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===Topic: ''Sharing in the Energies of Jesus' Human Experience''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come to you as little children to receive more of your personality essence and your words of guidance and direction. Thank you for opening your circuit in our minds that we may receive from you what you wish to share with us today to help us in our growth. It’s so wonderful to be with you and receive from you even though we are always surrounded and enfolded within your presence. This just helps us grow in our conscious comprehension the enormity of our Father’s LOVE all around us. Thank you for sharing with us what you provide and help us be better conveyors of your love out in the world to our brothers and sisters. Thank you. May your will be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. I come to you today not only as your Father, but as your elder brother Jesus to share more of my human experience with you as I underwent my human incarnation. The human experience is truly the training ground for the evolutionary adventure. It is not an easy experience. It is rugged, and there are many types of circumstances, challenges, and opportunities that are crafted for you to help you develop your spiritual potential and develop your character.

Your personalities are a gift from the Father. This forms the indissoluble link between you and the First Source and Center. This link is only dissolved when the human does not choose to survive. So you might say this forms a mighty tether to conjoin you with the Father. And then with the gift of the indwelling Mystery Monitor—your Adjusters—you are given the spirit guide to lead you on this most incredible journey of traversing not only this earth plane existence, but to travel all through the universe, growing, building relationships, forging new experiences as you gain mastery in this idea we shall call LIFE, the energies of LIFE, and what LIFE is all about.

When I divested myself of my creator prerogatives as your Father Michael and began my human career, it was in the same manner as you are created and born and move through life. This human experience was very challenging for me. There were many experiences I needed to undergo to develop my personality potential—to develop my own human character.

So today, I wish to share more of that personality essence or energy of my human experience with you. It may be challenging for you to conceptualize what this means. But you are all certainly capable of experiencing with me this wonderful unfolding mystery of growing in the Father’s WILL.

In my human life I was very inspired early to commune with my indwelling Mystery Monitor. And as you know from reading your Urantia text, I had a very experienced Adjuster, having been the Monitor of the incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek. And so, this Monitor was very familiar with the challenges of this particular energy system of Urantia and was able to expertly guide me into communion with the Father.

Each one of your Mystery Monitors has been carefully selected for you, and over time you will grow in more comprehension of your Mystery Monitor and be more attuned with this wonderful and wondrous capacity it has to guide you along this very beautiful and expansive ascension career you are now embarked upon.

Take a few moments to relax into the desire to allow me to come close to you as your brother Jesus to share from an experiential standpoint my humanity with you. There is nothing you need to think about or conceptualize. It is merely an opportunity for you to simply say, “Yes! I wish to share with you in your human experience, my brother Jesus,” and allow me to provide to you that which you will find most beneficial for your own human experience. Feel your desire for this. Focus in your hearts, and your Mother and I will move in you now. (Pause)

In receiving this today, I wish for you to come into the deeper experiential affinity for my inner life. So much of what has developed in Christianity is based on the interpretation of my teachings and the life I lived—how I lived my material life. It is this many humans wish to emulate my material life and think that they will become more Father centered. And while this is true to a certain extent, the reality that will afford my children of this world the most valuable understanding of who I am as a human is to share in the inner experience—my inner experience of communing with the Father.

This is what I share with you. I do not expect the children of this world to emulate my outer life experience but to conjoin with me in this inner experience of Holy Communion with the Father. Each one of you has open access to experience to a very deep soul satisfying level. So with this in mind, continue to open yourselves and allow me to imprint upon you this inner experience of Father communion.

This inner experience sets the course for you for your lives. It allows you the expanded capacity for conscious recognition of the presence of your own indwelling Father Fragment. As you know, it has been very difficult for the children of this world to awaken to the presence of the Father within.

Today, in this endowment I wish to share with you, it is hoped that you would be able to expand in your own capacity to receive more conscious Adjuster recognition and be able to follow the WILL of the Father within you more securely and steadfastly each and every day. You will still experience life in its many challenges, especially in this turbulent time of change on the planet, but that will fill you with greater hope and joy and peace when you are more attuned to the Father’s WILL within and be able to follow the leadings of your Adjusters.

Continue to receive. Allow these words to settle into your minds as your hearts expand in what I share with you today. (Pause)

The Father’s presence within you is the greatest gift you can possibly ever receive. You are now gaining a greater foothold, you might say, in appreciating this. And so, I encourage you to allow this experience to go as deep as you can perceive it, and know that this will increasingly expand you, deepen you, enrich your soul, to help you to relax and simplify the way in which you experience your material lives. In this more simplified outlook in life, you will find more space within your mind to receive the information the Father Within wishes to convey to you. This is a type of simplicity that will help to sustain you through these times of change when it seems that all things of the human made experience begins to crumble around you. And it is crumbling, and it will continue to crumble. But a better way of life is constructed for all humanity to participate. What will sustain you through this time of change? It is the Father.

