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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for the presence of your being inside of us today, building us in more of who you are that we may become more like you. Thank you for ministering to us in these circuits of your love and life. We are so grateful to be aware of you and participating with you, coming into greater contact and union with our Father Fragments. And we open ourselves to receive you today that your words may imprint upon our minds and your presence feed our souls. We thank you and may your will be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. It is so delightful for me to engage with you today in this forum where you open yourselves to imprint upon me as your Father, and to grow in the expanse of consciousness that is your Mother, and that you would be in a more favorable place to allow the outworking of the rebellion influences to further unfold in you. As you know, this world is receiving much spiritual pressure, and it is good that many hearts are responding to this internal call of their hearts for a better way of life, and that they are becoming aware to seek the spiritual aspect of their beings to fulfill those yearnings they are perceiving more hungrily or deeply within their beings.

You, all of you, who have been on a dedicated path of opening to the ways of Spirit are being prepared to minister to these brothers and sisters, my children, who have great need of understanding the time of change and the energies of transformation. This is not always so easily understood. You have a distinct advantage over many because of, not only your reading of your Urantia text, but your participation of the Correcting Time and being aware of your celestial brothers and sisters who have been made available to you to help you on your path, as well as opening to deeper intimacy with your Mother and me. All of this is about to change.

There is a might transformative energy that will uproot more of these old patterns that have distorted your perception of reality. More and more, individuals who are attached to these influences will feel this uprooting, and it will cause them great consternation, confusion and even despair. But your Mother and I have encouraged you to fear not these times of transformation, but to stay focused on us that we may provide that never-ending ever-flowing stream of LOVE and MERCY, COMPASSION and FORGIVENESS that you would share this with your brothers and sisters to help them learn access to spirit within them.

So today to further prepare you, I invite you to open yourselves to more of the transformational energies your Mother and I have made available to this world. You are our children and we delight in you. And we desire that you delight in yourselves—to re-establish that identity connection of yourself as a small child full of faith, playfulness, light heartedness, and delight in who you are becoming as you lose the imprint of these rebellion energies and grow more steadily and assuredly in us.

To assist you on this adventure of becoming more who you are as a faith child of God, I invite you to focus on the word of TRANSFORMATION, as you see this in your mind’s eye and allow us to seed this further into your energy systems. Feel your need for these transformational energies to imprint upon you while you focus in your mind’s eye on the word TRANSFORMATION, and simply relax as we impart this into you in the places where you need this. Let us begin. (Pause)

As we seed these energies into you, let your focus fall upon your heart centers where so many seeds of potential have been imparted into you by your indwelling Father Fragments as part of what Father wishes to co-create through you during the course of your evolutionary career. Some of these seeds are stirring in your hearts, stimulating ideas, catalyzing creativity, bringing you into a deeper need to express these aspects of your personality. It is the true co-creation of who you are with the Father as you exist with Him on this circuit of personality as we all do.

As you gaze upon your heart center, feel your longing for these seeds of potential to be now expressed into material reality and trustingly know that the Father wishes for you to express this because it is a part of His expression as well. Your potential is rich and deep, my children. It is up to you to develop it, but it is not something you are doing on your own. Your Mother provides you the environment. You are given opportunities to express this. The Father within you expresses Himself through your love and your devotion. And I help you demonstrate the fruits of the spirit as you are doing this, that you and your Adjuster may be more fortified together and grow as this mighty soul who is walking on earth as a human. So open wide the portal of your heart where these seed desires are, for they are good, and they are a part of what is necessary to be created now on this earth plane now during this particular time of correction. (Pause)

It is not advisable for you to entertain any thoughts of insecurity or that you do not have this potential within you. The expression of your self out into the material reality is the only way the Father becomes real. You do, after all, have a rudimentary understanding of what is the Supreme Being and that you are participating in the evolving deity of consciousness. But have you truly made that heart connection of the Father’s LOVE wishing you to express a fuller range of your gifts of personality with this evolving Supreme mind? Have you made a commitment to co-creating in the Supreme Mind the highest priority of your life?

