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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we are so grateful to have this time today to receive your comforting words and your comforting presence. We thank you for helping us grow in you, helping us to receive what you share with us that we may incorporate that into our bodies and our minds, providing that dynamic for our Adjusters to communicate the Father’s will to us more clearly and directly. We thank you for your presence in our lives and we ask that your will be done in and through us. Thank you.
MICHAEL: My beautiful children, my peace is upon you. This is Michael. Drink in my peace. Drink in my presence. I am always with you, tending you and nurturing you in your every need. There does seem, however, to be from your perspective, a lag of time that sometimes acts as a barrier for you to perceive my presence within you. Today, I invite you to open yourselves to me as the conduit through which time passes into your beings.

Time is an element of the evolutionary process. It is a part of the Father’s plan for you to grow incrementally through your daily experiences, opening in divine communion based upon your hearts’ desires to do the will of the Father that discloses the Father’s action within your being. This time element is an integral part of this process, and today as you come to me and open to me I invite you to imprint upon this attribute of my TIME that you may become more acclimated and rekeyed in what this means in your lives.

There is still a lack of understanding on Urantia about the evolutionary growth process. Your Urantia text tries to describe to you the motions of time as a circular manner, which vastly differs from your time conditioning that seems to run in a more linear horizontal manner. So, while your minds might engage in questioning what this all means, it is my desire for you to receive more of this calibration in my TIME that you may experience this and begin to perceive from your minds new meanings and values of what is this quality we call TIME.

So relax, breathe and open yourselves to your Mother. Ask for my TIME presence to move in you and receive. This is another one of the gifts we share with you to help you in your growth process, and it will give you an expanded and enhanced opportunity to commune with your own indwelling Father Fragments. Let us begin.

In your mind’s eye envision the words MICHAEL’S TIME. Focus it into your heart centers, feel your need for what I wish to share with you to come into your being. This is another aspect of your divine inheritance I wish to share with you. Receive me now, my children. (Pause)

There is an imprint of TIME that is threaded into your being—into your DNA—that is now being addressed. There is an artificial rhythm of life within your planetary culture, even more so in your culture of your country. The man-made conditions have altered your true perceptions of time. We are helping you reestablish a more natural connection to that which is what we know as the time element to help you, not only in your spiritual growth, but to foster greater healing in your being.

Again, it is not so important that you understand what this all means at this particular moment. Just simply relax and allow this imprinting from your Mother and me to move you into greater alignment of our will and our rhythms of life. It is your desires that continues to allow this imprinting process to go into the depths of your being, to help you move into greater alignment of the Father’s will that your own indwelling Father Fragments can relay that quality of understanding that you desire to expand your perception of universe reality.

So let yourselves drink deeply in TIME. Let yourselves relax in your Mother’s ministrations of my TIME into your beings. Feel your desire to have an enhanced, elongated perspective of yourselves—of your beings—that fosters new meaning of what it means to be an evolving child of God on your Paradise ascension journey. Let these words settle in, let your hearts grow and open to receive what we are sharing with you. (Pause)

You all have been exposed to the concept of time accelerating during this period of correction upon Urantia, and you have all experienced this acceleration of time. This is something that we are able to moderate and control based on our desires to minister to our children. And some of you will continue to receive these enhanced endowments of TIME to assist you, not only in your understanding of what this means, but to help you in your own moderation of this TIME element.

Again, try not to use or engage your questioning minds as to what this all means just yet, but to trust that we share these qualities with you as we prepare you for enhanced ministry to your brothers and sisters; to help them stay the course through this very rugged period of change upon Urantia. We are making available to you as much as we possibly can without destroying your sense of equilibrium, which will throw a person off mental, emotional and physical balance.

So trust that we will continue to minister to you that these attributes of Spirit—that you—may expand exponentially in them, but in a way that is rhythmically suited to your highest good. After all, your Father Fragment knows how to guide you forward on your path. But during this time of change you do need, what you might say, better equipment on this journey. So continue to receive. More adjustments are being made within you and will continue to be received and made in you, especially when you ask for more of my TIME to calibrate upon your evolutionary natures. (Pause)

My children, my love envelopes you through all of these endowments! Never question or doubt my love for you even though at times you do not receive or perceive all of what I wish to share with you. One day, when you are with me on Salvington, you will receive the fullness of my divine embrace for you will have expanded in your capacity to be with me. So always know that you are growing, you are developing, and you are learning about the trust relationship that I have with each one of you.

