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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re very grateful to be here with you today to receive what you wish to bestow to us of your presence and your support. We thank you for opening us and seeding us with your love that we may continue to progress in your will and be able to accept more changes in our own inner lives and to be of service to our brothers and sisters. We are ready to receive you, and thank you for your will being done in us today.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. Each of you is on a path of transforming your lives, and there are various phases and stages of this journey that at times can be very uncomfortable and even somewhat confusing to you. Many habits of thinking will come into your awareness, sometimes causing those clouds of confusion to hold sway in your thoughts for a time. Your physical bodies likewise undergo various stages of metamorphosis as you allow the higher frequencies of spirit and material matter to enter into your bodies and minds to help you outgrow that which no longer serves you in favor of what your Mother and I wish to impart to you that will foster your spiritual development and others phases of growth while you sojourn here on the physical world.

So today I invite you to come to me in that faith-like trust—to give your thoughts a time to relax, time to unwind and an opportunity to imprint upon that which will truly support you at all levels of your being. The faith-like trust is a fundamental component to your growth as children of Spirit living here on this world growing in your understanding of life. There is another element of faith, and that is a component of the healing journey, let us call it, to help your physical body remember what it was designed to do in terms of healing and growing, yielding to the ministry of the Father Fragment within your being.

Today I invite you to go into that place of child-like faith. Recall an experience when you were young, when you remember yourself to be full of trust and innocence. Let that form the emotional environment for you to receive from your Mother and me today what it is that we wish to share with you of our divine natures and of the certain frequencies that will help bodies attenuate in these endowments more effectively. This is not a time to engage the intellect in trying to understanding in what is happening. Just simply receive in that attitude of trust. Open yourselves to me now. Focus in your hearts. If you would like something to attach your thoughts to as you receive these endowments, simply focus on the words I TRUST MY FATHER. Let your thoughts revolve around that, seeing that in your mind’s eyes and in your hearts as you receive now what your Mother and I wish to share with you. Let us begin. (Pause)

Focus on your need for more faith to be infused into your physical bodies. As you draw this energy in from your heart center, let it circulate through your system, building you in a subtle form of strength that is mightily fortifying to your bodies as well as your souls. In your mind’s eye, you may focus on the word FAITH over not only your heart center, but extending it over into your heart organ. Feel your need for this to fill your physical cells. Simply breathe and relax as your Mother and I impart this into this frequency of your being. (Pause)

Faith is a tether. It is a bond. It is a part of fundamental relationship you have with Deity as our children. Let this bond gain strength within your heart and your mind. Let it forge a new level of awareness within your being that you are safe and that you will receive all that you need to grow in grace and the Father’s will. Recall that my life here as your elder brother Jesus was a very dedicated faith walk. My pronouncement to my children was that you are faith sons and daughters of the living God. It is by faith that you enter into the kingdom.

So this faith is a spiritual commodity, you might say, that you can grow in and become strong, resilient, and vibrant. It is this tether of faith that will allow you to know what to do when you are being called into spiritual service to assist your brothers and sisters. It is a shifting of how you use the mindal currents you have access to from your Mother in a more productive manner. You do not have to project your thoughts so much into the future or to engage in a type of analytical thinking when you are confronted with problems. You begin to relax and allow what you need to come into you that will foster new understandings and provide new solutions for the challenges and problems of life you face.

Drink deeply of this FAITH endowment, my children. Feel your desire for it to penetrate into each cell to enliven every molecule and particle of your being. (Pause)

Faith in an inner tool of living. It provides you with that unswerving assurance that you receive what you need when you need it. It bolsters your capacity to love as it begins to shift your need for demands of your life to be met to being able to be more concerned for another person’s welfare and well-being. It is a fulcrum to shift you into selflessness, and to help you grow in that ever-expanding desire to serve your fellow brothers and sisters. So continue to receive this as these words settle into your minds. Your Mother and I will continue to minister and help you grow into this infusion of FAITH. (Pause)

My children, I know the struggles of your minds. Give them to me. Acknowledge when you have grave concerns pressing on your hearts that I may open you to another way to see what is truly occurring in your lives and to fuel you with more FAITH and a broader perspective that contains the solutions to what you need. Your minds rest easy in this assurance of faith. Know that you are still very much in the phase of outworking many thought-habits and emotional patterns that have truly interfered with your spiritual growth. But you no longer need to be hampered by them as you continue to ask and receive the FAITH you need to project you into a more intimate relationship with your Mother and me that opens your awareness to receiving the insights from your own indwelling Father Fragments.