So it is my delight to share with you more of my human experience of how I communed with the Father, and how I was able to undergo many, many challenges. You have read about them in your Urantia text and yet there are so many more that are not included. The essence of my life is to emulate my example of taking time to richly commune with the Father each and every day. And in today’s endowment with you, if you would have more of that willingness, desire and ability to follow the leadings of the Father, and how you are being so skillfully guided, in crafting you personality potential that will richly grow your souls.

So continue to receive. In a few moments your Mother Nebadonia will speak to you. I will continue to minister to you in this very human experiential circuit that grows your capacity to be here and to emulate more of my inner life experience with the Father. (Pause)

I leave you now, my children in this manner. But you will continue to receive as your Mother speaks to you. Carry this experience with you throughout today and into the coming week. When you come into the stillness and if you have difficulty quieting your mind, call upon me as your brother Jesus and ask me to share with you my experience of communion with the Father, and I will help you. I bid you a most blessed and peaceful good day.

NEBADONIA: Precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There are many vibrations infusing your energy systems while you continue to receive from your Father His human experience of communion with our Paradise Creator.

The energetic endowments of the Father’s presence within you are subtle and yet they can reverberate throughout the many layers and levels of your being, even evoke changes within your physical structures to help you imprint upon more of the Father’s LOVE. This is what we are helping you imprint upon; it is what we are helping you to attune into receive. Each one of you will experience this uniquely based upon your own individual needs. As these energies continue to imprint upon you they will begin to shift certain components of your inner beings to reflect more of the Father’s loveliness: His GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY.

The main objective we wish to impart to you is to be more in that place of childlike faith that says, “Yes, I need to receive this. I want to grow and this is the food I need, the sustenance of my entire being that will nurture me and help me develop as a child in the universe embarking on this great Paradise adventure.” There is an internal compass within you that beckons you on this journey.

As I minister into you today, there are many around you who are helping you assimilate these energies—to absorb them, to move things around within your consciousness system to afford you better receptivity that the Father’s presence within you would become unconsciously perceived. It is all a gift to you simply because you exist. You are our children and we love you. So simply allow, continue to relax and receive. Let each breath take you deeper, expand you wider, that the Father’s presence within you may indeed attune you to more love. (Pause)

Your world is undergoing a great change. You are being fortified with the Father’s LOVE to sustain you through this time. We wish the children of this world to be aware of the great gift they have within them, to trust in the unfolding of divine love, that they would grow as you have grown, come to understand their place in creation. There is a great awakening occurring. It is in the human heart. New circuits are being forged within this heart consciousness, and when you receive this infusion of Jesus’ humanity and His experience with Father consciousness, it grows within your own heart centers and it provides a stimulus for your brothers and sisters around you to calibrate to their own hearts. This occurs beyond the realm of most human’s consciousness. They may not be directly aware that this is what is occurring for them. Your hearts are gaining strength through these infusions, and you are able to contain more of that love energy that will stimulate them and help them open to the presence of the Father Within them.

Healing of this world is being accomplished by spiritual power not through physical force. We are preparing you and many others like you to be these vessels of love. It is such a mighty attractor. It helps your brothers and sisters open to receive what they need to help them, to seek within and know that it is within that they will receive what they need to grow. This will sustain them through this time of change.

So be joyful during this time of change, joyful and grow in the spiritual endowments that you receive during times such as this and during your own stillness communion with the Father. You see, everything is being provided to you to support this time of healing transformation. What is there to fear? It is only the fleeting energies of the old ways rebellion that are now being extricated from the planet’s consciousness you see outworking. There is nothing to fear. There is everything to rejoice. And yes, this will be a very turbulent time for some people. The more you open your hearts and receive, the more you grow, participate in the building of the heart energy upon the planet, to share and expand the human experience of Jesus—His inner life and how He communed with the Father. This is what you are participating in now. This is what will grow and transform this world. (Pause)

Carry this inner experience with you throughout the day, my children, and remember to invite your Father as your human brother Jesus to share with you His experience of Father communion during your times of stillness. And experiment with this to see if helps you deepen your own times of communion with your own Father Fragment to help you feel more love internally. Perceive the vibrations of love that will heal and transform your lives and to help expand your ability to carry His love out into the world. For this truly is a gift Jesus left here, and it is time to resurrect this great gift of His communion with the Father to help the children of this world, and only understand what this means to experience their own Father communion—the Holy Communion with the Spirit Within. (Pause)
Thank you for being here with us today. I leave you in my love. Your angelic sisters will continue to minister to you and help you expand in these circuits of the Holy Communion of Father consciousness. Good day, my beloved children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2014]]