Let this quality of TIME be one that you ask to receive just as you ask for my patience, my peace, my compassion and understanding. My being is accessible to you, and I share these qualities with you to not only help you receive more of who I am, but help you understand that you have access to this at all times.

I will leave you now in the capable hands of your loving Mother who will speak to you. Continue to receive from us and know that we are ever with you. So when you falter in your own human understanding and strength, take those moments of stillness, ask for us, and we will minister to you, our beautiful children. Be in my peace. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. The various dimensions of your Father are quite beyond your human understanding, and so it is delightful to watch you grow in your relationship with Him, becoming ever more trustful of who He is and watching you grow in those divine attributes of His majestic and wonderful personality. He is your Father. He created you, and the circuits of life that are a part of my being form the environment for you to live and to grow in these wonderful personality qualities.

So as today you have receive this endowment of TIME, let us now switch focus slightly that you may allow this element of TIME to move into you, into those other qualities that you have received from your Father that they may integrate together and bring you into more wholeness—a greater depth of validity of who you are as an aspiring evolutionary will creature of the Father’s perfection.

All I ask you to do is to feel your desire for this wholeness integration to go deeper into your beings, and let those aspects of your personalities that are a part of your soul—your beauty, your patience, your understanding—to receive this integration from Father through my circuits and through your angelic sisters who delight in helping you to encode upon these energies of life, of light, of love. Allow my presence to move in you and to sew you into your Father. If it will help you to focus, I invite you to see the word WHOLENESS and to hold that as a desire within your hearts. (Pause)

As young developing souls, for many of your formative years your lives have been deprived of the depth and breadth of spiritual energies necessary for soul development. You have learned to come to us, to your Father Fragments to receive this spiritual energy. And now we invite you to expand your desire to grow as large as you can in us, that your souls may fully embrace all that you have access to.

Your Father, in his human life of Jesus, paved the way for you to recognize that you have this potential to reach this state of personality integration and spiritual alignment with the will of Father. You have all started out on this journey in great faith. But now let that faith move into a realm of deeper assurance and that your destiny here on Urantia can exceed what you have heretofore consciously come to understand about who you are. You have the potential to achieve the same height of Father consciousness as did Jesus. After all, He used His human mind in conjunction with His own Father Fragment to develop this state of Christed awareness.

Why should it be any different for you now that you are aware? It is only your desire—your will—that prevents you. It is truly this simple. The more you desire the Father’s will to prevail in your lives, to dominate all of your mind, your heart, more help you will receive, and the more growth you will make. So we ask this of you at this time of planetary change, my children. But you are not doing this alone, for we are with you, and in some ways you have it easier than your brother Jesus. For now you have other brothers and sisters who are on the path with you to support you in a human way, so that you do not need to feel that human loneliness that Jesus experienced, for you are not alone. With all the help you have around you from the human brothers and sisters and your celestial brothers and sisters may these feelings of loneliness be banished forever from your mind and heart.

As these words settle in, I ask you to open your desire to be and do the Father’s will go deeper into your hearts that you may receive more from us, and be moved out into experiences in your material lives to live what is being sown into you. (Pause)

You are the hope of this world, my children. Like so many others that are now being prepared, there is this growing awareness of this planet’s redemption. We ask you to carry the Father into all aspects of your life that you can, as carriers of His love, express it to all with whom you come in contact. They will receive this, and at some level perceive this, and it will fill them with hope and stimulate their faith. As you deepen your desires, as you grow your experiences of doing the Father’s will, you will evoke even more change into this planet’s spectrum of consciousness.

So grow! Grow and thrive! Grow and enjoy, and let what is being seeded into you have its time of gestation in Michael’s TIME, that you may bear the good fruits of Spirit when you are with your brothers and sisters and you have those wonderful opportunities to share with them the joys of being a child of God. Live freely and courageously each day, for it is by doing so, that you truly embody this truth.
I leave you with much to consider and much to integrate. I encourage you to spend time with your Father Fragments today and to ask for your Father’s perspectives to be gleaned within your conscious awareness both in your mind and in your heart. You live in my love, my children, and your Mother is always with you. We are connected and it will always be so until you leave the universe of Nebadon to embark upon the superuniverse adventure; you will always be with me. I leave you in my love, my children. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]