I will leave you now that you may spend time with your beloved Mother who will address you. As you come into the stillness in future days, ask for this FAITH to fortify within every level of your being. Know that it will and that you will be guided into those experiences that will help you confirm and affirm the faith you have received. I leave you in my peace, my beloved children. I delight as I watch you grow each and every day as you take these steps of faith, as your grow in spirit and soul. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! You are learning to walk in a different way of being, in a different way of thinking and perceiving of the reality in you and the ground you walk. As your Father and I imprint these qualities of FAITH into you today, let your focus now shift to a path you are now traversing on this long ascension path. You can only see a small part of this path but there is a inner awareness this a very long journey before you reach your final destination of the Paradise Father Himself at the very center of all creation. So what is it that will secure your footsteps on this path? It is FAITH and FAITH IN THE FATHER’S WILL. Let your focus be on receiving what we are providing to you.

I invite you to visualize this in your mind’s eye as you walk your path. Underneath this path there is stream or current and this current contains the Father’s WILL. It is a momentum, you might say, moving you in certain directions. Your desire, your love for the Father, secures you on this path and connects you into the Father’s WILL and it is FAITH that propels you along this journey. In your mind’s eye, let this imagery of FAITH move around your feet. As you envision this current containing the Father’s WILL move underneath your feet, feel your desire for FAITH IN THE FAHTER’S WILL to further imprint upon your being to secure your footsteps that you may walk on your path with greater assurance, security and safety, and loyalty.

Spend a few moments in seeing yourselves on this path with FAITH tethering your feet to the FATHER’S WILL in this stream moving you forward once step at a time, moving you closer to Paradise. I will move in you now. (Pause)

FAITH IN THE FATHER’S WILL is an admission that you do not have all the answers for your life. It is an admission that you perceive a greater force, a greater purpose projecting you a co-creative unfolding of the gifts of your personality. You will enhance the fabric of life each step of the way from a material evolutionary will creature through your morontia career all the way to Paradise as an evolving spirit. So it truly is in your best interest to become familiar with what FAITH means, and how FAITH feels—the value of it. It is that tether that urges you Godward.

You have read in your Urantia text that so few people truly live up to the faith they have access to, so we are encouraging you to do that, my children. For it is only this FAITH that will take you through troubling times ahead as your world outworks many of the damaging effects of the Lucifer rebellion and Caligastia betrayal. So fear not these times of change, but let your faith gain precedence both within your mind and body. Feel your need for this as a basic fuel for your soul’s sustenance. As you imbibe this, feel your desire to walk on your path with greater faith assurance and loyalty to the Father’s will. (Pause)

Faith also affords you the opportunity to build your relationships with the celestial and spiritual brothers and sisters who are here to help you during this time of change upon Urantia. You can hardly conceive of all the help to which you have access, yet it is through this portal of faith that more help with come to you as those brothers and sisters who are trained in certain aspects of universe living come close to you to share their experiences with some helpful insights to help you perceive the inner and outer realities, to help you overcome doubts and fears that press upon your hearts.

So, much is to be gained in this FAITH endowment, my children, and much is to be learned and then shared with your brothers and sisters, who also could benefit from deepening their faith experience. It is time to leave fear, doubt and confusion behind, and to step boldly into the adventure to become more of who you are so more help you need can come your way—more encouragement, more support to help you see the reality of life more through the eyes of the Father within you. Let us continue to move in you. If you would wish to alter your focus to let your helpers come closer to you, to feel them around you and ask for a helpful insight to cheer you on this faith path, then please do so. (Pause)

FAITH IS A LIVING TRUST IN THE GOODNESS OF LIFE AND THE FATHER’S CREATIVE PLAN. While your world outworks the old way of life, trust in the victory you are co-creating with us to move Urantia forward. Trust in the goodness of His MERCY, that His plans may be implemented for Urantia to heal and transform. While uncertainty will be part of your human experience, let it be a light-filled one. Let faith and trust lighten this uncertainty energy, for it is going to be with you for a long period of time as you grow through faith in your ascension journey. So often my children sense this uncertainty and succumb to fear and confusion, and then their thoughts begin to spiral down into projected thoughts of doom, scenarios of destruction. I ask you to turn the tides of your mind and let faith and trust buoy you in this uncertainty energy to keep you elevated higher in the emotional range of hope optimism and joy that all is well. (Pause)
My children, what long journeys you have ahead of you. What beautiful adventures you have to explore and come into—so much soul growth. As you know, great souls are forged in times of turmoil and challenge. These are joyful times, and you will gain much as you allow these FAITH endowments to secure your connections within your overall beings to keep you strong and steady. The winds of change blow through Urantia. Walk your FAITH walk each day as best you can, as gracefully poised, calm, and secure. Let your Father and I help you when you falter, when thoughts of fear and confusion seem to form like storm clouds in your mind. Come to us and we will fill you with LIGHT.

As I take my leave of you today in this manner, all you have to do is ask and you will continue to receive and let FAITH carry you into these days of change. Stand proud and strong in your status as a faith son and daughter in the GLORY of God in whose image you were made. LIVE IN FAITH. I am with you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]