[trust]] more. Many of you may simply write from this deeper place within you and bring through impressions from your Thought Adjuster — your Indwelling Spirit. Any and all ways that you use to connect and communicate are never wasted efforts, for there is value in this intimate collaboration.
“Since these writings are your own — for your eyes only — you can [[explore]] and ask the most [[intimate]] of questions about yourself. It is a truly liberating [[experience]] to do such things. Spirit is never judgmental of anything you ask. It is to the joy of all Spirit that you connect and explore this deeper place within yourself, for it sets you upon a path of greater progression and helps you to discover the things of value in your life — those things that survive eternity. Take me at my word, dear friends, and you shall discover something truly unique about yourself.

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2017]]