We have shared information with you about growing your God-self through communion with us and your indwelling Adjusters. And of course this is all part of the fabric of the Supreme mind that does evolve and is evolving now. But here I would encourage you to simply adjust your perception and your desire to co-create more in the mind of the Planetary Supreme, as this is the arena in which your collective consciousness develops its divinity status, and you have both privilege to operate in that as well as a responsibility. And now, your Mother and I wish for you to become more aware of both of these aspects, and to help you learn how to focus your desire—what you call intention—to be attuned to this evolving Godhead that will foster your soul development, stimulate creativity, and help you achieve levels of development that lead to Adjuster fusion. Let these words settle into your minds. We will continue to help you to imprint upon these transformational energies your Mother and I are sharing with you now. (Pause)

Co-creation is the essence of transformation. You might say it is the soul of transformation because here you are now engaged with the Father within you. The system of consciousness has been adjusted to higher frequencies of personality that you may imprint more upon your Mother and myself; that the Father’s presence within you would stimulate those potentials for your soul development. When you make that the objective of your life then all things are added into that, and the co-creative process takes you into this rich imaginative adventure of exploring the universe and expressing its mysteries through you in unique ways. So fear not this time of TRANSFORMATION, my children! Steady yourselves in me! Enhance your consciousness in your Mother. Above all, grow boldly, joyfully, faithfully, and know that all things are becoming new. YOU ARE BECOMING NEW! (Pause)

I will leave you now, my beloved children, that you may enjoy deeper intimacy with your beloved Mother. But truly we are never separated, and you may come to me at any time with your joys, your cares, your concerns. We will explore them together to help you see the variables and the options are available to you in co-creation, to embrace this time of true inner transformation upon Urantia. For one day when you are on the mansion worlds or on your constellation or universe career you will indeed marvel at the faith you demonstrated in opening yourself up to these teachings and experiences. Enjoy your time of TRANSFORMATION, my children. This is a unique opportunity, and I share it with you in my LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little ones! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! There is an inner core of your beings that is being stimulated to resonate a certain type of frequency that catalyzes change. This a natural energy of life—of growth. It is part of the Father’s plan, and it is one that we wish for you to become familiar as you embark upon this transformational experience.

There are many ways to look at the creation process—how the life force functions within your beings through the circuits you know as the adjutant mind spirits that come from me. But more than conceptually understanding some of these things is the experientalizing of them—making that imprint upon your soul that alters you forever and helps you discern new meanings and higher values of the Father’s LOVE in your personal experience. This is part of the co-creational adventure, and we desire that you become more aware and operative of these energies that you may apply them wisely in your daily lives. So, enjoy this continued imprinting experience as I share more of my nature with you, as you imprint upon your Mother that your capacity may be augmented. (Pause)

Your Father has made a promise to this world. These promises are now being fulfilled, and yet there is more to come as we provide you with more of the necessary circuitry and endowments of LIGHT and SPIRIT for this imprinting transformational process to go deeper into you. These are mighty reverberations of LOVE impacting your systems now. And we do not wish for you to anticipate what this will look like, but to eagerly experience the unfolding of the beauty that you are as a child of God. This is the harmonization of the raw evolutionary nature to the divine: the crafting of the artistry that is your soul. So few Urantians ever dared to achieve this, even though you had the most marvelous example of your elder brother Jesus, who demonstrated this so magnificently during his earth life.

But all that is changing now. Now the hour is striking! It is almost, you might say, a dare, a challenge to rise to the occasion—to rise to the Spirit within you! To rise and become the mighty men and women of Christ consciousness that we want you to embody and demonstrate! So you see, my children, what a wonderful opportunity this time this is. Yes, there is much that needs to be outworked, and sometimes it will be sorrowful, but always behind that is the joy of creation, and we will continue to help you outgrow all that you do not wish to represent anymore.
Embrace your challenges with vigor and gusto, enthusiasm, hope, courage, and above, all great faith! For here is where the Father within you meets you, gives you that impetus to continue to rise to the occasion of becoming Christ-like in thought, word and deed. Continue to imprint as these words settle in. Receive the outpouring of my embrace and let your hearts be full of joy. (Pause)
I will leave you now, my children, but never am I farther away than a breath, a thought, an awareness. You are so delightful to behold in your growth, your change, your desires, and even your struggles. But we do wish you to struggle less and trust more, and to relax more in the natural unfolding of these transformational energies to rhythmically attune your life to this rate and pace of change. Let all things become new. Let all things grow in the Father’s LOVE, and may you prosper in the consciousness that you are His Christed representatives here on beloved Urantia. Good day, my beloved children.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2013]]